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[Enjin Archive] {Official} Spawner Disscussion Thread
Started by [E] Zionia

I used my XP farm for awhile last night and noticed it performs much slower, but I was able to level at a reasonable pace. I'm not sure if the spawn numbers were updated or if I was just more patient, but it seems to be working well. Kudos on the effort to everyone working on it.
My XP farms are still useless. I can get 1, zombie, blaze before they despawn skeletons seem okay. My cooked pork machines seem to be fine.
Well I know I am not terribly active anymore but I thought I should come here and raise some fair points I have yet seen to be posted.

Material Economy vs MTC Economy

Material Economy Pro's

1. Players are able to mine for "money"

2. Easy to understand for new players

3. Could increase voting (This in my opinion is most likely not going to happen)

A. Unless MTC retains a value that can only be bought with MTC voting will most likely decrease.

B. Could possibly reduce voting due to players not being able to vote and buy items

Material Economy Con's

1. Ability to have your money stolen which if then distributed into economy results in essentially duping of currency.

2. Glitch Abuse - High influx of money due to glitches/dupes into the economy (Has happened quite often - Yes I am looking at you Checkers)

3. Ability to die with your currency(Accidental or Server Induced) or have a player steal it whilst trading.

A. Death by this is non-refundable

4. Items Lost due to server crash and or server rollback (MTC is not affected by this)

MTC Economy Pro's

1. Convenience - Always have all the money you need

2. Not able to be stolen/duped/glitched or in anyway modified to increase the amount

3. Unable to be lost due to death.

4. Allows trading among players less of a vulnerability (ex people stealing dropped items)

MTC Economy Con's

1. Money is able to be earned just by voting.

2. High amounts of MTC will defer people from voting.

DISCLAIMER : I am writing this very fast and honestly don't have an opinion as to which is better, should I have missed a pro/con for either please don't jump down my throat.

Anyway the main things I wanted to raise attention to in my post are these. :

1. With a Material based Economy it is subject to spikes of worth due to glitches and other things you cannot control. (ex someone dupes a chest of dia and spends it all then gets banned. Well there still was just a chest of diamond added to Economy)

2. Doing a you have 1 week to switch out all your dia or MTC is just a bad move. Some people (myself included) are not terribly active but still play occassionaly, wouldn't you be pissed if you came back to find all your 'money" became worthless because you missed a deadline?


1. First off if you plan to switch 100% to either an MTC or Item based Economy it should not be done in a deadline time frame, but rather gradually overtime. If you notice we didn't suddenly one day become a MTC dominated Economy it gradually moved towards it as it become more convenient for a player to use MTC.

2. Should we switch to MTC Economy completely but still want players to be able to mine for money, it is as simple as adding a server sign to buy a diamond for XXX amount of money (reasonable amount obviously, most likely slightly less then server trade value, this would allow a player to earn direct MTC if they wanted but not abolish diamonds completely so players are unable to buy them)

3. Will probably add some more points here after dinner. Brb
Zionia wrote : "I'm doing the buyback cause the demand for them is going to drop significantly with the fact that if you have more than 5 spawners of a single type in a chunk, the mobs will despawn before you can kill them most likely...this way when the buyback closes they will retain a higher value"

Here we go again, Geez ... all the work constructing XP farms with multiple spawners was based on the server implied spawn rates ... So now the server will impose a "new" spawn rate to "correct" everyone's previous designs.

The answer ... buy back the excess spawners and suffer whatever consequences that creates ... A truly elegant solution.

Am I the only one that gets this? A higher spawner value is the result? I wont pretend to know the answer to this, but I'm pretty sure that isn't it.

Oh well, cant win for losing.

Like i said, I'm pretty sure the solution is out there, I'll just know it when I see it.

I am grateful that our Staff is working on solutions, and I'm confident there will be one that is "generally" satisfactory for most players, It's just hard to watch this Accident unfold.

Just some Dim thoughts .....
Does the fact that millions apon millions of credits added to the system change anything some their are players in excess of 9 million credits
I love how MTC are now truly less valuable. I have held myself from commenting until things had a chance to play out. The first and largest problem I see is the amount of MTC that has been generated. There has been too many diamonds and spawn eggs in existence. We can all agree on that. Now there is also too much MTC. That though directly related to Map size on diamonds.

We have slightly over 16,000,000 Chunks in the game. With 1-3 Diamonds per chunk we were screwed from the get go.

gold saturation is much higher and due to the immense time that Z pigs HAVE been here along with Diamonds/gold exchanges. there is nothing left to be fixed. You will make gold the new currency and a FEW players will now control the MT economy.

The only thing changing the currency does it change the owners of the market control. I wish I had the previous data for the /moneytop but the landscape has changed dramatically.

1 thatdeer 9300000.80

2 zariena 5520000.00

3 gotmilk54445 5298582.20

4 mrbaconbitts 3432540.49

5 isoccerplayer 2002830.35

That is just for having the egg buy back. We can see over 10m generated for 3 people alone. I also sold a few things and bought some new things. Do you not think some of us have stock piled gold in anticipation for this change to a material trading system?

I am mostly finished with my Vanilla Iron farm. It can produce at least 10 iron bars a minute. That is with out full construction and the needed research to increase optimization however possible. My whole town has iron as the fundamental building block. With over 3k iron blocks in it already and two double chest of iron blocks stored to be built into the town. There is nothing stopping my from walking to your itrade sign at the bank and turning everything into gold. I could then sit back and get more and more while I wait for a switch to a gold bar based economy. None of my iron hits the market cause it is a very pretty building block.

Lets just leave MTC or convert MTC into a new non item currency. We can take MTC away form voting and add a new currency like Mine Town bucks. These would be the ONLY form of future generated currency. This currency would only be spendable at the admin shop. With proper planning there can be an exchange rate from MTB to MTC at a magnificently lower rate than there currently is being generated. If we are generating 5m a week in MTC we would try to lower that number to 500k MTC generated per week.

The logic behind money is that there is something of value somewhere to account for that money. It did not come from thin air and was not printed with out some tangible backing such as gold and silver.

The economy is very hard to clean at this point but I hope you are able to find a good balance. These are just my suggestions and what I think will help. I have faith that Zio will come to a good solution even if we disagree with it at first. Hopefully the spawner buyback is just phase one.

Edit: Edited a few sentences for syntax and read flow.
The top 5 MTC on your list are all moderators. I'm confident they will not use the millions of MTC to harm the market, but it will be much more difficult to win an auction on good property now.

If we lay off the economy, it will probably fix itself. We do not need a diamond buy back or anything else that generates MTC or Diamonds (including a Gold>Diamond exchange) for quiet some time if we expect the economy to level off.
Little info:

Zios buyback is now up and runing.

/Warp eggdrop
I just want to add that I haven't seen much of a difference in lag :/

So either we need to nerf spawners more, or it's not the spawners fault (I think 2) if it isn't, and the cause is just that There are many people online (which seems to be the cas, when no one is online it is not laggy) I dunno if it's an option or if it would solve anything, but maybe adding more power to the current hardware?

As for the MTC, if we change to MTC alone, we must stop voting giving MTC. That's been decided really. And MTC has more of a future than the dia currency as shown by previouse posts stating the reasons.
I won't be participating in the buyback(I sold 2 that I couldn't use so that is not entirely true). mtc are too devalued for me. I paid 25k each for some of my spawners The buy back is 15000 each. The value of that 15000 is much lower than it was when I first did the purchase because of the huge influx of mtc. The end result is like paying 25k each and being offered 6k each. Rather than take that kind of a hit, I will sit and watch the little pigmen spin in their cages, never to come out.