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[Enjin Archive] {Official} Spawner Disscussion Thread
Started by [E] Zionia

The Official Spawner Discussion Thread

I hope you all enjoyed the little troll of my last post. Sorry to those who were not so thrilled by the little joke. We are NOT going to use that plugin that was on the previous post. We are actually putting in this plugin:


With this plugin, you will not need to tear down your traps if you do not want to. It will limit the number of spawner-spawned mobs in a region at any time to our personal configuration. This will greatly reduce local lag and serverload from mob entities as well as remove most AFK trap issues and other problems that are caused by the shear number of mobs spawned in the world. We have implemented it and are trying to adjust it to find a descent balance, so please be patient for a few days as we adjust the spawnrates. We know it is way too low at

the moment and are working to fix it. At the next reset, they will go to 10. we will see what they do. If still too low i will bump it to 100 and then start coming back down till we find the balance point.

This plugin will limit productivity, but should allow for the market value of spawner items to increase as supply will be decreased.


It seems there is a new arguement NOT to have gold reinstated as part of the economy...at this exact point in time, PigZombie Spawners have been set to spawn 0 until we reach a decission here as the plan was to bring gold back due to its usefulness with current and upcoming new features on MC. Please discuss your thoughts about this. If we decide not to reintroduce gold, I can re-enable PZ spawning. I intend to open a buy-back for PZ eggs and perhaps all eggs if there is enough request for it. They will be bought by the server for slightly above what the playermarket value was for them just before SS went down.

Official Spawner Plugin:

The question of going to MBox is up in the air atm. With the limiter plugin, I feel that we may not need to switch plugins. That would allow the spawners to remain and keep the spawner market in state. I will leave it up to discussion below as to the community thoughts. The main reason behind pushing to MBox still would be as a credit sink and to reduce the number of spawners in the world. Ill leave that up to further discussion though as for now we seem to have a solution to the other issues.

We are working on the permission fix with SilkSpawners and it should be up again fully soon. Placement and crafting seems to work, just breaking is not functioning properly. Ill make an announcement (and the in-game banner will disappear) when it is fully operational again.

Egg Buy-Back Program:

I will be hosting a buy-back for unwanted eggs. Prices will be slightly above what the market value of them was before SS went down. So your eggs can be sold back from anywhere between 1k and 50k each depending what kind it is. This will take me a couple days to set up so please be patient. Prices to be determined by logs and suggestions you make here as well.

NOTICE: None of this is 'set in stone' at this time. this thread will be the official place to voice your opinion and help find solutions to the problems and goals of our servers future. Please discuss and give CONSTRUCTIVE Criticism so that we can find the best solution. Being a brass brute and just bashing things does not help, so dont do it here. Everything discussed here will be looked through and analyzed to determine if it can be helpful. Plugin suggestions from you all would help as well. I have looked through a lot of them but sometimes I miss some as they are updated or added.

Server Longevity Goals:

While responding, keep these goals in mind for the server. These are the primary objectives in everything I am trying to do for the server at this time.

1: Long Term - be able to allow players to share inv between main and main2 so that both servers are used equally. This wont happen until we have a stable high strength economy so that it does not just obliterate Main2 in the process.

2: Boost Economy - bring costs back up to encourage more competitive and cooperative efforts in the community

3: Bring Back Community - the community used to be very tight knit and supportive. ATM it is a bunch of individuals or small groups just out to one up each other. The sense of belonging to the MT Community is gone and thats what im trying to bring back

4: Stabilize Economy - Find ways to make MTC worth more again and keep the material market at a stable level

5: Reduce Server load - get rid of things that are just lag generators, reduce mob-spawning, increase gaming ease, plugin revamp

6: Get MT back to a SMP game...its technically in the category, but its turned into a freebie no challenge server and unfortunately that turns away a lot of potentially good players.

7: Create sinks for MTC and Diamonds to help stabilize them and balance the mass generation of MTC.

