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[Enjin Archive] MT REVAMP 2013 - Suggestions & Ideas
Started by [E] sawine

As to WHATITDO said on the very first page, I agree fully. You may say I didnt, but here a while back I wanted to help change spawn, update it, completly re-vamp it. And (Believe it or not!) I was told that was a very stupid idea, and that no one in there right mind would even think of doing it(This being a month or two ago) . I thought of having events for players to come together and make a spawn, and the winning idea got tweaked to Staff liking, and pasted in as spawn. And the second half of WHATITDO's post, was also an idea hopping around in my head. As HUNTERKILLER47 said, Change is necessary, may not be liked by everyone, but its needed. But, to go over and do a complete overhaul to MAIN, manually going through and deleting very old, un-used regions, buildings, ghost towns, and such, then //regen a lot of it, and you will probably have half of the current map freed up. People want to see main keep moving on, and there is no way around major, MAJOR work, but it can be done. Ive offered multiple times (Even tho it doesnt matter, because its staff, or no one) to help re-vamp, or anything that was needed in or around spawn. Im not the worlds best builder, but I know my way around WE, and things that help get the job done. This is also a "This is the problem" post for me, looking from the outside in as a player. (TO GO ON A SIDE NOTE) - Change is good, but some things are the players decisions, it cant be all about "what the server needs", but more of the players preference. THe server isint the one playing the game, and keeping MineTown a Top Minecraft Server, its the PLAYERS. Some staff ideas, (and yes I will probably be talked about for this) are stupid. The follow through with them because they have power, and people backing them up(other staff members). BUT, this is about the Revamp, and not, uh, issues. So with all of that being said, possibly let players in and help with this, Staff are (mostly) in creative, and can fly etc, etc, so dont have a full idea of the players view, and experience. Maybe create a new rank, something like or something, and pool all ideas. I would like to see MineTown thrive and survive, after all, this was my First server ever, and like a "Minecraft Home" for me.
Expand mains border
Adam R wrote:
It may seem a bit unusual, but I would like to see something along the lines of Artificial Jobs, as in a location where one can perform tasks and labour, repeatedly, to earn money. Sometimes when I log on and have no motivation to build, I would relish the ability to go somewhere and earn money doing something fairly basic.

Perhaps chunks designated for 'clearing', or farms you need to harvest and such.

This could also be used to create a set minimum wage for players interacting with each other in terms of labour - why should I clear Player X's land when I'll get more money than they're offering if I go to TheJobCentre? Essentially meaning richer people spend more, so that poorer people get more.

This is every likely a ridiculous idea, but I'm rather tired and there didn't seem to be anything else to contribute on the forums.


Second idea: Assign certain event staff for especially 'forums events', essentially keeping the forums lively, active, and entertaining. Twould be their duty to come up with thought-provoking thread, catchy games, and generally brighten the place up.

If this is idea were to be implemented (I think it is genius, imo) it would need to have set amount of hours or wages that could be earned in a set amount of time, or it would result in an infinite source of wages that would just destroy the newly fixed economy; and a tax on wages earned through server work wouldn't hurt.

Also, a tax on all MTC transactions so that the server would have a "sales tax" to be paid would help remove MTC from the economy if it ever got to a dire state again.
Regarding MTC wiping. its not that simple. what i suggest is we do a bell curve, sorta like socialism/communism the rick players with 45 million lose 90% of their wealth while someone like me with only 70K loses only 30%. That levels the playing field. One thing that keeps minetown what is it is, it that we have never had a map reset. with thats said we haven't had an expansion in almost a year.

I plan to eventually return to Minetown, but the main reason I left is because their seems to be a major lack of cooperation sometimes. A lot of the players are already rich, have multiple homes, and spend their money on a ton of materials and privately work on projects. To attract more players and keep old ones, we need to have more "group activities" IMO. In this respect, I don't think a server wipe would be so terrible. Don't hate me for saying that.
lancefortier wrote:
Regarding MTC wiping. its not that simple. what i suggest is we do a bell curve, sorta like socialism/communism the rick players with 45 million lose 90% of their wealth while someone like me with only 70K loses only 30%. That levels the playing field. One thing that keeps minetown what is it is, it that we have never had a map reset. with thats said we haven't had an expansion in almost a year.


Not to be rude, but the way this seems worded is that you want the others to make sacrifices and you just a little one. I don't have much in MTC either, but we all have to make a sacrifice to get the economy back to the way it needs to be. While this might seem fair to you, it's not to those who busted their asses for their 40 million.
You should add MCjobs!...maybe even modify it and name it MTjobs...hahaha that would be awesome.

Hi all,

I see that MT is starting to slip in popularity. After I left a few months ago, I figured that if the attitude I had kept whilst I was staff right before I left, which was a lack of caring about change and innovation, MT would eventually lose the ability to be successful, exciting, and running properly. So in light of some things which have started to go bad partly because of my behavior, I would like to suggest what I have thought about for the past year. I don't expect everybody to listen to what I have to say; I just want to say what has been bugging me for about a year in a more rational way than I did when I "ragequit."

Minetown, before its massive rise in popularity, was just a pokey little community, with nothing much to show for itself. But if there was one thing we had, it was a tightly bound community that wanted to work together on what was an amazing map at the time for the amount of people we had. The main map still has some amazing designs throughout, such as the part of spawn you first start in, the old northern residential plots, and some of the old towns dotted everywhere.

