Username: JaLLaF
Age : 16
Timezone: +4 Dubai, Abudahbi
How long have you been playing on Minetown ? Ive been playing Minetown for around 5 months To Much Old
What is your experience in minecraft server administration ? Not much experience however i know general things, tp, warps, Kick, Ban....Etc
Can you use mumble ? Yea im on it right now
How many people do you know around ? Who are your friends ? I know quite a few people on Minetown. GoldenGm Jpkoushel, Daneil1995, Sawine, Masta C, Dobs,Laucain, Crail
Why should we choose you rather than someone else ? i moderate the server. I play So Much Minectaft so i have a lot of time to moderate I wont just ban people from no reason the pr0blems in the server
EDIT: i know this is my second post...
((I swear to be loyal to the Server and its Admins, and to safeguard the security and integrity, and to be obedient to the Constitution and the law and that I will perform my duties as honest, trustworthy))