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[Enjin Archive] {Official} Spawner Disscussion Thread
Started by [E] Zionia

Oh good, my big long post didn't post! I guess I'll just highlight the main parts...

First off, I like the sound of this plugin. Less lag is always good. As for it 'limiting productivity', so what, you'll all make due and you know it. Stop overreacting and go pretend you play on a SURVIVAL server.

Next up, all the economy crap. Funfunfun!

Gold: no. Terrible idea to put it back into circulation. The benefits, if any, will be miniscule and problems will ensue. Not using gold as currency means not removing/changing ZP spawners, means happy players and that much less work for mods. Why is this even a question?

Which leads me to my next point: material based currency. Why? Its been tried with gold and diamonds and just causes a rediculous, convoluted mess in the economy. Not to mention, why would I want my crafting or building materials to also be my money? Its purely nonsensical. In hindsight, its clear that MTC should have totally replaced material currencies once it became established to avoid all the rediculous instability and repeated failed attempts to restabilize the economy.

My suggestion: don't go back to material currency. At all. And don't drag out this transition. Its been long enough already and prolonging it more has no benefits to offer the server. MTC is well established at this point, just get rid of gold and diamonds as money once and for all instead of dragging it around like a dead limb. It only contributes to the problems with the economy. Also, as I previously montioned, lower the amount of mtc given for voting. Its been known for months that mtc value is horribly inflated, so the solution was to create more of it? As should be expected, it got worse. Its to late for a quick fix of course, but it can be slowed down and eventually brought back to 'normal'. Money sinks and less mtc from voting are the places to start, and I know you guys are working on money sinks (I think?), so that's good.

So that's my stance. I'm pretty sure there was more I wanted to say, but its late and I'm tired and I forgot. Also my finger is cramping from typing on my phone. So yeah.
you guys don't under stand you cant just take away diamonds, it doesn't work that way people don't give them up a give back program wont work, and i grew up in the age when mtc were obsoleate, minetown has allways been based on the barter system. and blieve it or not i like mineing money, it give's mineing a purpose... now days people don't mine cause its not worth it, i really wish things could go back to the gold old days. every thing worked well back then. their were little issues.
lancefortier wrote:
you guys don't under stand you cant just take away diamonds, it doesn't work that way people don't give them up a give back program wont work, and i grew up in the age when mtc were obsoleate, minetown has allways been based on the barter system. and blieve it or not i like mineing money, it give's mineing a purpose... now days people don't mine cause its not worth it, i really wish things could go back to the gold old days. every thing worked well back then. their were little issues.

That would be all well and good, but mtc is the dominant form of currency already at this point, and so it would be the most logical and least painful way to go. Besides that, if it were dropped, voting would be greatly affected as well. Either it becomes obsolete, or they have to come up with a new reward to get people to keep voting.

And not being able to mine for money does not make mining pointless at all. Mine for materials to sell for money. That's how the economy is supposed to work, and it works for many people already. Or, if you really do enjoy mining, skip the middle man and, dare I say it, mine your own supplies and then you don't need to buy them.
I've always wanted Staff Mandated MTC to Diamond conversions, but I can't see it happening in practicality <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
2 Years. 2 Long, well observed years. That is how long I have been on the Minetown server. And it is for that long, I have observed the Economy in Minetown fluctuate time and time again.

I will start off by saying that mob spawners, our economy issue, and the apparent lack of a close knit MT Community like it had been in ages past, are all symptoms of the same problem. And that problem comes in the form of a player-based economy, an overall sense of general laziness, and the promotion of donators having a higher 'importance' then general server members. I have seen many things, and was here well before MTC ever existed. Back when Minetown still had a material-based economy. Back when It was Diamond, Gold and Iron as the currency. And back before individual players attempted to out-do, outbid, or out class each other simply for show and power, nor of players and their increasing inability or want to participate in laborious chores without demanding an absurd amount of compensation in the form of players being greedy for their own gains) for the said job/work done.

The MTC being added to Minetown, was the single greatest mistake I feel the server has made. Minetown's economy only started to slide downhill upon it's implementation. Voting originally, simply had provided diamonds in the form of the reward but now with the almost exclusive amount of MTC shops, I find it neigh impossible to buy items and such in Diamond, like I had all these long years. On more then one occasion, I was refused service or the ability to shop, due to not accepting the MTC, which is why I have had to focus on being self-sufficient.

