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[Enjin Archive] Level reset on the pvp-server
Started by [E] 8x8johan

ⓩⓐⓚ ⓓⓐⓝⓚ wrote:

Generally speaking, balancing usually upsets players

This makes no sense to me.
ⓩⓐⓚ ⓓⓐⓝⓚ wrote:

The pvp server reminds me of how Minetown used to be a year ago - before all these new staff came and silly carebear rules to stop 8 year olds from crying on the forums. Over the past year i have seen some of the hardest working staff get replaced by mods who prat around doing stupid s**t. So much has changed and minetown is more like a job than a game now. You need to pay to have warps to your houses, you have to submit pe's for just about everything and you cannot have your freedom over your own land. Freedom means a lot and the way i see it the pvp currently offers this ( although carebear rules are creeping back... TNT ). If i want people to to get out of my area , i dont have to go through a series of required applications to give notice for plots and all that crap, i can just kick them out and if they refuse, kill them.

Your mentality isnt a pvp mentality, if someone is challenging you can either try kill them or run, after all minecraft is a SURVIVAL game.

ONE BIG ISSUE on the pvp server is the lack of decent staff to help with all the hackers. There never seems to be staff on and hacking occurs regularly. When you tell a mod its always "put in a pe and a mod will deal with it".

Final point which has been said multiple times on mumble is that staff are contradicting and bending rules. Staff should be like police, who are also subject to the law.

Our moderation system is what makes our server unique, if you dislike our petition system, you're free to go play on those 12yo servers where drama is handled and judged by the amount of capital letters you're able to type and the amount of swears you know.

... srlsy... if you prefer unorganized servers with crappy moderation... just leave... we put some many efforts on having a quality community composed of mature members and you ask that we slack it in the sake of "freedom"



I'm out of this thread.

Photoshop Cage wrote:
DanniDorrito wrote:
'fuck' 'pussy' 'cunt' 'shit'.

The reason our posts are censored is so 'others don't have to see'. Apparently, it's irrelevant what context this language is in, it's simply not on. Going by that, you should edit your post.

Listened and editing to star out some of the letters. Its just a clear indication of what was said in mumble since your friends are trying to prove staff dont follow the rules...

People make mistakes, its common as many swear in their every day lives, its something we try to work on. The action which was taken did not outright punish players as soon as they started to swear, warnings were given. Over mumble they were warned multiple times to stop and they didnt, yes I did swear once through mumble and have apologised in an earlier post in this thread if you did not notice. On the forums... its not okay. You have time to think about what your saying and edit it so the swearing is not necessary, it doesnt get your point across any better.

Shall we move this topic back to the matter in hand or will you continue to argue about unnecessary matters?

MCMMO would be a good thing to keep included on the server, however, as my points above have given there is no 'safety net' as such for new players leaving spawn. In most MMO games new players go through a tutorial which levels them up so they can handle themselves and allow them go farther into areas which slowly increase in the 'gamemode' or difficulty. Minecraft does not have such an option so something should be done so MCMMO skills do not become overpowered which the new players wont be able to fight against.
sawine wrote:
ⓩⓐⓚ ⓓⓐⓝⓚ wrote:

Generally speaking, balancing usually upsets players

This makes no sense to me.
ⓩⓐⓚ ⓓⓐⓝⓚ wrote:

The pvp server reminds me of how Minetown used to be a year ago - before all these new staff came and silly carebear rules to stop 8 year olds from crying on the forums. Over the past year i have seen some of the hardest working staff get replaced by mods who prat around doing stupid s**t. So much has changed and minetown is more like a job than a game now. You need to pay to have warps to your houses, you have to submit pe's for just about everything and you cannot have your freedom over your own land. Freedom means a lot and the way i see it the pvp currently offers this ( although carebear rules are creeping back... TNT ). If i want people to to get out of my area , i dont have to go through a series of required applications to give notice for plots and all that crap, i can just kick them out and if they refuse, kill them.

Your mentality isnt a pvp mentality, if someone is challenging you can either try kill them or run, after all minecraft is a SURVIVAL game.

ONE BIG ISSUE on the pvp server is the lack of decent staff to help with all the hackers. There never seems to be staff on and hacking occurs regularly. When you tell a mod its always "put in a pe and a mod will deal with it".

Final point which has been said multiple times on mumble is that staff are contradicting and bending rules. Staff should be like police, who are also subject to the law.

Our moderation system is what makes our server unique, if you dislike our petition system, you're free to go play on those 12yo servers where drama is handled and judged by the amount of capital letters you're able to type and the amount of swears you know.

... srlsy... if you prefer unorganized servers with crappy moderation... just leave... we put some many efforts on having a quality community composed of mature members and you ask that we slack it in the sake of "freedom"



I'm out of this thread.


