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[Enjin Archive] {Official} Spawner Disscussion Thread
Started by [E] Zionia

I agree with Matt, MTC is working great in my opinion. Players also still trade using materials and minerals frequently, and MTC allows land / building / large purchases and typical market shopping. I think we're on the right track right now and should feel it out for awhile.
we need to eliminate one currency, diamonds or mtc. easiest would be diamonds...
BARNEY626 wrote:
we need to eliminate one currency, diamonds or mtc. easiest would be diamonds...

If removing a currency takes place it certainly wouldn't be diamonds. It would be MTC. Also, if this were to happen, removing diamonds would be by far the most difficult, due to staff having to find every diamond on the server and deleting them. Whereas to remove MTC, all we'd have to do is delete a few things in the database, and they would all be gone.
Alright i first want to apologize for my raging yesterday,

I want more than anything for gold to go back into the currency, i miss the days when gold was the main cur ency, Disabling PZ spawner's solves this, i don think too many people will be bummed,

the spawner limiter running of region's not chunks is really brillant. this way moderators would only add a region if the spawner was built correctly and would not lag the server. i do also think we need to warn the public and clear all entity's on the server currently because their are a ton in inactive regions abandoned for ever ago (humor me)

we need gold added to the system really bad, further wise if we disable credits on sign shops, and force people to use the credit shop. the transfer would be easy... people may rage but people will get over it (also they will have their credits to use at the cs) i think the rate at the credit shop if fine that would up diamond price in less than a month. i will likely add another post when i think of something.
Leo wrote:
BARNEY626 wrote:
we need to eliminate one currency, diamonds or mtc. easiest would be diamonds...

If removing a currency takes place it certainly wouldn't be diamonds. It would be MTC. Also, if this were to happen, removing diamonds would be by far the most difficult, due to staff having to find every diamond on the server and deleting them. Whereas to remove MTC, all we'd have to do is

delete a few things in the database, and they would all be gone.

NUUU but if this where to happen everyone would be mad due to they would have no money lol :/
dpwheaton123 wrote:
Leo wrote:
BARNEY626 wrote:
we need to eliminate one currency, diamonds or mtc. easiest would be diamonds...

If removing a currency takes place it certainly wouldn't be diamonds. It would be MTC. Also, if this were to happen, removing diamonds would be by far the most difficult, due to staff having to find every diamond on the server and deleting them. Whereas to remove MTC, all we'd have to do is

delete a few things in the database, and they would all be gone.

NUUU but if this where to happen everyone would be mad due to they would have no money lol :/

Then perhaps set up a bazaar for a week, where things can be bought for credits. Players have one week to spend their money, after that, all accounts get wiped. Yes, this would create an influx of goods but of course everyone would be paying for them so it's not like it's going ro ruin everything.

Heck, if I wanted I could go out and buy, I don't know, 18 largechests of diamond picks. Not that I'd want to, but I'd rather that than lose all my credits..

Then again, how do we encourage voting without MTC <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f620.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":x">:x</object> Unless we start from base zero, giving everyone 0 credits, btu allowing them to gain MTC. This would likely severely increase the amount of voting for a few weeks, although it wouldn't necessarily be community-pleasing.

Anyway I quite like the sound of the OP plugin <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> Seems like quite a fair solution, to me.
The Spawner issue apparently will be resolved to some satisfactory solution.

It sounds like the Staff have the desire to keep veteran players and Donator's that have invested so much time and money from losing their "investment". So with this said, I'm feeling no need to panic .. ATM <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

In looking at the long term goals, I have an observation ... It seems that some players would prefer Minetown to return to a more "mining" centric gameplay narrative .... i.e. resource constriction, to create a challenge and encourage competition that once was the norm on the main server ...

Now that so many players on the main have great "riches" maybe a more radical solution could be implemented.

1. Main2 would become "the new model" where the experimental controls that are perceived to be "desirable" would be implemented.

2. Main2 would not allow ANY transfer of riches or resources from the main server. This would basically allow all the "mega" players from the main to start again with new incentives to attain their notable status in a "new" venue.

3. The main server would be fixed to be nearly the same as it currently exists, this should satiate all the veteran players that created it and enjoy it as-is.

4. A riches transfer program could be implemented to reduce MTC on Main2,

By allowing players on the Main to purchase a unique (non-transferable) currency available only on Main2, at a ratio of 100 to 1 ,

i.e. 1 unit of currency would cost 100 MTC and be worth 1 MTC in buying credit, this would create a serious siphon for MTC and new players wishing to experience the "new" server would be seriously motivated to vote.

5. If the Main server de-populates as predicted by the powers that be, a "gradual transition" could be made to the rule-set existing on Main2.

In this way, the players who enjoy the gameplay as it exist today on the Main, ( the very gameplay that brought me to Minetown and kept me here) could remain, AND I (we) could also Experience the "new version" of Minetown over on Main2.


Just Some Dim thoughts on the matter....
Leo wrote:
BARNEY626 wrote:
we need to eliminate one currency, diamonds or mtc. easiest would be diamonds...

If removing a currency takes place it certainly wouldn't be diamonds. It would be MTC. Also, if this were to happen, removing diamonds would be by far the most difficult, due to staff having to find every diamond on the server and deleting them. Whereas to remove MTC, all we'd have to do is delete a few things in the database, and they would all be gone.

You misunderstand me. I mean we need to move to one format of currency. Basically if we move to MTC for x amount of time the bank will be buying diamonds for MTC, for a change in wealth format. I want to move away from diamonds for afew reasons.

1) they are obtainable by other means than trade. If you look irl, you cannt mine money.

2) they have other crafting uses, along with gold and iron

The benefits of moving away from dia are:

1) it removes troubles over exchange rates as there will be only one currency

2) MTC is easier to use than diamonds, a lot easier

3) it means pz spawners can be reintroduced as good won't be a currency.

4) it means the economy is much more controllable by staff.

5) it means we don't have a physical currency, this means no theft, loss or limit to the amount carried.

I am sure there are more that I cannot think of right now.

As for downsides:

1) it would mean a buy back program or sorts, which COULD be used for profit in some cases, but that's a could...

2) it would mean shops who. Use diamonds (not sure how many still do) would need to change to MTC (or not thier choice)

3) even if the bank no longer supports it, it could still be used so change would be slow...

Once again I am sure there are others, I think this is a good idea in the long term for the reasons above.

If anyone sees a problem plz point it out?

There definitely is a way to encourage users to vote for the server. We just can't reward them with MTC or with donor perks because:

A) MTC rewarding system means the MTC is spawned out of no where, causing more to be created which lowers the value of the currency.

B) Using donor perks (such as creating warps or access to /hat) may have the consequence of less donations to the server.

One possible solution to this could be rewarding the user with World Edits, more beacon placement, etc.

I also still don't see why people want a gold-based economy back. MTCs are easier and more convenient than using gold ingots.

We could possibly tie the value of one diamond to a central bank that locks the rate to stabilize the economy. I'm not sure how this would go though.

Maybe this is a dumb question, but besides the MTC-inflation issue, is there something wrong with the economy? Or is the issue of the economy being used to justify other changes occurring to the server?
as crazy of an idea it may sound but introducing emeralds into the system , like 5 diamonds for 1 emerald at the bank would not only get diamonds out of the market, it could also give mtc a boost, another idea would to be giveint rewards like iron and gold for voting instead of mtc and have a greater voting reward system that may or man not get mtc out.