I find this a betrayal of Minetown's original principals, and it's true nature to be a survival server. This is why when I lead nearly a year ago now, that Millenium that rejected the MTC in favor of the traditional forms of currency. And should the economy prove to continue to decline as it keeps doing with each passing day, I will endeavor to have Japan adapt and move to a material based trade system instead where the MTC will have no value to trade with.

I have also come to find that spawners, while useful and have resulted in an influx of items, have created a sense of unlimited capability, unlimited resources available to any given player on a whim which has become a 'taken for granted' notion. While this is a good trait in it's own right, this also has had devastating consequences for the economy in the form that spawners and items can be easily and cheaply mass produced with little time and effort, thus causing drastically reduced amounts of players to mine, collect, gather, farm and forage in sake of easier and cheaper methods. A prime example are logs and stone, which are high valued/sought items, that nobody wishes to put forth the time and effort to collect, refine, and distribute in sufficient supply to the general server and it's populace.

Lastly, I address the issues of the donators and how it has caused the tight-knit MT Community, to fade. The promotion of and push to have everyone donate as much as they can for fortune and recognition, to be considered worthy of being a member of the community.. Which quite frankly, makes me sick. Minetown was not always like that. This is another betrayal of MT's original state.

Donators have caused a divide in the MT Community. People pay attention now only to the fancy tags, to the colored names. The players with the most commands and abilities. The white, untagged names (as I observed with PandaPshyc, and others who have not donated) are now largely ignored. Are from what I have born witness to, looked down upon or not thought of to be the same quality or level as a donator. That the donor has the more importance then the common folk.

I do not mock nor discredit the need for donations to the Minetown server. By all means, donations are what keep the server running and alive, after all. But at what point does the need for donations and the divide it causes between players and their abilities, outweigh a sense of a community? At which point should it be reconsidered, that it isn't how much you donate that determines the quality of a player, but rather their actions, personality and integrity be worth more then a lump sum of cash?

Minetown used to be a donation only server. It would take a $5.00 donation to get into the server. There was no application system either. This did separate those who could afford to buy entry to Minetown, to those of anyone (even of good quality character) to be unable to join. Since we added the application system, things have come to pass that I believe were not intentional. I fully believe that all Minecrafters (albeit, those who follow the rules) be allowed to play on Minetown, simply be treated as full equals to each other, nor their actions and contributions to the Minetown server in general, be forgotten.

If these issues are addressed, and actions taken to fix them are taken, then I believe a sense of a close community will return and that the Economy will return to a stable and beneficial one. But it must take into account that the economy should become a regulated/set one like it had been previously, and no longer a player-based one. So that a sense of wealth in both materials and MTC are consistent throughout each and every player, and every last town and city on the server. To reintegrate a sense of balance to the server.

These have been my observations, my experiences. There are quite a few others that have been here longer then me and quite possibly see things in a different light then I do. All I ask is for everyone to fully reflect and be open minded in these issues. What is done now will directly impact how the future of Minetown itself will be. Will we be careful enough to make the right choices to make the server more beneficial in the future, or be careless/greedy enough to cause it's continued demise?
lancefortier wrote:
you guys don't under stand you cant just take away diamonds, it doesn't work that way people don't give them up a give back program wont work, and i grew up in the age when mtc were obsoleate, minetown has allways been based on the barter system. and blieve it or not i like mineing money, it give's mineing a purpose... now days people don't mine cause its not worth it, i really wish things could go back to the gold old days. every thing worked well back then. their were little issues.

We never said take them all away. People can still keep them if they want. The diamonds would retain some value it's just it won't be supported as a curency at the bank. Yes, a while back minetown was based on diamonds, gold and iron. But times have changed, if we stop using dia as a currency MTC will become a lot more stable. You can still mine and sell the products for MTC.

As for hks post, again, times have changed, you blaming the donators for the community problem? Maybe, but it is also cos minetown has become so big, it's got 40,000 members, not everyone can know everyone else. I don't really think we can fix that too well as its more about player attitude to the server. It used to be friendly people would help for no reward, now ts all about who is richest and who owns what and legality and all that stuff. That's attitude.

