xXMasterJackXx wrote:
Madster wrote:
XCoaster wrote:
Madster wrote:
ok. Poke.. I dont have anything agents you. But if you got someone BANNED for trolling... Dont go back and troll. Trust me, posting photos on forums that you got off of bing, yahoo, google or a "app that makes you epic" does not mean you are a good troller. So stop. Cuss to be honest its getting annoying. Not just you poke, the others as well. But they have more "trolling" experience then you do. So everyone. Stop trolling on this thread.
This entire thread is a troll.
Ah! Tis it is! But the whole thread by like the 3rd page is completely off topic. This thread "was" about a toll about lom taking over MT. It is way off topic now.
Ehehehe made me LMAO though xD xD
Why have Lom Staff lost there sparklez? :/
Sparkles were removed because only the best trolls got them, so far only pokemon seems to be living up to that name.
Telling poke to stop trying to troll, shes not trying.. shes actually trolling.
"In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response"
Shes doing well at provoking Tprezzle, Coffeey and Predspread to show how women on their period are really like. C'mon girls, shes done a hell of a lot better than you guys have ahaha.
This entire thread was a troll, just because it went slightly off topic doesnt take the fact away that its all a troll. So dont turn this around on poke and say she cant do it. When you comment this thread expect a troll.
Grow a pair or gtfo.