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[Enjin Archive] Massive Project
Started by [E] Gman20

You do know gcbgab is a girl. lol
Duly noted , lol
XxCrialxX wrote:

You do know gcbgab is a girl. lol

You mean like how YOU are one. Seriously, are you? Still confused, lol.

We used to have one hence the name Minetown. We all found one of grifff's massive Tnt test areas, (t was just obby walls) and I said, WE should build a city! So everyone in the server made it. That concludes Story time with Gear. Now GET OUTTA MY HOUSE B***H

Lol but thats a good idea
Ill help, you just gotta tell me when we're gonna start, also i would like to be an architect
id be in i think it would be alot of fun we would need people dedicated to getting materials like have 10 people whos only job would be to get cobble and then have a group of people for clearing the land i think that several admins should be the supervisors and that they should pay the workers in diamond and that they should supply the tools needed for the job. if we can get admins to be ok with the idea of spawning diamond in order to pay a mass of workers all dedicated to building a central project then this has potential for great success i like the idea but first we need to get admins to be okay with the spawning payment because no one will want to work for free plus use their own tools lols buy hey like i said im in totally id like to be a supervisor of the mining part if it does happen
I'm a gi-- boy.
Mike were on the same line of thinking, those are great idea's. I'm really up for doing this too but like you said we need ppl dedicated to collecting materials and ultimately were going to need Sawine and the other Admins help and supervision.
I will act as both architect and as admin help. I don't think that the funding will be admin sourced though if we can find rates i agree with i may help pay for people's work. I'm actually trying to make a real city based from an old TV show called 'Reboot" image is attatched. warning this will need an epic amount of space if this city is made as intended. It's fun themed and is between 6 sectors of different styles. I'm not trying to hijack your city idea but if it's not here i'm going to be working part time on a second server that has been set up to make this city and several others.

If we do get permission/space for this. I will be supporting it with all of my resources. AND I MEAN ALL OF THEM. I plan to be broke afterwards.
I'll help with that.