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[Enjin Archive] Honeydewsfriend repeatedly attacked me with snowballs and arrows with pvp off.
Started by [E] antonyoo

Why do people keep commenting on a thread they feel should be locked?
Because its not locked I guess?
Ok, i admit I didn't read the rules thorughly when i joined, but i have now and know what i can and cant do, and theres no rule saying I cant throw snowballs
No but theres a rule saying no harassing. And throwing snowballs at someone after they ask you to stop (if he actually did, as he claims to have) is harassment.

i happen to remember quite clearlly you offering 2 staks of dblock to anyone who could kill you multiple times.

I was also am victim of antonyoo.He killed me with fire damage sword while he had pvp off no one could kill you and you refused to give back our items that is wat is not fair.

thank you and i dont like either of you honey and antonyoo
Lol both of you need to just grow up. Do you understand how absurd it sounds when you're flipping about someone pelting you with snowballs? Then raging about it in the forums? Also Honey just quit being an ass. There are plenty of things to do besides pestering people. Even if it wasnt a rule there is no reason to be a dick to anyone here.

HoneydewsFriend recently and, shall I say, angrily wrote:
This whole thread is bullshit. Snowballs dont hurt, arrows cant hurt u with pvp off. I have now idea wtf your taking about. I only got banned once on my first day cause i didnt really know the rules, i havnt done anything thing wrong. You can go back to thumbing ur ass.

You were lucky you got unbanned the first time... you clearly did not read the rules. Remember this (your ban appeal)?


Irethena's picture shows only a portion of the items taken, as you know. You can see the confusion from back then because I /cprivate'd locked my chests repeatedly... I /cpublic'd the chests for Irethena's sake.

It was a major grief you did to me (Palonti)... I don't blame Irethena for unbanning you, she was likely being generous on her first time banning a player. You've even failed to give me all the items you took... I'm sure the items you gave was about 30-45% of what you stole (You refused to give me one of the enchanted picks and the majority of my wool, iron/diamond tools and I remember you took all my dyes and farming produce!). This theft had held back my project by about a week. Now, I would've gladly supported a permaban for you but the punishment was issued before I could say anything...

Also, don't rage about the thread. You did something and I can see you will feign anger to hide guilt.
The mysterious Herobrine of the Minetown Forums wrote:
!SEY !itnolaP seY
Honeydew wrote:
I am not your friend!
Xephos wrote:
He is not your friend!
Knight Peculier wrote:
You are not his friend!
Israphel wrote:
Are you my friend?
Skylord Lysander wrote:
No, he is not...
Israphel wrote:
Oh... I'll just cry somewhere then.
Honeydew and Xephos wrote:
Yay! End of Shadow of Israphel!
Oh the irony...

Yeah, this needs /lock'ing now. I've had my say and the verdict is the Ban Committee's decision (or whoever decides upon bans).
antonyoo wrote:
I have warned him before.

He did not kill me. He did damage though. And apparently snowballs do damage.

I have a problem with people doing damage to others while having pvp off.

Well next time this occurs action will be taken, just screenshot and message me or any other staff member and it will be handled accordingly~
Snowballs don't do damage except to mobs - didn't we already cover that?

Like Danny said, take good screenies and message a staff member.