However, there are a few things that I noticed that make the server frustrating to play on, or make the server undesirable. The first of these issues is regions. I could be wrong, but I remember hearing that a good part of the "lagginess" comes from the massive amount of WG regions. The large desire in automating the server's arduous tasks such as land protection puts a unnecessary weight on performance. Unfortunately, we have seen how Bukkit cannot handle this load. Therefore, i think we need to radically simplify the backend so that it's easier to both use and operate. Additionally, we need to find a way to protect land without WG regions that is easier for the server to process. All in all, I would think this would massively reduce lag. In turn, this would make server more desirable to play on and potentially bring in people like myself who are picky about lag.

Next off is the economy. MT has such an uncontrollable economy; anyone can tip balance just by being foolish. Also, it's designed to prevent people from needing the things they can already get without the use of an economy. I hate to say this, but we need to control prices. Period. Anyone can go get stone, dirt, etc. It's nice when you can go into a market and buy anything you want, but isn't Minecraft about mining, not merchanting? I understand some people want that kind of gameplay, but I feel that it turns Minecraft into a mindless game of buying and selling, instead of mining, crafting, and building. I've seen the effect of uncontrollable prices on this server; it makes it painfully easy to get anything you want without playing the game as it was meant to be. Also, with price comes a change in currency. In the real world, can dollar bills be crafted or mined? No, that's the idea; NO ONE should be able to make currency out of thin air. I know we have the digital currency, but we all see how easy it is to abuse that (e.g, Danny buying enough obby on the PVP server with his money from Main to get a massive advantage). We need to use emeralds as the main form of physical currency. Yeah, they can be mined, but on a server like this the amount of emeralds in the ground is dwarfed by the amount of money amongst everyone.

Next off is the layout of the map. Spawn is awesome; it encompasses much of the MT style, and it houses many public features. But as soon as you leave its walls, you're either greeted by unfriendly mess after mess of tiny dotted houses with poor build quality, or the flattest town in existence. I'm not one to talk about build quality from my towns, mostly because I took over old towns. But I know that this obsession with starting new towns needs to stop. We have waaay too many towns on this map, and some that have the potential of absorbing others. We need to simplify and organize. If we all work individually on a tiny town, then what does that show to newcomers? I feel that it shows that we don't care about new people, and that we don't want to work with others. I am personally guilty of this; whenever someone wanted to help, I would either ignore them or tell them to build their own town. We need to work as a group and build towns that will be pleasing, as well as roads and physical transportation between the towns to make people see how much we care about the server's design. This leads me to the main map. I think it's time to start anew. The old map is too old and too small for it's potential capabilities. It was started in an era of Minecraft that didn't involve massive city planning as if this was NYC. We need to make a new map that utilizes the ideas that I previously mentioned about large cities and physical linkage between. Finally, we need to stop flattening everything and build around the contours of the land. If LA would have cut through the mountains, then Beverly Hills wouldn't have its iconic design. Those hills, vallies, rivers, oceans, and forests give our towns that extra kick of quality and nice looks that separates us from other servers that still use the classic flat and simple method.

Finally, I'd like to comment on the community. Where is it? Why do people leave after many months or even years? It's simple: if people hate what they deal with, they can easily leave without any issues. Furthermore, we take what is theirs without any care of what it was. I can understand shody houses made of dirt, but what about entire towns? Or people's belongings? I admit I am guilty of acts like this, seeing as I own two towns I did not start. But at least I kept one of them without leveling any houses. We need to act more as a community and not as a bunch of selfish loners. Also, we need to be more selective about who we allow as members of Minetown. I am sick of accepting immature brats who either pay their way in or make complete fools of them self. I don't care if this is the internet; there is no order in letting kids run a muck with no proper discipline. If people seem like they may cause problems, they need to be warned before they get the boot so that we can better sniff out the troublemakers. If we keep letting these brats ruin the server, soon MT will be just a memory. I feel that we are better than that; we once had an amazing group of people running the place and a good community to go along with that. We can bring all of that back with hard work and dedication. Only if everyone is willing and able can MT be once again successful.

I know that a lot of what I say contradicts what I did when I was staff many months ago. I apologize for that rude, immature, and selfish behavior, and I plan to never act like that again in this community. But with that set aside, I think that with my suggestions made above, Minetown can be fun and desirable again. All we need to do is revamp the economy, reboot the main map, and overhaul the community's structure and disciplining system.

PM me if you have anything to ask me personally, now that I am potentially back.


Good old mastaC i knew you would come back. I "borrowed" your skin because i loved it soo much. please don't be upset. i felt you always had valid input, even though you always seemed upset. i always like you as a person and i hope we have you back. as for you comment jarad. why do you need 1mill+ credits. The Answer: you don't. money needs to not be transferable. i doubt people made millions off the zombie server. at i mtc a kill you would need to kill 100k zombies to have the money i have. they would take all day. its way easier to merch.

Edit: Noone busted their ass for 40 million. the sold their eggs to egg drop. if i cleared land 24/7 for 2 years i not would have 40 million. because people are profiting off me when i clear land. people who clear land are underpaid. most of the rich player are staff. what a coincident
lancefortier wrote:
most of the rich player are staff. what a coincident

Hi! Just popping in. Wanted to point out that Minetown Staff are often successful and industrious players with a good head for trade (I'm looking at you, Cyto), traits which can accompany ones which make them such excellent staff. True, some, including myself, capitalised on egg prices, but then again I was simply lucky enough and with a smart enough brain in my head to take the opportunity when it presented itself.

Additionally keep in mind that skilled builders make buildings with minimal cost and sell them for extravagant profit. Your 100k wouldn't even buy you some of the skyscrapers being thrown around, sadly. So perhaps one searching for money might look at developing their architectural skills.

Oh and as a final note, keep in mind that many staff have very....enthusiastic fans, ones who are often willing to donate large sums of money to said staff's projects.

Well, Adam out.