Expanding the map to generate emerald ore would be another huge mistake. Sell them for credits and only enable the emerald -> stuff trades, not the stuff -> emerald trades. Bam! Awesome credit sink of awesomeness.
Some of you don't get the point.
The problem that villager trading brings is not that people can get massive amounts of the 'useless' Emerald without having to do much effort, but that these emeralds can easily be turned into the most valuable currency on the server: diamonds & thus credits.
Villager Trading is a nice new feature that shouldn't be removed, but it needs to be tweaked in some way that the current prices for items don't drastically change because of it.
It seems that the staff team is fully aware of all this, all they're looking for now are suggestions on HOW this can be tweaked down.
So if you have any ideas, post them.
The problem that villager trading brings is not that people can get massive amounts of the 'useless' Emerald without having to do much effort, but that these emeralds can easily be turned into the most valuable currency on the server: diamonds & thus credits.
Villager Trading is a nice new feature that shouldn't be removed, but it needs to be tweaked in some way that the current prices for items don't drastically change because of it.
It seems that the staff team is fully aware of all this, all they're looking for now are suggestions on HOW this can be tweaked down.
So if you have any ideas, post them.
DanniDorrito wrote:Madster wrote:
you are all missing the fact that... without trading(which should be off for now, and tweaked later if possible) the emeralds have NO value, dosn't matter how rare they are, what can you do with them? make a pretty decoration.. Thats about it. So danni dont sell them at the market shop for a high price,when you cant do anything with them, thats like selling torches for 300 credits a torch, but, even then, torches still have more usful aspects then emeralds with trading off.
You are forgetting the fact that emeralds are extremely rare, more so than diamonds. So your torch comparison was an extremely bad argument -_-
Yes they will be extremely good for decorating, I already have a design I want to do with emerald blocks with will mean I need to acquire around 4-5 stacks of emerald blocks.
So you saying they have no value is completely wrong, they currently have no use other than to decorate but they do have a lot of value and when they will now be on high demand because of how rare they are.
But their made for trading. dosn't matter how "rare" they get, they will only be a decoration without trading. They may be on high demand for a while, but trust me, someone is going to spend like thousands of credits, and realize "oh.. i just spent all my money on something that pretty much has no value, and i don't need"
sawine wrote:Slurth wrote:
Is it possible for the server to disable certain trades, while allowing others?
Not at the moment, but as we stated multiple times, we will look into tweaking the trades when bukkit allows us to.
Oh, sorry that I hadn't read/seen that. Honestly I skipped most of the thread by accident as I opened the thread, and posted a while later.
Sounds good to me.
I wanna trade <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
Madster wrote:DanniDorrito wrote:Madster wrote:
you are all missing the fact that... without trading(which should be off for now, and tweaked later if possible) the emeralds have NO value, dosn't matter how rare they are, what can you do with them? make a pretty decoration.. Thats about it. So danni dont sell them at the market shop for a high price,when you cant do anything with them, thats like selling torches for 300 credits a torch, but, even then, torches still have more usful aspects then emeralds with trading off.
You are forgetting the fact that emeralds are extremely rare, more so than diamonds. So your torch comparison was an extremely bad argument -_-
Yes they will be extremely good for decorating, I already have a design I want to do with emerald blocks with will mean I need to acquire around 4-5 stacks of emerald blocks.
So you saying they have no value is completely wrong, they currently have no use other than to decorate but they do have a lot of value and when they will now be on high demand because of how rare they are.
But their made for trading. dosn't matter how "rare" they get, they will only be a decoration without trading. They may be on high demand for a while, but trust me, someone is going to spend like thousands of credits, and realize "oh.. i just spent all my money on something that pretty much has no value, and i don't need"
How long have you been around minetown? Seriously.
Most items go through this phase, I remember obsidian, wool, redstone powered lights and a few other items that otherwise would never should have gotten that value... my best memory would be of obsidian, I spent hundreds of diamonds on obsidian and I didnt think "oh.. i just spent all my money on something that pretty much has no value, and i don't need"... I thought "Thank god I managed to get my hands on these, now I can continue with my build and try and sell some of these off for profit"
So right now emerald will be considered one of the most highly valued items in minetown since everyone wants to get their hands on some for building or to try and make profit. Whats not to say emeralds will become a new item to make emerald tools in the future. Again, you are completely wrong on saying they have 'no value', yes they do, they have an extremely high value and you are ignorant to believe otherwise. You may be mixing your terminology up with 'no use' instead of 'no value' because its true that they dont have any particular use at this moment in time but they definitely do have value.
