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[Enjin Archive] Well that was offensive
Started by Unknown User

Almost dirtied a set of boxers when i saw you responded Sawine. And i appreciate the time taken to present us with a well composed, and rather lengthy response.
I think it would be for the best of everyone to /lock this up baybay!
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By registering an account on minetown.net and by logging in to our server, you acknowledge that you have fully read and understood the rules and agree to follow them. Breaking these rules will result in a punishment determined appropriate by staff, which may be as severe as a permanent ban (account and/or ip).

General Rules

1. Be Considerate of Other Players

* Ask before entering someone's area; leave if told to

* Do not troll, bully, or otherwise harass people

2. Be Respectful to Staff

* Use the available methods (petitions, forums, site messages) to request help

* Do not demand/beg for staff to do things for you

* Do not ask for Ranking/OP

* Do not interfere with staff duties

3. Use Chat Appropriately

* Use regular case or title case, not all capitals

* Refrain from explicit language and "1337 sp34k"

* For general talk, use the global channel.

* Use /msg for private conversations

* Use other channels as intended

* No spamming of any type

4. Follow Building Guidelines

* Do not make one-block wide towers or holes

* Do not build right next to spawn without permission

* Do not build close to someone else's construction unless you have their approval

5. Do not use hacks/cheats or exploit glitches, including (but not limited to)

* Any method of duplication

* Using "x-ray" mods/texture packs

* Flying

* Speed hacks

* Exploiting game glitches

* Using a cheat client

* Using any scripts which allow for cheating

* Accepting inappropriately obtained items

6. Absolutely no advertising of other servers

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1. It is your job to keep your account secure

2. Anything done on your account, regardless of who is/was playing, you are responsible for

3. Refrain from having an explicit user skin

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2. Donation privileges may be adjusted at any point

3. Donations are non-refundable

World-Specific Rules

* Griefing is anything that is destructive to the work another player has done, whether taking materials or placing them. Creating a player death trap is also considered griefing.

* In PVP-allowed situations, you may keep items dropped by a player you killed.

1. Main World

* Griefing/Stealing is not allowed

* PVP is optional

2. Nether World

* Griefing/Stealing is allowed

* PVP is enabled

3. End World

* Griefing/Stealing is allowed

* PVP is enabled

4. War World/Castle Seige

* Griefing/Stealing is allowed

* PVP is enabled

5. Other Worlds

* Observe public announcements for information

Forum Rules

1. Familiarize yourself with the search function

2. Use the most appropriate board for your post topic

3. Use proper language

4. Do not post on Ban Appeals unless you're the banned person or have relevant details to the situation.

Voice Chat Rules

1. Try to be in the correct channel for what you want to converse about

2. Do not be a nuisance to other users

3. Do not come on just to demand staff do things for you

4. Refrain from explicit language

It cannot be emphasized enough that if it's your name connected to a rule-break, it doesn't matter who really was playing on your account, you are responsible! The best defense against getting banned is following the rules and not allowing others to access your account.

Those are the rules. Any violation of those rules can lead to a permaban. On the application it asks if you read and understand the rules, if you were whitelisted in any other way the signs at spawn state to read the rules. Any time a punishment is handed out that is less then a ban it is due to staff choosing a lesser punishment. I repeat, ANY OFFENSE covered in the rules an be a permaban. There is no need for stricter guidelines such as set punishments, we have that already, a ban. If you curse, we can ban you. * Refrain from explicit language and "1337 sp34k". That is pretty cut and dry. If you harass other members we can ban you. * Do not troll, bully, or otherwise harass people. Again, cut and dry. EVERYONE is supposed to read the rules and follow them. No gray area there.

Threats of leaving the server are empty, this is a game, if your not happy, your free to go elsewhere. Try other servers, you will see, because what you dont see is how many messages we get from people begging to be let back on the server because they have left and realized what we all know deep down, this is the best Server. Complaints that this server is paid for by the members are invalid as donations are just that... Donations. No one forced you to donate, there is no requirement to donate.

