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[Enjin Archive] Well that was offensive
Started by Unknown User

sayomie wrote:
While I can see your point we do not want players doing something that only gets them a temp ban because they know that if they get caught doing it they will only get a temp ban. Also you have to remember that there is a lot of things that have to be taken into consideration when we punish players. For example a player who has been punished for a completely different crime would be dealt with differently then a player who is a first time offender. Also a player who is rude to everyone will be dealt with differently then a player who is polite.

I beg to differ. Publishing the guidelines would let the players know their limits, not what they can get away with. It's much the same as a school publishing the rules and punishments for breaking them within their student handbook. If they don't know how much trouble they can get in they will always chance it on the risk that it might be one of the offences that might just earn them a slap on the wrist. See, that's the thing about punishments. Knowledge of the punishment is much more of a deterrent than "OOOOOOO YOU! If I ever see you doing THIS you'll be in so much trouble! I can't tell you how much but it'll be trouble!" Which, I'm sorry to say, is what you're giving us right now.
xgamer888 wrote:
sayomie wrote:
While I can see your point we do not want players doing something that only gets them a temp ban because they know that if they get caught doing it they will only get a temp ban. Also you have to remember that there is a lot of things that have to be taken into consideration when we punish players. For example a player who has been punished for a completely different crime would be dealt with differently then a player who is a first time offender. Also a player who is rude to everyone will be dealt with differently then a player who is polite.

My analogy still hold's true,

If you're rude to a police officer who is pulling you over, you have a MUCH higher chance of him writing you a ticket, vs him giving you a warning. It is up to him to give you the ticket or not, however it is up to the judge to execute the punishment.

Plus, you could always ADD to it. Meaning if someone was disrespectful to someone and then was ALSO disrespectful to a Mod when the Mod confronted him, that's two separate infractions and should be treated as such.

what xgamer said here is certainly a good point

i see alot ppl get kicked or temp banned cuz of disrespecting staff or mod because they warned them for ther language against other players

but i almost never see a mod or admin ask why he is raging or such .. maby the other player stole from him or killed his pet

And maby cuz of that he rages at the player while the mod only sees him rage and hasnt seen the other player his actions

I know that there are pe or ask a mod for help

but there are players in this community that have a small temper and can explode out of nowhere and cause a big fuzz getting them banned

i kno that thinking bout those ppl would be hard

But im just saying there are these kinds of people in this sever

KEEP that in mind ..
You may not see it but we do look into why a player is raging. It may be through private messages or a ban appeal but it does get looked into. We also have logs that we can go through that includes all chat, private messages as well as a lot more so we can read back and try and find out what has happened if
Schwarherz wrote:
I don't think we're really arguing about any specific case here anymore Irethena. At least, I'm not. From what I understand from reading everyone else's responses we're all mostly trying to communicate out dislike of the way things are right now in general. And I agree with BT. I think that there should be some sort of list where it says "This offence gets this punishment and this offence gets this punishment." instead of the grey "just about anything can get you anything from a kick to a permaban." Moderators hold up the rules that the members are expected to follow, but where are the extra rules that the moderators are expected to follow to go along with their extra power. To quote someone much more rich and successful than I: "With great power comes great responsibility."

EDIT: I understand the admins have logs and that there are extra details that we do not know. But it would at least be a little comforting to know that someone was watching the watchers. (wow...what is it with me and the comic quotes today?)

I dont want to dig myself to far into this, But the only problem i see with this is this:

(im going to use myself as an example)

Madster456 banned for duping(Lets say irethena made it a week temp ban.

two weeks later, madster456 banned again for duping(But this time its permmaban.

See the problem? If this offence gets this punishment, what happens when it is done again? Or they did something in the past that had a different punishment?

That is a pretty big flaw in that if you ask me.

Just wanted to put my two sense out there.

Also, i think staff is doing fine. They were put into that position to do what needs to be done. If players start thinking they can do things such as writing on ban appeals. Then we would have more fighting, and what not. Because trust me, i would be kinda mad if someone came and posted something on my ban appeal saying if i should, or shouldn't be banned, cuss one, it has nothing to do with them, nor is it even there choice.
sayomie wrote:
Staff still need some leeway when dealing with players and do not need the guidelines that are given to them being slapped in their faces by players who do not have all the information in a situation. I am not saying that you would do this but it would happen. If you want to compare this to real life when a person commits a crime there is not always a set punishment for the crime but it is decided by a judge. That judge will have leeway and a set off guidelines to go by which is what we are doing.

I like to think that people are intelligent enough to realize that the way they respond to punishment effects how severe it's going to be. I'll use my school example again. In a school environment where all the rules and punishments are outlined for you on day one you can still get better or worse punishment based on how you treat the official. If you tell the community the guidelines and emphasize in the place that you do it that they are, in fact, guidelines not set-in-stone sentences there shouldn't be a problem.

EDIT: Also, in your judge example. The judge's own guidelines are known by the person who commits the crime. We are all able to look up what the punishment for, say, Grand Theft is. When we look up that information we are given the guideline. (I'm not going to look it up but I believe it's somewhere between a hefty fine and 20 years in jail or something like that.)
sayomie wrote:
Should a player who has never done anything before steals something then apologies returns the items and promises to never do it again, be treated the same as one who steals the exact same thing and then complains about it for and is rude to the staff and the player he stole from be treated the same?

