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[Enjin Archive] MT REVAMP 2013 - Suggestions & Ideas
Started by [E] sawine


Please submit your suggestions and your ideas for the revamp incoming.

We are open to all ideas, every post will be considered.

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Also please do not start arguments or comment in this thread about others suggestions or ideas. These posts will be hidden.

Thank you!

Update the spawn.

I would say we or something the current spawn away somewhere I guess into storage as it contains so much history and then build a new one,

Reason being is its mostly inactive, outdated and just plain uninteresting and ugly. (I mean the resident bit)

Make it easier for new players to get started, e.g. Have a sign at spawn that teleports them to a random place with space to build.

Also make protections easier to get. Currently you have to make pillars, get cords then make a pe (which takes forever) and then set it how you want, maybe make it so a player could make one themselves somehow ( I dunno how, just an idea)

Make it clear when people join the server that we have a plugin that can log what they do, an attempt to reduce the crime by new players as they thik they cannot get caught.

Sort out the economy in a way that pleases the community, not the way the staff tried last time (which eventually turned into a mess when they ignored the community... As predicted)

Go easier on the ban hammer and punishments. Recently a lot of good players have been banned for a perthetic reason. Just remember staff a ban is serious, it's not a toy <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> if you want to punish someone use the jail (which needs to be made so jumping doesn't bypass the Afk kicker thing) then they leave or show commitment.

Just afew ideas that popped into my head, don't kill me for having an opinion
BARNEY626 wrote:
Update the spawn.

Also make protections easier to get. Currently you have to make pillars, get cords then make a pe (which takes forever) and then set it how you want, maybe make it so a player could make one themselves somehow ( I dunno how, just an idea)

You have to make pillars if you want your region an exact size, but besides that it's easy. You don;t need to remember co-ords, you just need to make a pe as we can teleport to where a petition was made~

I'm for changing the spawn, as the layout is confusing to most and could use an update. Not to delete the whole spawn and put a new one in, but to massively revamp the current one and move things around for easier accessibility
This may or may not have been discussed already by staff... but I believe a complete removal of spawners, erasure of the MTC and wipe of them them all, and a reversion back to a regulated diamond/gold/iron trading economy may fix all of Main's problems.

I'll be to the point, but Minecraft has become to lax.

People no longer take the time and effort to do things the old fashioned way. People have stopped mining, collecting, and now rather are in favor of using generators and mob grinders for everything they may need. Minecraft isn't a game where you can sit back and just let stuff happen around you, and to collect a vast fortune. Minecraft is a game where you need to go out, mine, harvest, kill, and think onto how to make your game experience better. Basically.. this isn't a game for lazy people. You want something, you have to work for it to be done.

I'm certain I'll get alot of flak for this. But this is the truth, whether people like it or not. Minecrafters have become just too lazy due to this.

So I once again say, remove the spawners. Erase the MTC and wipe them all. Go back to a diamond/gold/iron trading economy, And disable cross-server Trading/MTC capability. This will allow Each server/world to have it's own unique economy. And thus a localized point of focus for that world, and anything that happens in it.

The second idea.. would be a map reset. But with a saving of all the major cities and towns... but this one would piss off alot of people, due to the stuff they would lose. However, to make alot of people happy would also mean making alot of people mad by doing it. You can't please everyone... but.. sometimes the right choice, isn't what is most popular.

I'll leave this here for people to think about. I've been here for 2 and a half years. I've seen alot. And by fixing at least the spawners and MTC/economy issues, things will generally improve for the server. I'm that certain, that I'd bet my life on it.

And with that being said, I'll let you people decide.

Make the right choice, is all I ask. Make the right choice.
I think that you should have a shop... not like adminshop, but different. You'd have it sell PLACES instead of items. Maybe get a sign that says 1 Small Plot in a resident area?

Just an idea.
I think we should have a spleef arena.Just saying spleef is awesome!
We already do.
Just to go off of what BARNEY said and add on a little, I believe that the spawn does look a bit outdated and dormant, but when I mean spawn, I mean the entirety of the main town, now of course we would never want to get rid of those huge buildings, those are the main attraction, maybe we're looking at it from the wrong view, I agree partly to clean up those old ruins right outside of main spawn, but back when I was a member that entire area thrived.\

I guess what I'm trying to day is, make the main spawn attractive, and habitable again by people, Ive seen many before me state this idea and very few have attempted. I know sayomie was cleaning up most of spawn and the old residential ruins before he left, and i respected him for that, I've tried it myself, its very big and not easy to clean up.

I think if we were to clean that up, allow people to live in it, bring back the population into the main town than it would be so much more active there.

My other idea is to sort of go around clean up the entire map, obviously this is long term, but yea there are some big cool looking object, but I believe they are outdated, and that's whats taking people away from building and making more communities, because from what I've heard, people just cant make anything anymore because most of the places they find are either taken, used up by old builds, or just have regions without builds in them, clean that up and it will encourage more people to build and make communities, invite there friends to live with them, bring more people to expand, etc. etc, that sort of stuff.
I Fell a Map reset would be beneficial only if staff //schematic save <name here> on everyones build. this would entitle hundred's of hours of work. and i would be willing to volunteer for staff and put as much time into it as it takes. (if such thing is possible as volunteering)

With the declining numbers on minetown i am no longer sure that i stand by my stance of not opening the floodgates. I think we are running out of options. i see that a lot of people play on sky blawk which is not whitelisted.

We need a map expansion of not a reset. we have been promised one since 1.2.5 (the last time it was updated)

We need new perks, we fight about them every single month. But lets face it, with declining donations, your going to have to add them or minetown will die.

Barny was right when he said the staff have been a little over kill with their ban hammer. one person was banned, when they couldn't figure out what he did, they asked him to plead guilty in his appeal to something they had no proof of. I say let it rust.

I believe all of these things will help minetown for the better.
