Its truly astonishing that you guys really think you can treat someone badly just because they are not in your little troll click.
Stop looking down on people that are enjoying themselves, poke wasnt being serious in any of her posts and shes given some players a good laugh from her strange posts. I dont appreciate the personal attacks you do on someone just because they've been trolling. Not at any point has she done a personal attack against you and so far I've seen you call her a faggot and unfunny. She may be unfunny to you but shes been pretty damn funny to some other players.
Shes done fine and you shouldnt tell her any different just because shes not in your troll group. Stop with the personal assaults towards players that like to try and troll you.
You guys have been out of character and acted more disrespectful than usual. I think you should some off minetown for tonight and start fresh for tomorrow.
Remember that troll line we mentioned? Yes you're going past the troll line again which isnt acceptable.