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[Enjin Archive] Honeydewsfriend repeatedly attacked me with snowballs and arrows with pvp off.
Started by [E] antonyoo

I do not understand why this has gotten so out of hand.

I reported honeydews because I was sure that hitting me with arrows while having pvp off is against the rules, and also because I assumed harassing me with snowballs is against the rules. I told him to stop, he did not.

The funny thing is, the number of people I report are actually a small portion of the total amount of people who actually break pvp-related rules. In most cases, I only report them when they have not stopped their actions after been told to stop. I do not understand why people are so uptight about me reporting someone who broke the rules. I was standing in the arena and then someone kept throwing snowballs and shooting arrows at me. I told him to stop, but he did not. Even excluding his harassment regarding snowballs, he repeatedly shot arrows at me with pvp off. If you do not want me to report someone for breaking the rules, then ask for the rules to be changed first.

I would not have "raged in the forums" if screenshots were not necessary. I would have preferred to deal with it online. If there is a way to send screenshots in-game, please tell me.

And to the person that says I hit them with a fire sword with pvp off: I did not. You cannot attack others with a sword while having pvp off. Its just the way the game works. Please stop making wild accusations.
I say deal with it. Im sure he was just trying to have a bit of fun. Throwing snowballs isnt a major offense and wasnt needed to be reported on a thread.

The arrows is slightly worse. But im sure you will be alright..
Hitting someone with a sword while their pvp is off doesnt do damage, but if its a fire sword, it will still light them on fire and hurt/kill them because the game doesnt consider that as damage from a player. At least thats my understanding of it. But as for the rest of it, assuming your story is true (considering who it was, I tend to believe it is), then he was in the wrong and broke the rules by continuing to harass you. The only problem, and I think the reason some people are flipping out unreasonably about this, is the lack of evidence.
To coffeey: I am surprised with your response. Do you not believe that repeatedly trowing snowballs, after being told to stop, is a kind of action that needs to be stopped? And for arrows, I thought it had already been established by the server that shooting arrows with pvp off is wrong.

And I had a question: Do you believe that arrows and snowballs, thrown while having pvp off, can do damage to a person's armor?

To fettuccini: I believe you have been misinformed. Just to make sure, I just went in-game and attacked someone who had pvp off with my fire sword. Nothing noticeable happened.

About the evidence part, I would like to ask what kind of new evidence is required? If necessary I can put up additional screenshots, but I doubt that much will change.
If you look at the first screenshot you, tell Honeydew 'ok I will have pvp on'.

Maybe he thought you did have pvp on, i mean you did basically tell him you did..

And another thing. You were standing in, what looks like to me (correct me if im wrong) a pvp arena. Why were you there with pvp off.

I mean what did you expect. The guy propably though you were up for a fight.

I have not read the whole thread since its bloody 7 pages long (lol) so correct me on what pages these things may have been sorted out.

But this is basically evidence I have seen in Honedews defense from your evidence
antonyoo wrote:
To fettuccini: I believe you have been misinformed. Just to make sure, I just went in-game and attacked someone who had pvp off with my fire sword. Nothing noticeable happened.

About the evidence part, I would like to ask what kind of new evidence is required? If necessary I can put up additional screenshots, but I doubt that much will change.

I stand corrected about the fire swords then. I thought I had read something about them still doing damage, but never tried it myself.

As for evidence, neither of the two screenshots in your OP showed you asking him to stop and, as Coffeey mentioned, you were in the pvp arena. If you had screenshots showing that you asked him to stop, and him ignoring it, then you would have a case. As it is, its pretty much your word against his.
A mod should look at the logs and post exactly the conversation between antonyoo and Honeydewsfreind.

That should paint the full picture
That comment was made to someone else before honeydews probably interrupted my fight.

About me standing in the arena with pvp off. So what? Why is that wrong? It is not against the rules. And if the server wanted it to be, they should have made the arena a forced pvp arena.

I repeat this because you have not read the whole thread, but I stand there in between fights. Its annoying to warp back and forth, and people, who have agreed to fight me, have a tendency to warp away form the arena if they do not see me waiting there. If the community believes that the arena is a special place where pvp rules do not apply normally, then please request for it to be changed.

And so, what sort of further evidence is needed?
And I will look for screenshots with more comments on them. If I cannot, I will ask a mod to go through my comments.
^ and his comments too