Also its not the point of how rare they get... the fact is they are rare, rarer than diamond when it comes to mining. Right now they are the highest demanded item in minetown so the trading will take full advantage of this and price their emaralds high, today I have already seen emeralds going for $400 minimum. So when the server introduces a trading price for emeralds into the economy the server will need to make sure it suites the demands and also takes a lot of money out of the economy, it could make a great money sink and ensure emeralds aren't overpowered into the economy making them invaluable.
DanniDorrito wrote:Madster wrote:DanniDorrito wrote:Madster wrote:
you are all missing the fact that... without trading(which should be off for now, and tweaked later if possible) the emeralds have NO value, dosn't matter how rare they are, what can you do with them? make a pretty decoration.. Thats about it. So danni dont sell them at the market shop for a high price,when you cant do anything with them, thats like selling torches for 300 credits a torch, but, even then, torches still have more usful aspects then emeralds with trading off.
You are forgetting the fact that emeralds are extremely rare, more so than diamonds. So your torch comparison was an extremely bad argument -_-
Yes they will be extremely good for decorating, I already have a design I want to do with emerald blocks with will mean I need to acquire around 4-5 stacks of emerald blocks.
So you saying they have no value is completely wrong, they currently have no use other than to decorate but they do have a lot of value and when they will now be on high demand because of how rare they are.
But their made for trading. dosn't matter how "rare" they get, they will only be a decoration without trading. They may be on high demand for a while, but trust me, someone is going to spend like thousands of credits, and realize "oh.. i just spent all my money on something that pretty much has no value, and i don't need"
How long have you been around minetown? Seriously.
Most items go through this phase, I remember obsidian, wool, redstone powered lights and a few other items that otherwise would never should have gotten that value... my best memory would be of obsidian, I spent hundreds of diamonds on obsidian and I didnt think "oh.. i just spent all my money on something that pretty much has no value, and i don't need"... I thought "Thank god I managed to get my hands on these, now I can continue with my build and try and sell some of these off for profit"
So right now emerald will be considered one of the most highly valued items in minetown since everyone wants to get their hands on some for building or to try and make profit. Whats not to say emeralds will become a new item to make emerald tools in the future. Again, you are completely wrong on saying they have 'no value', yes they do, they have an extremely high value and you are ignorant to believe otherwise. You may be mixing your terminology up with 'no use' instead of 'no value' because its true that they dont have any particular use at this moment in time but they definitely do have value.
Also its not the point of how rare they get... the fact is they are rare, rarer than diamond when it comes to mining. Right now they are the highest demanded item in minetown so the trading will take full advantage of this and price their emaralds high, today I have already seen emeralds going for $400 minimum. So when the server introduces a trading price for emeralds into the economy the server will need to make sure it suites the demands and also takes a lot of money out of the economy, it could make a great money sink and ensure emeralds aren't overpowered into the economy making them invaluable.
First off, its an opinion. You did not have to be rude about stating your opinion by calling myself, and others "ignorant" because of how they view the economy, and the items in it. I am now done with this discussion as it has lead to the start of an argument. If you wish to continue this conversation, message me, otherwise I won't be replying on this thread.
Madster wrote:
First off, its an opinion. You did not have to be rude about stating your opinion by calling myself, and others "ignorant" because of how they view the economy, and the items in it. I am now done with this discussion as it has lead to the start of an argument. If you wish to continue this conversation, message me, otherwise I won't be replying on this thread.
o_o ... it was just part of the discussion, I dont see it as an argument and apologies if I have seemed rude. I have messaged you as requested and I just wanted to ensure a difference between 'no value' and 'no use' was understood as you seem to mistaken the two. I really didn't want any players thinking the same as that.
You have misread why I said you were ignorant, it was about the difference between 'no value' and 'no use', not the economy and not aimed at any other players as you stated in your post. You seem to lack the knowledge of the difference between the two which is the definition of ignorant.
Hope this clears up the final message and any others will go through private as requested.
Personally Disable... and build a custom plug to fit our server. I like the idea of having personal Vendors they we can use instead of signs... not sure how likely this is but imagine a area with Vendors that we setup like Duckshop but there moving around in your Stall or Building and allow them to do the selling for you. I'm sure it would be alot of work but Darth can do it <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> haha
sawine wrote:
~725 papers (11.3 stacks) = full set of chain mail armor
~580 wheat (~9 stacks) = full set of chain mail armor
~688 chickens (10.75 stacks) = full set of diamond armor
~2 stacks of wheat = 1 saddle