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[Enjin Archive] Factions land map
Started by [E] Grifff

Frost Empire is willing to make this consensus, as a "Frost" empire, its fair that we mainly focus on the snowy areas, along with any areas we have already populated.

The whited out part is what we are giving up, and I moved our area to include kingsreach, our connection to the center continent.

On the note of claims to land, I believe there needs to be at least some sort of construction going on, and your buildings should make some sort of borders around what you control.

I currently understand that the map isn't up, but I'm not seeing any built construction in the Southern empire, A-teams ridiculous claim to that territory by Oktavarian and Espero, or the Northern Provinces. I'm only somewhat ok with jthm's faction because they are in the process of making a very large area constructed in it and the area they are taking is a good border in my opinion.

I suggest buying and selling of land as we get more populated, and the right some time in the future to dispute a land claim and possibly invoke a war over land area.

EDIT: Northern Provinces decided to join another empire, so that land is open and free again
You can't see in building in Southern because Oasis was constructed just hours after this cartograph was saved.

Oasis currently has 8 small houses, a series of roads, an embassy, a curtainwall, and a portal. The desert around Oasis has been flattened for further expansion including for our capitol building.

Regardless, we have, as promised, given up a portion of our land which we feel equals the land given up by the Frost Empire. In the map below, the aforementioned portion of land is circled in dark orange marked by black streaks.

We hope to see other nations, such as the Western Raiders and Northern Provinces should follow suit.

Everything looks pretty good.

Is western raiders reducing their land claim?
also, i say if you havent built in an area or arent planning to, relinquish that area from your territory. We are getting a mass inflow of builders now, and we cannot afford crowds. I dont want people to dislike the server because of "You're on my territory. Join or die." I simply cannot stand it when i hear that, to be honest.
Seeing the large amounts of land claimed already I agree completely that we all should step back a little. WR's size is ridiculous, and NP should probably remove the continent to the west of them.

Other than that I think the sizes are fair. Later down the road we may need to think about expanding the size of the map.

I think it's silly to have to buy land off of a faction who claimed a very large portion of land just because no one else was there yet or they have a building on the continent so the WHOLE thing is automatically theirs.

PA is still a new faction, we haven't even really begun construction, so we should probably scale back some as well.
to be fair, i'd say release half or a third of the territory that is unused or unmarked. And make walls so people dont "intrude"
Eissaye, I was referring to a faction that no longer exists, not your own.

EDIT: And WR, naturally.
From what i see

also, what do you guys think of putting a cap on factions. I'd rather have 10 large factions than 50 medium sized or 100 small factions
Let factions die. Without much growth or available land they will start to join together for surival. So if you make 50 small factions, the strongest will come out and make those 10 powerful factions over time (with the same playerbase)