8: Bring back the enjoyment of the game for players who have left due to it becoming too easy and lacking of any challenge anymore

{EDIT} 9: Return to a Material Based Economy rather than solely MTC based as it has become.

Please think out your responses and dont blow up on comments or suggestions made. I want this thread to be the community's voice to the final decision we make on these issues. Im not trying to screw anyone here, but please keep in mind that while these changes are going to have a negative affect at first, the end results later will be much greater than the up front losses. Bashing, trolling, arguments and irrelevant posts will be removed and are not appreciated at all as this is a very serious discussion. We are here for a constructive conversation. If it gets too far out of hand, I will simply close the matter and just do what has been decided at that point. Please feel free to discuss ANYTHING and EVERYTHING related to these issues. They are all inter-connected.

Please read all of the above before posting. Also read others posts so we dont have all the posts say the exact same thing...keep quote chains down to just the important parts...edit out the rest....now lets have a nice conversation and work together to help build the server to its former glory!
I am of the belief that Gold and Diamond need to become the standard again, remove ZombiePigman spawners to prevent gold generators and disallow the ability to sell items for MTC.

Originally the only way to get MTC was to vote for the server, I know of several players now that have over 100k mtc and never voted once.
thats another thing that we are looking into changing later is MTC...but that is another convo for another thread and not going to be even touched for a month after this settles out lol
My only comments on anything is the Long-Term goals. At this point I have moved away from the Main server and I am focusing on main2. This is due to the fact that it is a challenge to build/obtain items that you need and the market is FRESH and not completely overwhelmed with supply. I feel that even though it is a LONG term goal to combine the two servers I also feel as though it would ruin the player experience of those currently playing mainly on MAIN2 as well as its economy.

I hope that seeing as it is a Long Term goal that it takes a long time for this to happen. Main2 is the new survival map of Minetown and Main has become an "almost creative" map. Just my opinions though.
that particular goal is many moons down the road when the economy on main1 and main2 are almost equal in standing. i absolutely wont let main2 become like main is and neither will grifff. so no worries there <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>
Reposting my story from the other thread, as well as some added points.

Okay Zionia, Im seriously freaking out about all this. And I mean freaking out. Im really sorry, but I hope things stay the same. But I am trusting you because I know you mean for the best alright?

First, the reason I'm so stressed. Ever since I joined the server, one year ago, I've had a dream of running an exp farm. okay, maybe back then my goal was just a small wool farm as I set up shop in Shoreline, but it gradually evolved. By April, I was working hard in the XP farm buisness, competing with some of the big farms running at the time. I remember my original ShadowExp- It was a circular drop tower. Nothing fancy, all made of cobble and with skeleton, zombie and spiders on the roof. Then I remember tearing it all down and building the original ShadowEXP facility with StealthM23. I really have some great memories in this, and we evolved into one of the best in the buisness. Now I'm working hard, spending nearly all my time mining and building our new and improved facility.

I've spent nearly all of my time and money on minetown working twords this in the long run. I really don't want to see it go. I know the 'Guilt Trip' thing is kindof overused and not very effective, just I like to remember the times. Nostalgia is my weak point.

For my say, I really think the economy will do fine once we just cut down on the inflation crisis. I thought that it would be better once people started making beacons to use up currency, but it seems that it only caused more lag. In my opinion, the economy is doing fine, but again I'm not the best when it comes to the value of money. I also agree that voting is too high. When I first joined, if you voted all of them every 24 hours youd get around 1100 mtc. Now it's more than doubled that!

The issue with Zombie Pigmen, I guess they can be removed. I liked the experience I could get, plus the safety of orgignized traps. However Zombie Pigs are quite abundant in the nether and it's a challenge, so limiting this will get people back into the nether to fight them naturally, you wanted more challeges right? <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

Maybe though, if something does happen that disables the egg-to-spawner permanately there can be a way out of it- an exception of sorts. You know how Nimaro has Ghast and Silverfish spawners even though they aren't allowed? Well, maybe we can have some sort of permit system for the spawners you'd be cancelling out. Of course if you want to balance it you can either make the permits pay-to-have or make some sort of application thread... I'm thinking too much into this.

