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[Enjin Archive] MT REVAMP 2013 - Suggestions & Ideas
Started by [E] sawine

Listen most of the people on this forum post is behind hk's idea im behind of what he said.As in making people mad and worry about people leaving do worry you got to make some people mad to make a lot more people happy.You cant please everyone.Just look if we go back to what mt main used to we had easily 50-100 people daily or more now since we added spawners and changed a few things look at main now where are we now? Going downward by the day but everyone got to ask them selfs do you want to see main rise once again or do u want to see it crash and burn into the ground.Who cares if you lose your mtc i got 4million and a few spawn eggs in a ender chest do u think i care.NO.And as for spawners people should go out and actually work for there materials and when you find a spawner like Italy said make a trap around it.Whats the fun of sitting down in your base and getting a ton of resources by a click of a mouse in less than 10min.If you go through these post and do the math on how many credits people are willing to give up its quite the number. italy08 42mill hunterkiller47 8million me 4million =) all combine = 54 million credits.Look at all these questions i ask in this post ask your self these.We need to face some negatives and look in to the future.We can all recover than a stumble on this server.
hey another thing about the rail line going to major places in mt main me and mynameisneil aka neil.We thought of a idea of making a main hub it will be a large area with 3x3 door ways with a sign to the place you want to go to.And in the 3x3 door way there is 2 pressure plates and when you step on to the plates you will teleport to the place you wana go,It sounds like a good idea to me.There will be a sign in spawn so when new members come to mt main they can do the command and come to this place and get to explore mt and all of its awesome and historic places on main that many members put many hours in for people to see take Tokyo as a thought..

  • Reduce MTC by 80% (the wealth remain wealthy, the poor remain poor)
  • Switch to MBox (no player to player spawner transactions)
  • Make credit purchases through server only
  • Expand the world greatly
jimbo493 wrote:
I think that going thru the map and //regen ing area that are old, sorta "freshening up" areas wouldnt be a bad idea

We can all add in our little help.

Whenever you are walking through a random forrest or jungle and see a discusting hole or abandoned destroyed temporary hut fix it up!

This can help make our landscape sexy again!
WhatItDo wrote:
I'm going to say it right now, MOST DEFINITELY NOT. not trying to start something but i think removing anything outside of main town is fine, but deleting main town is the worst possible idea unless you have and idea creative and cool enough to be an eye catcher just like the current town is.

I'm talking schematic/architectural wise.

Well it's already been stated that a map reset will not happen so kinda pointless to keep arguing about it. I personally don't see how to completely fix without doing so but that doesn't mean it can't be done.

I guess my main concern is the amounts of items that are out there. Sure you can remove spawners and go to a gold/diamond system but I still have tons of both of those... End result market still flooded.

Only way I know of to remove that many spawners from the map is MCedit which would also remove natural spawners as well. I don't know if WE or MCedit can remove spawners from chests. If not staff would then have to go through and verify that all spawners are gone.. Ok this can be done but where to find them? Other solutions could include making them non craftable or place able. Ok that works but still no spawners anywhere now. Ok expand the map. Fixed the no natural spawners issues somewhat but now you pretty much have to relocate anyways or if donator have warps made..

We have done many fixes over the past 6 months each one doesn't work. I hope someone can find the magic answer but I keep ending up at map reset for complete fix solution. Some would quit this is a fact but look at the rate we are losing people currently? If it meant the server could have a brighter future isn't that what we all want?

Few suggestions I liked:

Open flood gates for a bit

Fix Voting (Maybe each day of voting is worth $1 donation??) Basically more votes higher rating more users

Recruit a friend bonus? Friend Donates to the server you get 10% to your own donation level?

Wipe MTC. to much exists no way to keep it around and improve the economy choose one or the other.

Bring back old systems that worked I.E credits only shop after credits wipe

Things need to be figured out:

What about the surplus? (Gold/Diamonds)

No reset ok... What to do to allow natural spawners and insure players don't keep old spawners?

Safeguards to prevent future issues.. Lets not repeat history

What programs do we have currently that work and which have failed? Make necessary adjustments.

