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[Enjin Archive] Well that was offensive
Started by Unknown User

xgamer888 wrote:
DanniDorrito wrote:
This should have been discussed in staff with ALL staff members before posting it to public >.>

I haven't spoken up in this thread yet, so here I go:

Unfortunately, Irethena, or someone else deleted her post <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>

Lucky I still had the pic open and was able to save it.

While Irethena sometimes slaps the ban stick faster then the Michel Moore can eat a hot-dog...

What she did, in my opinion, was wonderful.

THIS is what the community was asking for.

She showed the community that the staff cares, is taking input, and is striving the help the community.

Irethena has my full support.

While I think that some things listed are too severe and others are a bit lenient, we have something to work with. Without a starting point, determination, and follow through, nothing gets done.

Irethena and the staff that helped to create that are showing all of those qualities, and truly care about the community.

I understand that if you "get the community's opinion" no one will ever 100% agree. However, our current law systems are like that (in the USA anyway).

We can vote, what the majority says goes.

If the community (the mods / admins ARE a part of the community too, remember that) as a whole sets rules in place, the community will follow them, and like them.

We understand that it's a work in progress, but please open the doors (or at a window) to what IS happening. Who know's, with 10,000+ members, maybe one of them will brainstorm an idea that a mod/admin has not thought of, making the community an even better place.

Thank you again Irethena, you are doing a VERY good job!

I'm not taking credit for something I didn't head. This was a contribution by multiple staff members in mumble while I was afk. Just pointing that out, it was a team effort and I am by no means stealing their thunder.

I took it down cause Sayomie and I made a few tweaks. When we pitch it to everybody else on staff and get it finalized, then it'll be implemented. Whether or not we publish it is up in the air.
imthelag wrote:
Schwarherz wrote:
I wish some of the newcomers would take the time to read all 8 pages of the conversation.

Newcomers just need to follow the rules. We wouldn't have to worry about inconsistent problems if rules were followed. This isn't a public service, this is Sawine's server. I don't see why he needs to have his staff draft some punishment plan; why are we wasting time when it is usually the rule-breakers who waste everyone's time to begin with?

You want consistency? Don't break the rules and you won't have to worry.

Sorry if I was unclear ^^; I was referring to newcomers to the thread. As in people who weren't aware of the flow of the conversation and were posting regarding a part of the conversation that was already over with.

P.S. Why do I feel like we just took a gigantic step backward? -_-' Lag...yes it's sawine's server and his staff runs it. But if the staff's rule enforcement policy drives away all the players what is left? Staff and sawine. I somehow don't think sawine will make any money (assuming he does actually make money instead of immediately putting any profits toward the server) if that happens. I doubt there will even be enough cash flow to keep the hosting up in that eventuality. Then what?
imthelag wrote:
You want consistency? Don't break the rules and you won't have to worry.

I think we can all agree on that, but since its unlikely that suddenly rule breakers will stop rule breaking, this will be a much better way of making sure that they stop slipping through the cracks with temp bans when most would get permabanned for the same offence and vice versa.
The forums have been pretty hot recently.

Sorry to the above posters, I figured out who you meant by newcomers after I hit post. By the time I deleted the post it looks like you were already quoting.

I feel rule-breakers will be rule-breaks.

New and veteran members will make mistakes and consequences will follow.

It is the consistency of those consequences that matter.

And While I respect that staff feel this conversation should remain among staff, I sense that the intense interest from the community in this thread speaks volumes.
Fettuccini wrote:
imthelag wrote:
You want consistency? Don't break the rules and you won't have to worry.

I think we can all agree on that, but since its unlikely that suddenly rule breakers will stop rule breaking, this will be a much better way of making sure that they stop slipping through the cracks with temp bans when most would get permabanned for the same offence and vice versa.

and where as some people that are high dollar donators have yet to get perma banned on accounts of trolling/spamming/being a pain and more and if i were to do the same thing they have done, permanently banned no chance of getting unbanned. And i think we should be able to post on ban apealls if its to say "hope you get unbanned buddy" and not to try and start a flame war, and that we should put getting unbanned up to a vote depending on what the person that got banned done
imthelag wrote:
The forums have been pretty hot recently.

Sorry to the above posters, I figured out who you meant by newcomers after I hit post. By the time I deleted the post it looks like you were already quoting.

Side note and completely :offtopic: but XKCD FTW!
Its most likely the truth if i say that bans are treated not the same on everybody

I know it has been said alot in this topic before

but what if a duper/stealer/griefer Would be caught but the mod/admin caught him and gave him a warning

Same day the same mod/admin finds another duper/stealer/griefer and bans him

i have seen this maby 2 times

BUT thats 2 TIMES to much

there really needs to be taken a better look @ neutral decissions with bans for ppl

And if there should really be a ban or just Jail them or something like that

I have seen some in game moments that i thought .... "Seriously you banned him/her for such a small offense? "

Like I really think their needs to be a discussion between the staff members of controlling these situations better

Cause if it wont get fixed their may come an huge rage of alot of people who dont agree with the ways The so called "Judge system/banhammer and such"

Yours sincerly ikailaz
ikailaz wrote:
Its most likely the truth if i say that bans are treated not the same on everybody

I know it has been said alot in this topic before

but what if a duper/stealer/griefer Would be caught but the mod/admin caught him and gave him a warning

Same day the same mod/admin finds another duper/stealer/griefer and bans him

i have seen this maby 2 times

BUT thats 2 TIMES to much

there really needs to be taken a better look @ neutral decissions with bans for ppl

And if there should really be a ban or just Jail them or something like that

I have seen some in game moments that i thought .... "Seriously you banned him/her for such a small offense? "

Like I really think their needs to be a discussion between the staff members of controlling these situations better

Cause if it wont get fixed their may come an huge rage of alot of people who dont agree with the ways The so called "Judge system/banhammer and such"

Yours sincerly ikailaz

a good bit of mods have gone corrupt
Hunter thats not productive