Staff still need some leeway when dealing with players and do not need the guidelines that are given to them being slapped in their faces by players who do not have all the information in a situation. I am not saying that you would do this but it would happen. If you want to compare this to real life when a person commits a crime there is not always a set punishment for the crime but it is decided by a judge. That judge will have leeway and a set off guidelines to go by which is what we are doing.

Sayomie i agree with you, but to all whom read this may i remind you we have a problem (Or at least i do) with the one person in-particular. A certain person was left of the hook last month for the use of a Mod Client.. Did the mods or admins ban this specific Anonymous person i speak of NO! Reason because this person was ruled different and ineligible for a ban because they have a Mental Condition on which they were excluded from ban. TPrezzle later on use the same client to take a picture of a certain area of which Key Word Lava was a issue and later on after posting on the forums about this issue was later on Messaged about this Specific Modded Client "Please Do Not Use Mod Client A Again or Result in Ban" TP was told by an admin/mod that information by which he used for a technically use to see a problematic issue. Tprezzle was later on banned yesterday Perma in fact and i found that even thought he was being a bad player and continued to do such in this act of rage was ruled UnJust. Mods/Admins believe they are "CRACKING" or "FIXING" the problem but all they are doing is Banning those of which who screwed up and did not get a second chance.. I think the First action of that mods/admins should do is regain respect from Players SUCH as I and Ban the person of whom i typed about Above using a Modded Client and still getting off the Hook.. It is time that Minetown Becomes Fair again!
schaefer1231 wrote:
sayomie wrote:
Should a player who has never done anything before steals something then apologies returns the items and promises to never do it again, be treated the same as one who steals the exact same thing and then complains about it for and is rude to the staff and the player he stole from be treated the same?

Staff still need some leeway when dealing with players and do not need the guidelines that are given to them being slapped in their faces by players who do not have all the information in a situation. I am not saying that you would do this but it would happen. If you want to compare this to real life when a person commits a crime there is not always a set punishment for the crime but it is decided by a judge. That judge will have leeway and a set off guidelines to go by which is what we are doing.

Sayomie i agree with you, but to all whom read this may i remind you we have a problem (Or at least i do) with the one person in-particular. A certain person was left of the hook last month for the use of a Mod Client.. Did the mods or admins ban this specific Anonymous person i speak of NO! Reason because this person was ruled different and ineligible for a ban because they have a Mental Condition on which they were excluded from ban. TPrezzle later on use the same client to take a picture of a certain area of which Key Word Lava was a issue and later on after posting on the forums about this issue was later on Messaged about this Specific Modded Client "Please Do Not Use Mod Client A Again or Result in Ban" TP was told by an admin/mod that information by which he used for a technically use to see a problematic issue. Tprezzle was later on banned yesterday Perma in fact and i found that even thought he was being a bad player and continued to do such in this act of rage was ruled UnJust. Mods/Admins believe they are "CRACKING" or "FIXING" the problem but all they are doing is Banning those of which who screwed up and did not get a second chance.. I think the First action of that mods/admins should do is regain respect from Players SUCH as I and Ban the person of whom i typed about Above using a Modded Client and still getting off the Hook.. It is time that Minetown Becomes Fair again!

Schaefer, we are past talking about specific players.

Both situations were dealt with, demanding someone's head on a platter won't get you anywhere.
Irethena wrote:
schaefer1231 wrote:
sayomie wrote:
Should a player who has never done anything before steals something then apologies returns the items and promises to never do it again, be treated the same as one who steals the exact same thing and then complains about it for and is rude to the staff and the player he stole from be treated the same?

Staff still need some leeway when dealing with players and do not need the guidelines that are given to them being slapped in their faces by players who do not have all the information in a situation. I am not saying that you would do this but it would happen. If you want to compare this to real life when a person commits a crime there is not always a set punishment for the crime but it is decided by a judge. That judge will have leeway and a set off guidelines to go by which is what we are doing.

Sayomie i agree with you, but to all whom read this may i remind you we have a problem (Or at least i do) with the one person in-particular. A certain person was left of the hook last month for the use of a Mod Client.. Did the mods or admins ban this specific Anonymous person i speak of NO! Reason because this person was ruled different and ineligible for a ban because they have a Mental Condition on which they were excluded from ban. TPrezzle later on use the same client to take a picture of a certain area of which Key Word Lava was a issue and later on after posting on the forums about this issue was later on Messaged about this Specific Modded Client "Please Do Not Use Mod Client A Again or Result in Ban" TP was told by an admin/mod that information by which he used for a technically use to see a problematic issue. Tprezzle was later on banned yesterday Perma in fact and i found that even thought he was being a bad player and continued to do such in this act of rage was ruled UnJust. Mods/Admins believe they are "CRACKING" or "FIXING" the problem but all they are doing is Banning those of which who screwed up and did not get a second chance.. I think the First action of that mods/admins should do is regain respect from Players SUCH as I and Ban the person of whom i typed about Above using a Modded Client and still getting off the Hook.. It is time that Minetown Becomes Fair again!

Schaefer, we are past talking about specific players.

Both situations were dealt with, demanding someone's head on a platter won't get you anywhere.

To you the situation was worked out to me it looks like it was AVOIDED.
sayomie wrote:
You may not see it but we do look into why a player is raging. It may be through private messages or a ban appeal but it does get looked into. We also have logs that we can go through that includes all chat, private messages as well as a lot more so we can read back and try and find out what has happened if

i know you could check specific logs but the thing the you stated above

Did clear alot of things i had in my mind

Thnx for that (:
Sorry you feel that way Schaefer, but nothing was avoided. We're moving on from that now.