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[Enjin Archive] The Daily Rant V2
Started by [E] GACKT

I'm sick of friends moving halfway across the country, family dying, people getting all worked up over stupid shit, girls blaming nigh on everything that goes wrong in a relationship on the guy, feminists, people arguing over women's rights, politics, war, high school drama, sluts, the fact that white people are technically losing jobs to minorities in the US, and the fact that almost no one knows who Stephen Lynch is. Oh, and the fact that the US is going to shit while "fighting" for "equal" rights. Did you know that most women who report a rape are just trying to get revenge on a guy? And that every religion has at least pushed science back, no matter what anyone says. Also, religion is almost pointless, yes, there may be a creator but I doubt that they will help us with every tiny thing that goes wrong in our lives. I don't like religion because it forces you to basically become a mindless follower. Find your own goddamn path. Any creator out there won't help you, you have to forge it yourself through your own force of will. I honestly believe that anyone who follows a set religion is an idiot. Take your own look at your beliefs and if they don't follow your thought process then they need revising. Oh, and I'm not trying to be a grammar Nazi but y'all's grammar sucks.
Alder wrote:
I'm sick of friends moving halfway across the country, family dying, people getting all worked up over stupid shit, girls blaming nigh on everything that goes wrong in a relationship on the guy, feminists, people arguing over women's rights, politics, war, high school drama, sluts, the fact that white people are technically losing jobs to minorities in the US, and the fact that almost no one knows who Stephen Lynch is. Oh, and the fact that the US is going to shit while "fighting" for "equal" rights. Did you know that most women who report a rape are just trying to get revenge on a guy? And that every religion has at least pushed science back, no matter what anyone says. Also, religion is almost pointless, yes, there may be a creator but I doubt that they will help us with every tiny thing that goes wrong in our lives. I don't like religion because it forces you to basically become a mindless follower. Find your own goddamn path. Any creator out there won't help you, you have to forge it yourself through your own force of will. I honestly believe that anyone who follows a set religion is an idiot. Take your own look at your beliefs and if they don't follow your thought process then they need revising. Oh, and I'm not trying to be a grammar Nazi but y'all's grammar sucks.

Sounds like you are just sick of living then, huh?

The US is still arguing over human rights, so yeah it's not going anywhere. No matter what you say, no matter who you are, your opinions on religion are pointless. Religion has existed and always will exist until humanity comes to an end. You aren't very specific on what religion you are talking about but the comment on religion forcing you to become a mindless follower made me laugh. You have a choice in what you believe in and worship. You say religion is pointless? That apparently the religion they worship decides what path in life they take?

I'm an atheist and I'm defending religion from idiots like you, jeez.

I don't believe in a god, but I think religion plays a part in peoples life who do believe in one. It helps those people who believe get through tough times, to choose a right path in life and those who are taking the wrong path get on the right one. I don't believe that religion should be forced on others, I mean the girl I love constantly makes me go to church, knowing my beliefs. She respects them and I respect hers.

I don't know what made think of religion in such a way, but you are the one who should take the time to rethink such a shitty opinion. I have had religion forced on me many times in my life, but I still respect what others believe in.

Also reported for antisemitism since you consider yourself such a Nazi.
You do know that I'm not a Nazi? I was trying to say that I'm not trying to be nitpicky about your guys' grammar -_- and also you make a good point, sorry to any religious people out there but religion has never made a good impression on me,it comes from having it forced on me when I was younger.
It was a joke, I didn't really report you.

I decided to say something before the religious members get in here and teared you a new one. I'm pretty sure there have been past religious arguments in this thread.
There was, pretty sure I read most of one XD

One thing that would be amazing is world peace, where people finally get over the fact that certain people will make them angry just because they are being themselves. I hate my phone right now -_-' it's capitalizing the first letter of every word and either making it capitalized or not registering it
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

Children thinking it's cool to swear, insult others, and generally be immature bastards. They think they're so 'le edgy' and think youtube gives a damn how they griefed some guys house, and that constantly spamming vulgarities makes them superior to others, and focusing on people trying to advise them against it for their own good, calling them all sorts of names under the sun in an attempt to drown out the valid points.