The staff work hard for you, but we are not paid, we do not have "hours" when we are assigned to work. We are volunteers. We gave up our free time to make the server a better place. Because of our staff there is less griefing then on any other server even close to our size, less major issues, more growth, and more communication.

2. Be Respectful to Staff

* Use the available methods (petitions, forums, site messages) to request help

* Do not demand/beg for staff to do things for you

* Do not ask for Ranking/OP

* Do not interfere with staff duties

You don't have to agree with us, you dont have to have the same point of view of us, you dont have to like us. You do have to respect our wishes though and listen to us. We dont really ask for much. the rules break down really simply to this....

Live and let live.

So lets get with the program here, you're playing a game, go play and have a good time, and let us do our jobs that allow you to have a better time here then anywhere else.
Can I put away the Dorrito's now?

Im full up :C
sawine wrote:
LucyLooseLegs wrote:

So in theory, anyone promoted into staff ranks would be expected to have a level head and the ability to make unbiased judgments, using common sense.

This is just a given, all circumstances vary accordingly.

So maybe the answer lies within your selection of staff to begin with.

If staff are creating inconsistencies with punishments due to that individuals "lack" of judgement and common sense, then maybe the problem won't be solved with a re-writing of the rules.

I'm sorry, I might be reading this wrong and I really don't want to make additional useless drama as I'm almost just done to finish this long post.... but those lines sounds to me like "Make me mod, I will fix the server" ... and putting the blame on the lack of judgment and common sense of the individuals that are part of the staff... I won't hide to say it... is "an insult" that I take personally...


Understandably my words may have been viewed as disrespectful to your staff and your functionality.

As mentioned multiple times, this is not my intention.

If I was chasing promotion I doubt speaking openly, and >potentially< offending you and your staff is the right approach, realistically.

If I was chasing promotion, there would be a whole new method to my madness.

Following the constructive and open nature of this discussion, I was attempting to inject a logical and analytic approach to the issue that members felt was an important topic.

While I am not against the obvious solution of writing up new guidelines for a punishment system for staff to use, as mentioned by yourself, they are simply guidelines.

It is near impossible to maintain a healthy community without using some level of common sense. Who could argue this?

This is why I questioned the real purpose of a new guideline to begin with.

While I have never defended the punishment of any individuals, I was simply trying to express my thoughts constructively and objectively.

As I have maintained throughout this thread, I think very highly of Minetown staff, and have reiterated my support for them, emphasizing that my opinion in this thread is not meant to offend or create said "drama"

I can recognize that while I have attempted to get my thoughts across, some may view my insight as offensive and "stirring the pot" - I would like to remind everyone concerning this thread that my opinion was made with good intentions.

Being reasonable and reflecting on this thread as a whole, it is difficult to state ones mind in a public lobby without being viewed as a politician with a personal agenda.

If I appear to be running an election campaign by posting my opinion, then I would assume that half of the participants of this thread are potential candidates.

Following recent events, I felt it was time to speak honestly.

I was trying to help by pitching alternatives to find a solution. I apologize if you have understood my involvement here as counter-productive, although that is the risk that I take when stating my opinion. A moderator application dated back to early January would make anyone question my motives.

With sincerity,

sawine wrote:
Okay..... so I just took the time to read those 12 pages... I'm glad to see that most of the stuff that was out of context or irrelevant got answered and talked over...so I won't have to make a 10 foot long (but close...) reply to this topic.



Sheesh I go to work and sawine himself comments on the thread. *starts grumbling about stupid "good mood food" making me miss it*
I noticed this topic a tad to late but the thread overall makes me less ashamed of humanity, seeing a largely sensible group, in a public setting, and not going over the edge; it's truly a rarity that would make Dr.Manhattan stay on earth.

I have only one complaint about what one person said... but I'm assuming this has already been addressed due to his lack of participation after a single post in this thread, so I will not fire shots after the battle has ended. Another day perhaps.