I think your missing my point, what im saying is there are too many unnecessary, restrictive rules which are preventing players from just enjoying the game. People want freedom to do what they want - the staff should be there to moderate abuse. The petition system is great when dealing with things which can be handled over a period of time like making warps or so on. But currently everything is handled through petitions. We are a server of less than 100 people usually, we dont need mmo support systems aimed for 10,000 consecutive players.

Also regarding staff, look at them, most of them have only played a few months and got staff within the first few weeks of play. What about the long term players who actually know about minetown? Im not suggesting me but people from when i joined. In my opinion the best staff recruited was Heiwashin and then after that it was just people who joined and thought 'hey i want to staff'. Its strange as well how like 80% of our female playerbase is suddenly staff. I saw Exeriti get banned the other day by some mod no-one even knows for joking about destroying a plot. The mod probably didnt even know who exeriti was. Lets face it, the old minetown was 10x the minetown that exists now, back when it was all about FUN and not competition with legendarycraft.

Yeah Sawine has the wrong impression here.

I am fully aware that a TON of staff put loads of effort into running this server as smoothly as possible. I personally, just don't think that it's always gone about in the right way.
DanniDorrito wrote:
#PredSpread wrote:
Even if you don't reset the server skills people will come. Now, the main argument is that they won't stay because us "experienced players" will spawn kill them. Really? You really think I don't have people in diamond gear to kill? Whatever. That doesn't matter. Sure, people will come and stay, but they will get irritated once they've got their skills up and then there's another reset. Then they'll quit too!

You see, if you just leave the plugin alone or remove it totally and nobody will go because there is either no reset so no slavery to get skills back up or no plugin to whine about. You're sacraficing new players who will check out the server ONCE and go offline for people who will play until the server goes down and if you want that then FINE everyone on the server now will quit and you'll have thousands of non-donators going on the server per day, then going offline without donating.

There are two solutions here: remove the plugin, or leave the levels as they are. The downfall of resetting the skills is absolutely massive compared to the huge benefits of leaving them as they are / removing the plugin entirely.

Me? I'd rather the plugin stayed and this whole idea was forgotten about. But removing the plugin is the only other option.

Also, I really don't like how the staff on mumble say to me, "Stop f***ing swearing" and "You're talking s**te".

I'm talking to you, Danni.


Since you are bringing up past events lets explain what happened shall we?

I came into the channel which was made for 'lomtown staff'. I start to hear you guys shouting your odds with 'f**k' 'p***y' 'c**t' 's**t' and a few other languages... please allow me to remind you pokemongardevoir was in the channel too. This kind of language is not appropriate in any channel apart from the adult-only channel or your own faction.

I warn to stop, I get ignored so I warn the second time. Again, ignored so coffeey became muted. Then you say 'this is bullpoo' knowing full well you were again using language. At this point I became anatgonised and said 'Stop swearing now! Im serious, Im sick of your (was originally going to say bullpoo, I stuttered and ended up saying...) s**te'

Don't disrepect me, the only reason that 'event' happened was because I was in the channel to stop all of your profound language.

Apart from your pathetic ending and attitude, this post was a good to discuss.

I would just like to point out that I did not ignore you when I cursed, It slipped my mind and just came out.

I would appreciate if people would stop mentioning my name in shit that Im trying my best to stay out of.

Thank you -_-
coff I pointed that out if u look at my post -.-

As i posted on page 8 id really like to get this thread boc on topic. If you really wish to contuinue talking about something that happened in mumble, start another thread and talk there. It has nothing to do with the this thread except that it started here. Please. I do actualy care about this.

EDIT: -le sigh- i cant believe this is necessary
Has anyone considered that the uneven leveling grounds may not be the reason we have so few?

What hap
CubicCrack wrote:
Has anyone considered that the uneven leveling grounds may not be the reason we have so few?

What hap

I have. To me the pvp server just isn't that interesting. I've hopped through a couple popular pvp servers today and they each had something unique going on. One you started out in a prison and had to basically escape it, another you could "sell drugs" as a way to make income. The drugs were just random items that the server decided would represent certain drugs and you could sell them to a server shop to gather credits.

They each had something different, and both had over 100 people online while I was checking them out. Minetown PVP comes off as a simple server with forced pvp and some clan plugins. Nothing very exciting.
i think that it can not not be the reason. making more events and having more staff active (we have some, but its far too less compared to the main) would help getting more new members to the server. Its also important to tell people that this server actualy exists. minetown isnt really known for pvp.

we also have to make them stay here. and how do we do that? well thats the topic, thats what we are trying to find out here.

(made this while slurth posted)