tech just wondering but do we really have to go all the way to bed rock hey will die just by falling in the hole i made unless u have a plan.
im soo in!!
<object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
<object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
tec i could really use some help with this stuff like the first 5x5 hole i made i did very deep but not close to bed rock but i dont see why we sould go that far down if a tribute falls in it they will de just from inpack then we can just go in and grab his/her stuff and use it for the feast or as next games. Also if u r done with the 100x100 u were making where can i build the cornicopia so i know where to put it and what will it be made of? also i need a list of all the workers who r helping me and u with this cause honestly i think it is just u and me and nobody seems to want to help. lastly i have seen from experience in hdome from before (THAT I STILL HAVE NOT GOTTEN PRIZE FROM WINNING 3 TIMES WHEN IT FIRST OPENED) that the matches usually finish in about 25-40 minutes so idk if our games would last longer unless we have even more people than 24 say around 50 or more then have like a 2 minute prep where tributes decide who is on teams and thenwhen match starts they get 15 seconds of freedom to get saftly to cornicopia get a chest or 2 and dart out before SLAUGHTER <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>. lmao. Lastly what do i get out of all my hard work put into this?i spend more time in here than anywhere else.
Tec please read form i need help again cause why do we have to go to bed rock and i finished the 3rd hole but still not to bedrock just deep enough for someone to fall in and die. also in 3rd hole i found a mine so if u want to go through that with me before i close it off then reply fast or i will clean it out and close it.
i'll help
hunger games are so cool, read the books, saw the move. No tracker jackers unless mods though, but aggresive wolves for the tribute dogs!
I was thinking about having towards the final 5, 5 packs of 10 angry wolves attacking each tribute and if 2 tributes are paired together then 2 packs of 10 wolves will be attacking them and only pack has killed them they will relax or we will take them out arena for each pack that makes a kill lol sounds evil.
Hey guys, the arena is really coming together, nice work!
technoalpha wrote:
The purpose of this group is to create complex, redstone-controlled "hunger games" arenas in which weekly competitions will be held. Though pricing is not yet finalized, we are considering an entry fee of 10g per player (24 players) and a total purse of 200g awarded to the top 5 players. The members of the group are as follows:
CEO: Technoalpha
Construction: Imopanda
Redstone: Technoalpha
Finance and Materials: Masterlogan
Game Design: Destroyer1239
We could use other employees as well. Profits will be split as follows:
CEO+VP-redstone: 40%
Other VPs: 20% each
Shares of other members will be taken out of the VPs and CEOs shares in a way yet to be determined, or paid a fixed rate.
Donations are welcomed, and a sign with each benefactor's name and donation range (in gold) will be placed on EACH arena. Donations may also be made in materials, and will be recognized on the signs at their standard market price.
CEO: Technoalpha
Construction: Imopanda
Redstone: Technoalpha
Finance and Materials: Masterlogan
Game Design: Destroyer1239
We could use other employees as well. Profits will be split as follows:
CEO+VP-redstone: 40%
Other VPs: 20% each
Shares of other members will be taken out of the VPs and CEOs shares in a way yet to be determined, or paid a fixed rate.
Donations are welcomed, and a sign with each benefactor's name and donation range (in gold) will be placed on EACH arena. Donations may also be made in materials, and will be recognized on the signs at their standard market price.
I have supplied you with your own room in mumble. Enjoy.
Just wanted to say that .. When the server cluster is out .. We will have a plugin that creates an arena , trees and stuff <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>
So.. Expect
So.. Expect