Anyways my two cents maybe more like 4 cents lol
I guess I'll put my 2 cents in. First off, the PVP server needs to be attended to more. Crucial plugins are not working, which turns players away. Another thing is to turn off the 7.5k price to make a faction. Yes, it does encourage working to make a faction, but for players just taking a look at the server it looks like a daunting task. I feel that the price turns players away from pvp. And my final thing is to make the pvp server the same that is was when it first started ( specifically mcstats, making combat stats allowed ). The many resets and plugin changes have turned many players away.

Thanks for listening,

Since all of the posts were too long for me to read atm, I'm sorry if I'm covering something already mentioned. Also, I'm sorry if this subject annoys any of the Mod+/Admins, but can we opt to leave cross-server chat and have it like it used to be if we want it that way?
I agree with Italy.... A map reset would suck..but its the only way to fix the problem (which is surplus of items/due to mtc-diamond exchange).

1. Map Reste/ Keep Historic Spawn & Builds Based on Voting system

2. Remove MTC

3. No spawners only spawn eggs...the map reset will fix the current ones

4. Keep The Popular Servers...Skyblock,Main,Event

5. Remove Applications For Short Period of time...I know this system gets rid of annoying people but what are mods for.

6. Advertise...Could you Imagine If everyone made a youtube video and we all uploaded it on one day? It would flood yout tube if 100 people uploaded something about minetown...Try to use donations for facebook advertisement.

Just Some Ideas
I hate to say it, and I know it's been said that it won't happen, but I also really do think that a map reset is the best way to go. As has been pointed out, already, just look at all the near constant attempts to fix or at least stabilize the server economy. Not a single one has worked. So yes, I think a map reset combined with a massive reduction in existing mtc will do wonders for the server. Let Minetown be a survival server again for a while.
well. it seems the idea mainly supported here is a map reset.

i guess atm we really dont have another option to improve the situation. i dont like it but i guess it's the right thing to do...

but if we were to make a map reset there must be a few conditions....

1)Make the current map... downloadable. this way no-one loses thier builds, its just moved. and i guess we could branch this into an ability to make schematics from that world and ask for them to be pasted into MT.

2)economy changes. we need to decide what type of currency, its value, and if we want a player run economy or staff. the player run economy is clearly going to be selected. but this means a few things. one is that the credit shop must go. that is what has driven prices down alot, as there is a constant. it also spawns new items into the world, supplying the market with even more money due to price difference. the admin shop is fine as it only supplies unobtainable items.

as for the currency. i would say to pick mtc (after its all wiped, we're starting fresh here) this is a more convinient method of currency and if we dont support dia, iron and gold as an official currency we shouldn't have problems like we did before.

3)give everyone x amount of free schematic pastes. you should give people some way to keep thier most prized items. e.g. thier house. ik this could be good or bad, good as it gets new MT started faster (everyone has a house allready) but bad as it brings old MT into the new, could affect economy or whatever.

4)Brand new spawn... completely new. the old one will be preserved in the old map save (which will be availible for download) make this one to last... make some interactive things in there and some really nice housing areas, maybe some pre-built houses closer to spawn to make it look better before we get further out fro player built ones which could be ugly or whatever

5)change the market. we must make it so the market is used more.. i dont know how but this would benefit the economy

6)spawners.... hmmm. lets look at what went wrong. the world spawns with spawners there. we came along with the CS and spawned in new ones... lots of them. This is why spawners went wrong. the ability to create new eggs coupled with a booming economy ment anyone established could afford lots of spawners.. this added to lag and economic decay. so we need a new system. no spawning of eggs. keep silk spawners. maybe at the beggining spawn x amount of each unobtanable egg. just so they exist but are high in value and wont ruin the economy.

7)voting.. we need a new reward for voting. not something that injects directly into the economy. like said before (i beleve by Hunter, but i could be wrong) a token system, used for unbuyable things. like world edits or maybe extra home. nothing that could be sold.

8)map managment. only extend the map when there is an update with something that can only be found with a new bit of land, e.g a new ore. this means the map will last longer (as it can only get too big) also the eviction system needs to be better. many people complain about no room to build as there are so many cobble boxes. to evict a small house takes over 6 months. this is a major problem that needs to be adressed. i dont know how exactly.

these suggestions could also be applied to the current world, without a map reset. it would need staff control of the economy for a bit but after that minetown could be a better place... without a map reset.

remember people a map reset is a last option. try everything else before that. this could include major change of economy, which would upset many people, but i think it could be better than a complete reset.