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[Enjin Archive] Hunger Games competitions
Started by [E] technoalpha

I better be getting some sort of reward for doing all of this and spending pretty much all my money on equiptment
Hey tec i have placed the hidden chests and u really need to get online lol i am about 1/4 done the glass on the top of arena and u can thank me and driak and my soon to be wife <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> for that. I need access to the lava furnace tho so that way i can burn the sand quicker
Well tec i am all done redstone wiring and all except the traps and gambling room i was hoping u could finish that since i did so much already. Also we have a very slight ( big ) problem, for hungercraft i tried to hold a little test event with it ( pissed off some people cause i had to cancel it ) apperently the region we are in is private and u cannot do pvp so i am going to make a entirley new thread about this problem and then if i get it fixed i will start a test event but nobody can break or build untill u give the ok to do all that. Also for our workers Driak and cpblack who have been big helps want to become staff members of the event should i let them since they r the only 2 other workers that has helped me out??
HI, sorry I havent been on much lately, I have had to do a lot of studying for exams, etc., and still do. I wont be able to get on as much as normal until the summer probably, or at least until my exams are over. It seems like everythings going nicely, with the redstone and glass, walls and tunnels. The only thing left is:


I dont know if you have flattened the cornucopia area yet, but that should be the next step. I already started in one area, filling in and cutting down (i think the height was 71) all that needs to be flat is the 100x100 square. The cornucopia should go right in the middle, where the elevator is now.

Also, of course, each quarter will be themed a different biome. One will have a water river, and another a lava river.

The biomes are: clockwise, starting with the birthday cake one:


desert (with lava river)


forest/mountain (with water river)

You could start terraforming these, but its really fine if you take a pause till im back on. Probably the easiest thing to start with would be the end, since its all flat, and pretty easy to get/buy.

The rivers will be like 10 wide, kinda curvy, and reach from the 100x100 corner to the respective hole.


50/50 profits split sounds good to me, how about you?

Datheder will help with most things, hes my friend.
ok well tec ur going to have to help me out on the terra forming and great now u tell me with the cornicopia place i have it in 1 section and now its not in the middle as i see so im a have to redo all the wiring i guess. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> also me and cpblack came up with these brilliant ideas of making shrines where u have to do something inorder to recieve something 3 of them are find the switch or button and then u get access to a hidden spot and the 4th 1 is a combo lock that only me and cp know lol i will show u if ur ever on when i am but the shrines are dedicated to different people cp has his with a diamond soward button activated very hard to find took me like 10 minutes to find cause it blends in. cpbalck's wife ingame he made that a swich hidden by a block and covered with tons of water and contains a diamond chest plate then we have yours which is a combo lock and no clue what to put for that an dmine which is a hidden and hard to trigger switch and i think im a put a diamond pickaxe or just all armor but in return i make it a challenge for them to get 20 iron ores for each diamond peace of armor then ya. And..


and idc about profit just as long as there is a profit i make since i spent so far 5 stacks of gold and 3 stacks of diamonds on this project so far just on supplies but it turned out very nice we are just having a problem with the pvp plugin and i found out we cannot make personal warps unless we have a $20 donator do it for us then we can get all the warps we want i presume or he has to pay per warp then we just pay our donator who wants to help back maybe cp can help us out on that part. and who is Datheder never seen him on minetown or even working with me in hungercraft but what will he help us on cause i need to finish glass / gambling area above entire arena and now move the cornicopia and flaten it out.
Destroy the whole thing, read the book, rebuild it.

Needs to randomly pick some people from the server, 24 people in all. If anyone refuses they're killed and have all their items repossessed.

They're taken into an underground railroad, put on a train that will take them to a city (City owners might volunteer for this? Perhaps?) to act as the Capitol. The contestants are interviewed for 2-3 days and then taken down to another railway that will take them to the arena (Change the arena location and style every time the event happens) Once there they are put on pedestals surrounded by TNT & pressure plates, after 20 seconds, the TNT is removed and a horn blows. The competitors must choose to risk it for the items in the centre of the arena (A few metres away) or for the other option of running away.
I looked at the cornucopia, and you dont have to move it--it looks more interesting if its not centered--i also really like the little box you made where the elevator used to be-im just confused why teh cornucopia is on fire?

Also, datheder should be on soon, he works on the tunne;ls a lot--

also why is there a protection on the warp and cornucopia area--i cant edit anything or warp in--good thing i set my home there :-0
Hey destroyertheminer, I'm Datheder. Sorry for never responding, but tech conveniently forgot to tell me there was a thread here..thanks tech...

Also, for seeing me online, you won't have much of a chance to get me for the next two weeks....yay for exams...

as for you Everice, i haven't see you post on this thread before, (I may be wrong on that point), and as you can probably guess, people have given both their time and resources to help out on this project so please don't make their effort seem worthless. One more thing, what makes you think that we haven't read the books?

As for your suggestions, they are appreciated. However, if we picked random people in the server, that might be unfair. Some have played Minecraft longer than others and would have an unfair advantage. As for the original idea here, the tributes would voluntarily choose to compete.

As for the interview, I'm not sure what you mean by interviewing the tributes for two or three days. Is that a reference to the book or something we should actually do?

The TNT is an good idea, but how would we remove the TNT so that they are harmless? Also, I'm not sure what the others think of it, namely the CEOs, technoalpha and destroyer1239 and destroyertheminer.
Hi, I'm scarlet, and I just wanted to input that, you could sticky pistons for removing the tnt out of the arena.

I wouldalso REALLY like to help build, maybe i could build one terraform?


ok well guys now i can talk lol sorry tec i wanted to get perms on the one area so i can have it protected and so people dont think it is a good idea to greif the cornicopia and what not and darth destroyer1239 is me lol u can take destroyertheminer thing out of ur post lmao also i am not going to trash what i have built and it was not a waste of time i will not select 24 random tributes to play what is they are busy doing something or mineing diamonds getting that last dungon idk and idc im not doing that. I will have it so the 24 tributes come to me instead ok. also the interview thing was in book darth but it would be pointless in here. as well i have testing exam finals starting june 2nd so i wont be on much till maybe summer and if i am on minetown during testing i am probably just checking on things like i am no. scaelet what terraform would u like to build if u want to help out and the tnt idea was just an idea i am not going to do it but i dont want anybody to try and sneak out so i am putting up more cobble on walls. i will add tec as another owner of regon and darth as another and tec fill out a event staff =member fourm in general disscusion because thats the only way us 2 can host our event and we still have much to do lol. also the fire was for fun to give it a cool look lol but i see we can use it as a timer since all the pistons dont go all at once so i keep it on till last guy is up then shut it off.