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[Enjin Archive] Dominion
Started by [E] Landro

Ok dancraft i know your trying for helper and all but lets not hop on the band wagon for the sake of extra reputation for being against dominion...

Can people please name those in Dominion still harassing people with beds and such in the end because i have personally be warned a few times from mods, recieved complaints from members who are genuinely upset and I have served a short jail sentance for the incidents in the end.

I dont like people saying that dominion are doing this and that as if we are one person. I have laid down a bit on PVP in the end at the moment and as soon as people say 'Dominion did this' they think oh must have been Coffeey, because i have been the heart of most of the complaints.

I am honestly very sorry to anyone i may have annoyed or harassed in the end. (Ultimatepk, adz, stealth, cosmscreeper etc...)

I am not looking for my apology to be accepted but please try not to call out dominion as a whole and try to name the people doing this stuff to you
If yall wanna make this simple, it is actually quite easy...

1: make an arena area in the end...would be cool to have a designated pvp defined zone rather than saying all of the End is pvp...also you could safely use a bow without worrying about pvp on/off cause anyone in the area should be there for the pvp...you can bring back the good old faction wars in this area if you so choose.

2: (and i stress this one most cause it causes the most issues) dont do anything near the spawn part or the towers as those are safehavens for people killing the dragons. Sitting near spawn waiting for people to pop up and start slashing away right away is a bit of a dick move...especially if someone suddenly lags when coming into the world...having a defined area away from the spawn area so people who are just there for dragons or materials can still have a good time would prevent all these issues...

3: use common sense. self explanatory.

I would like to note that even though you are factions and at 'war' with each other...that does NOT give anyone the right to be a poor sport or refuse to do something a mod asks them to do even if it involves helping a member of an opposing faction. Factions are Rivals, not Enemies...learn the difference please. If you are 'enemies' this is not the game for you. that is not how pvp factions are designed to be. (note: this comment may not apply to you...but i was dealing with a griefer and a member of one faction refused to give back items to another faction member when i asked because the griefer killed them while i was trying to handle the situation...if it gets to the point where your 'faction laws' bypass the MT staff...you have your mind in the wrong place.

Minetown is a friendly community. Rivalry is a good and healthy thing to have. but for the most part this is a peaceful community that works together...keep that in mind...

sorry if it seems like i ranted a bit...but i want to find a way to allow yall to have a good time while still allowing those who dont want a part in pvp (such as myself) can still enjoy themselves as well...

Hope some of this helps you in your future plans.

War world but b used a lot more if your inventory carried over... just saying
we are working on WW stuffs
Dancraft please read the entire thread before you post somthing like that
BARNEY626 wrote:
If I had any say in this all of the members of this stupid mob would be banned already

Ths is rediculose

You are basically breaking a rule of minetown

They are not asking for pvp

They shouldn't get pvp

this mob of idiots better be gone soon for the good of minetown...

Barney- Not ALL dominion are power hungry pvpers. Those are the warriors- its their job to to that.

Most of Dominion is peaceful farmers, blacksmiths, and builders. Check the pic of the huge base from the map. Most of the time we all take care of that place. Its not this monster everyone thinks.

Were getting a bad rep on a good idea, like a spider.

Can be dangerous and look fearsome, but eats all the flies and mosquitos you dont want.
Zionia wrote:
If yall wanna make this simple, it is actually quite easy...

1: make an arena area in the end...would be cool to have a designated pvp defined zone rather than saying all of the End is pvp...also you could safely use a bow without worrying about pvp on/off cause anyone in the area should be there for the pvp...you can bring back the good old faction wars in this area if you so choose.

I was thinking about that XD

But mine was more of 2 different ends.. yours would mean less space but not as much lag
Coffeey wrote:

I am honestly very sorry to anyone i may have annoyed or harassed in the end. (Ultimatepk, adz, stealth, cosmscreeper etc...)

Im letting Adz, Stealth and Ultimate know that i really didnt mean to be well a traitor.

Same with you.

Maybe i should stay outta the end for a while, or maybe just not talk to anyone.

Which will be hard. The end is like my fantasy violent, scary, but epic hometown.
I am Glad To Say That We The Knights Templar Is Now At War With The Dominion! We Will conquer And Defeat You All! Hope You All Will Learn Good Morals!
Choco wrote:
I am Glad To Say That We The Knights Templar Is Now At War With The Dominion! We Will conquer And Defeat You All! Hope You All Will Learn Good Morals!