This material based economy, it worked for a bit, we introduced MTC why do you think it's become the dominant currency? Among other reasons because it's easy to use. It's more convinient than material currency, once we get material currency gone then it will become a lot more stable, once we stop all credits from voting and make sinks it will be upped in value. It's a simple fix

Basically it boils down to this.

Out with the old

In with the new...
I was about to point about what Barney said about what Fettucini wrote in his post.

The mods/admins could take away diamonds and gold from everyone, but that'd be one tedious task. He was saying that the diamonds and gold wouldn't be supported at -/warp Bank.

I would also like to state with the voting issue that giving out MTC or diamonds or whatever the reward maybe, so long as it is controlled and we don't give them ridiculous amounts of money, we won't have an issue.

For example, if a person votes and obtains 2,000 MTC, we have to encourage that user to purchase items at a non-player shop or use it on WE, clans, or other credit dump services.
Nerfing of the game on MT is one of the reasons I no longer vote. MT is falling way behind the game development.

The spawners were the reason given to why we are lot allowed to trade with villagers (nerf). Just as I had said when the villagers issue was raised, there is too much emphasis put into "keeping the economy stable". Emeralds are hard get making them "valuable", Diamonds are burned to increase their "value", the "value" of gold is at issue because of Zombie Pigman spanwers (I have a couple of theses as well).

The solution seems easy enough, but likely to not appeal to "the powers that be" By this I do not mean server administration but economic status quo.

If spawners area creating lag do away with spawners, maybe limit the number a player can have or institute a mandatory buy back program. ( I have quite a number of spawners/eggs b.t.w).

My solution to bring fairness back it to not have any official materials based official trading. Make it all MTC. In Mine Craft (but not so much MT) Diamonds have value ingame for armor and tools. Gold can be used in crafting. Emeralds used for trading with NPCs or aesthetics. I would suggest that MT adopt a policy to allow in game materials to be "worth" whatever a player will trade with for them but not have them be a currency.

If player CyberDrifter wants to buy diamonds instead of mining them (no guest world any longer) CyberDrifter should have to pay what the market asks. If CyberDrifter trades wants a private trade with player CytoCraft that would be between them, maybe wants sand. The shop plugin should not accept in game materials payment.

While I do not have the same amount of time as some other players on the server I am not new to it either. I do not buy much and do not sell. I much rather gather and make my own materials and do my own mining. Most of my XP / Materials farms are free for pubic use, the others could be with some redesign of my protected areas.

The point here is I don't think spawners ruin the economy and we should not worry about "the economy". Having spawners does make game life easier, however If they are causing lag issue limit or remove the player controlled version. Maybe allow only natural spawners with no player control (i like having my spanwers but understand the needs of the server).

I too am a bit dismayed at the gamesmanship of tags and chat colors where is seems anyone with just white chat gets overlooked. Let make MT a fun place to again.

Thank you for your time.

MY issue here is this...If yours wish it to make MTC the only form of currency to be used to sell or buy items so be it.But I think that the ability to exhange Gold to diamonds or diamonds to gold should be left alone, and spawners brought back...If I wish to attempt to try selling gold bars and diamonds then allow me to do so, specificly if you take both of them away from being used as currency..

I guess I have a few complaints about it, but this is pretty much my biggest gripe...

I think there are other ways to go about the gold/diamond issue then just removing the ability for nuggets from PZ spawners and allowing us to trade them for damonds..

But all in all its not my place to say what is good what is bad..I have learned after quite some time now that if something is no longer fun in the aspect of any game for me, I should just 100% move on...

So I am hoping that this pigmen spawner issue can be resolved differently, I really do..But I wont hold my breath..
Another reason MTC should be the only currency as it will make money more simple to use and understand

As for this idea of us fixing the tight knit mt, that's not for the staff to fix, it's us members. It's all about attitude towards others. If you see a guy who doesn't understand something, help them. You may gain something out of it, I know I did a whole town infact. Just treat each other as equal. Help others and don't insult anyone if they build something not that good, try to help them improve it if you can? This might make the minetown community seem more of a friendly place. You can do simple things such as say hi when someone joins, maybe if someone needs help just direct them to a wiki page or try to get the attention of staff who could help? Simple things like that really make a difference guys, I'm gonna try to start doing this.