What's even worse is when adults display their behavior. At least with kids you can put it partly down to puberty kicking in. It disgusts me that some people sink so far down the maturity ladder to think that at that age it is acceptable to behave like a complete idiot and berate others who try to help them.

Also, people who've only been around a week who expect to be given OP and then complain that this is 'the worst server ever' when they get politely denied.

On a more serious note, the way the benefits system works in the UK. My cousin INTENTIONALLY got herself pregnant and then left her boyfriend because she knew that as a single mother she'd be entitled to a nice little house with a large kitchen and THREE rooms. Why on earth she'd need three is beyond me. Not only that, but we see people who have lived in this country all their live, and paid all their tax every year living in terrible conditions, and then we learn about (dangerous path) immigrants who have come here 'afraid they'll die if the return to their home country' who then get propped up in a huge house and get given a hefty benefit grant.

Additionally, I despise the amount of coursework piled on one during the later half of the last school year. I have 9 exams coming up over the next few months, two of which are 3 and a half hour ones. One of these includes a subject I have had to ENTIRELY SELF TEACH MYSELF within the last 6 months. And yet we're piled on with generally subject-irrelevant work that doesn't contribute to our final mark, meaning we're left with even less time to revise.

I'm also yes against feminists who scream for equality yet equally scream when things are made tougher for themselves. One of my female complained about her car insurance rising, and said I was being sexist when I pointed out it actually made it level with my own. Also, loosely related, another female friend admitted she was only dating her current guy because it meant she could get good free meals out and that he'd buy her anything if she said she wish she had it.

Spoiled kids who get a new Apple product every time it comes out, even though the old one they had is only 4 months old. I see eleven-year-olds in my school walking around with iPhones. Even when I was that age loads of people had them (this was when Apple popularity was rocketing) and one girl had all versions of it because she HAD to have the new version because the old one was 'useless' now. And what bugs me is, ok, if these kids has earned the money themselves, then sure, they earned it they spend it how they like. But it's the parents shelling out for it and heavily crippling their bank balance. I didn't even get a computer until about 4 years ago, because my parents simply could not afford it.

Coming back the the benefit issue, my parents paid all their tax for years and years. Yet, due to a severe car accident my mum was heavily crippled and my dad had to give up his job to look after her. And yet we recieve less money than my slutty cousin - to the point where my family teeters on the brink of bankruptcy constantly - and we're rather frugal. I spent two years washing cars and delivering papers and helping out neighbours to get this laptop, and heck. I don't need the brand new MacBook Pro Air Flibbertigibet, this one manages fine.

Girls who you hang around with at a party, throw themselves at you but call you a sick pervert the next day even when you reject any advances. When I point out the fact I didn't actually do anything and that they'd been drinking pretty heavily (another thing that infuriates me - girls acting flirty with the host so they don't have to pay anything towards to alcohol cost) and then they try to tell me they were perfectly sober and I probably spiked their drink.

Have to go now, rant over for now.
want my opinion on religion add me on facebook and you will hear all about it.

in other news i have gotten quite upset this weekend about me being in the boy scouts of america and Anti-Athisest, Anti-Agnostic and Anti-Homosexial orgisniation. I have fought for my beliefs about these three things for years. i actually made it to the top of that organization the only reason i made it to eagle scout is because i lied in my board of review about being religious. i cant believe i was so arrogant to not notice what i was getting onto. my family was big in the organization and i just wanted to please them.

I will also add that i am an activist for women's rights. Mainly when it comes to false rape accusations. one of my family members was put through 2 years of hell for that. turns out that he couldn't even sue after for lost wages.



I also believe that the united states of america made a coverup of the assassination of JFK.
I'm getting sick of all the girls that think they are better than me.

BITCH we both exist on this Earth. We go to the same school. Complete the same damn classes. Just because you're a ho doesn't make you better.

SO yeah.

And there is the fact that guys need to get the freaking idea that I LIKE YOU LOSER. (****)'

None of this has anything to do with online stuff, just clearing that up.
People hate me.