Long story short, Zionia I'm trusting you 100% okay? Please just make it work, I'll try and agree with whatever the discesion is... Its really hard though, because by you trolling us like that I've lost some of my trust for you but Im still pushing myself to, no matter what happens you're still one of my top fav mods for all the help you've given me over the past year-and-one-month.

I also, if you guys think this is good, cut down on diamonds, gold and iron circulating by using them for building. Do you think it would help, even just a bit?

Regards, PokemonGardevor.

PS- A notice, SHADOWEXP will no longer be buying, selling, or engaging in the trade of spawners within the following weeks. In regards to this from a exp-farm owners Point of view, I see egg-to-spawner conversions like Silkspawners very good, because it easily allows for moving spawners without creating a petition or requesting staff help, and this is the most convienent method when building for me.
On the next server start the spawner rate is being changed from 1 to 10 and they will no longer look to surrounding chucks, This should balance it out a but more w/o making then op again. Please bear with us as we try and find a good number to set it at.
I think we should just make a spawner limit that one can own, or be placed in a chunk
This may or may not be off topic, but with the focus on stabilizing the economy, what makes this more of an issue than the fact that a day of voting gives 5 times the amount of mtc that it used to? Am I mistaken in saying that a huge part of the concern is the insane amount of mtc so many people have? That's just the impression I have always gotten from threads like this in the past, this one included.
Going off of what Fettuccini said, the buying power of the MTC has declined due to the influx of MTC on the server. Now, this isn't a bad thing b/c more people have money, but b/c the buying power of the MTC has declined, we see lack of goods and increase in prices of items.

However, I have no evidence of this and I'm no economist. I don't feel the effects of inflation, but I have realized more and more people with money.

For the spawner issue, I just hope that, as a virtual business owner, spawners won't become worthless pieces of investments due to the restrictions on spawning per chunk. XP farms will be devastated (b/c of the time and effort put into it) and people may stop spending due to their investment not returning them any profit (again, no evidence, but Japan after the bubble in the late 1980s due to investments just "popping" away did cause their economy to stagnate for two decades - and it's still going on.) I guess this is like a Spawner Bubble in a way, except I don't have graphs or anything to prove that there was a bubble to begin with.

**Edit: It's pretty interesting to observe social and economic changes on a virtual video game economy server. When I first started playing Minecraft, I didn't expect that I'd see these things lol

***Edit 2: On the buy-back program, if people want to sell it, let them sell it.

On the issue of pigzombie spawners, I would like for there to be atleast a few to spawn b/c I still would like to use my spawner to get XP.

On the issue of gold, I don't really see the benefits of using gold or using diamonds. So long as there's a good way to control them the economy should not fluctuate so badly.

Longevity goals for the server - I agree with them. 3 is a result due to the game becoming easier and having less challenges. 4 will be hard to maintain, but it should proceed if that's what the players want. 6 I don't really have an opinion (I would like it to stay the same, but I realize others don't want it to be this easy.) 8 is similar to 6 for me because I've become used to the way I play on the server.

This will definitely be an interesting period of time for MT.

****Edit 3: Regarding MTC

MTC is interesting because I feel like it's similar to what happens with real currency. More and more can be created just out of thin air. It's like fiat money. I don't want to get rid of MTC, but I also don't want a diamond-gold standard. I'd like to look into if backing MTC with diamonds could keep the value stable, but Idk. This is the reason why I'm looking forward to taking AP Macro/Micro Economics my senior year lol. This post has become so long. Also, views within this post come from a mixture of my own personal set of opinions as long as a business owner with major assets in diamonds, gold, iron, and spawners.