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[Enjin Archive] MT REVAMP 2013 - Suggestions & Ideas
Started by [E] sawine


Thank you.
Okay, enough ridiculous posts. (I'm sorry, but I don't have lag machines.)

I think that in order to make Minetown popular, we need more voters, for one. Maybe make double MTC every few hours? Encourage voting for people who don't normally vote. Matt, you need to post more voting updates on that one thread (if it's still alive). Most people do not even actually vote on the old page, so make the sites on the old page be on the new page and totally remove the old page. This will actually allow us to go up in the voting ranks. Also, I've had my fill of people complaining about this and that on the server, specifically about it not being active. I want to end that once and for all! It's annoying to see my favorite server "dying" in a way, although I do not mean it is dying, I mean it is merely coming to it's end in popularity. Even though I love Minetown Main server, some people can't play on it 'cause of lag. Fix the lag by making a 4 spawner every 20 chunk limit. I don't know, just do something that will benefit the server's number of players.

Also, the Zombie server has been shut down, and almost nobody played there. Shut down a few more inactive servers such as Wildlands and we'd be good. That's just my opinion.
Can someone please just explain to me why diamonds are a better currency than MTC?

Like I said above its important to be different to other servers, I'm affraid people we have spawners, that makes us different. Making a vanilla world without spawners would be disastrous, why would I want to play on that? Other servers have cool plugins , I'm gonna go play on those. That's what we are trying to avoid. We gotta keep spawners or replace it with something just as unique
The stubbornness of not resetting the map for nostalgia's sake when it is blatantly clear that it's the best, if not the only solution to some of the server's major issues is disappointing to say the least. Minetown is supposed to be a survival server, yet in the main server's current state (mainly economically) it is not and has not been that for a very long time. There is no benefit in not resetting the map, and if there is, I would very much like to know what it is. If the issue behind not resetting is peoples' builds being lost, then give a reasonably long notice beforehand for people to be able to have certain things saved transferred over. Would this be a lot of work? Of course it would. But again, it would be worthwhile when you consider how much work has been put into attempts to fix the economy (which in the end have not had any real effect) and that trying to physically clean up the existing map would be infinitely more difficult, if not impossible. However, if the reason for not resetting the map really is just for the sake of nostalgia, or meaningless bragging rights for having the oldest map, or because it would be too much work moving things over, then so be it. I personally don't find those to be valid reasons, but the decision is of course not mine to make. I for one will stay with the server either way, but I really do feel that a map reset will improve the quality of the server vastly more than any other change that could be made. I also feel that an essentially clean slate could be a very good way to retain new members. Expanding the map is all well and good, but I think we can agree that many new members who don't know the workings of the server yet can be very easily put off by the insane difficulty of walking from spawn and attempting to find an empty place to build. It was fairly overwhelming almost a year and a half ago when I joined, and I'm fairly sure that it can only have gotten worse since then.

End giant paragraph.
I remember Darth once was working on a special feature for the enderdragon. It had something to do with traps and special loot and that the special loot combined would give you a special item.. This was a feature i had been looking out for when i was a newb. I have tried to find the news post, but i couldnt find it.

This feature had so much potential. I still have never seen a plugin like that and it would give the end a unique feature, which could attract new players.

I think that with the come of the Wildlands server instead of the GuestWorld we called out our own doom in the form of dropping online members. Guests started joining that server, instead of the main, caused the ammount of players online on the main server drop. Personally, when i see that a server has 4 players online i don't feel like logging in, but once i see 100 players are online there is a way higher chance i login, just cause of that number. I think that with the move of all the guests to the wildlands is what caused the dropping ammount of players. Of course this has now been fixed with the come of the Hub, but that was too late.. The online members already dropped hard. Wildlands needs to be removed too.

I also think that there are too many servers with the amount of players we have online. If you see 3 members online on the main, you won't have that feeling like staying, and most of these 100 players are playing on the MCball and CTF servers. Currently, there are 32 players online, divided over 11 servers, 17 of them are on the MCball servers, that makes it that there are 15 players online over 9 servers, an average of 1,5 players per server. My conclusion: too many servers. A few servers can be fused, those servers could be the Events server + the Creative server. The hub is too big, a orderly world with the portals near eachother. I think that this is a job for our Build team.

I would like to see a new server that is called the Minetown Realm server. This server has no MTC, no spawners, and pretty much everything else that is already stated in this thread. This server should have the Enderdragon feature i mentioned above. This would mean the current main will pretty much be abandoned, but not RESET. The realm server has an economy, without mtc. In my eyes we should use our old gold/diamond system, but now improved: a gold/diamond/emerald system. The Realm shouldnt either have a whitelist function either, but a special guest system: they will not be able to use lava/tnt and other mats that are known griefing blocks. Players should be able to claim their own land, and they can increase the amount they can claim by buying available blocks from a sign for gold/diamond/emerald (this gives us a valuable sink) or by spending time online. Also, this Realm server should have more unique features, every world (overworld, nether and the end needs their own unique feature) and i think that we need the MT crowd to help us that, together we can make the Minetown Realm server a succes!

I will try to think of more things once i have more time, but i'm busy studying for my exams too.. If anything isnt clear, feel free to ask me and i will explain it again.
Good idea nem, but I wold say no official economy, player trading is the way to go

We need to make sure it's not just a vanilla survival server, it needs to be really different, easy to begin, satisfying to play and rewarding to end

That's what we need. Main had its run. The map is too developed , too much STUFF has been made or found. We need something new and exciting, not just plain old minecraft.
BARNEY626 wrote:
Good idea nem, but I wold say no official economy, player trading is the way to go.

Seconded. I prefer the idea of having more of an informal bartering system than a set currency. It fits in more with this sort of game to me.
BARNEY626 wrote:
Good idea nem, but I wold say no official economy, player trading is the way to go

Agreed here.
BARNEY626 wrote:

That's what we need. Main had its run. The map is too developed , too much STUFF has been made or found. We need something new and exciting, not just plain old minecraft

A map expansion adds not only more room to build, but also more (new) resources. The thing is that people are always going to be looking for something new and exciting. It's why Minecraft is on a decline, and why there's so much new stuff being added with every update. We really need people getting the word out. All good things must come to an end at some point, including minetown, but when that happens is up to us. Not telling anyone about it and relying solely on the few members who vote (None of the older members, including myself, vote enough.) isn't going to get this server far. It takes everyone getting the word out to keep this alive.

It's up to you to decide when this community fades into oblivion.
- MineZ

- The Walls

- Minigames

More of those, I mean look how popular it is. Why? Minigames.

People. Want. Minigames.
keep in mind the point of all this is to bring in a big player base again like before, I would think we're trying to stay away from making more servers to keep people away from main, but there's nothing to be said about having them all in mini game events world.