tec i have just started flatening the 100x100 i am not done and what mountain cause i was thinking flaten the place and then put the gold cornicopia in the flaten area.
ok, that works too--but should the cornucopia be iron like in the movie?
ok then i am kinda out of iron blocks then
oh--i have plenty-- ill make a chest-- 5 stacks maybe?
yes 5 stacks should work and before we start i actually made a cornicopia and platforms on my dads i pad there is 21 plat forms i could not make 24 because i was lazy lol so i will post the pic up when i email it to myself. but if u have an idea on what it should look like then please use creative mode ojn single player and make a pic of it i might do that as well.
Here r pics of my cornicopia tell me what u think. the reason the plates r in a line is because like in the book they started out in a line but i have put chests out in reach for the people on the ends so they dont have to run straight to the middle so that way they could just commit suicide by that no thats just wrong lol. i added a chest on top for some fun lol it will have good stuff lol food and wepons and 1 piece of leter armor.

yes, that design is excellent for the cornucopia. Is it just me, or do the chests look silver? lol...its great!
However, I already made a design for the starting platforms, which is basically a semicircle that backs on the two quarter biomes with the least resources: desert and end
However, I already made a design for the starting platforms, which is basically a semicircle that backs on the two quarter biomes with the least resources: desert and end
tec so would u like to work on the starting platforms and i work on my conicopia design when my error problem for minetown gets fixed?? also yes the chests are silver the last 2 pics are from texture packs i just gotten the silver chests are from a mine wars texture pack that i now like lol i did this in single player creative mode.
You do know that someone has done this already right? Not trying to put you down just telling you.
yes we know in HDome yes i have consulted them already they will be up somedays we will be up other days and we will work it like that but the difference in ours is that people will get 2 minutes of saftey once the fighting in the middle has stoped and nobody else is left for people to kill then the 2 minutes of saftey begins where people will look around the area and make there own shelter in the arena so u start off in a pod and u can pretty much make a house lol just as long as u stay alive. You can go mining for diamonds and etc.