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[Enjin Archive] Monthly clan fee.
Started by Unknown User

Maybe there could be landmarks... Up to 5 members you pay X amount. When you get to 15 members you pay X amount and etc. that way you could make the max amount per month something like... 40k mtc and the smallest per month is like 5k mtc. I don't think the whole purpose of the clan system should be getting like 500 members so the owners can make their members pay the monthly fee for them.
I'm not fond of the size/payment increase idea.

Example 1, most of the people in my clan are fairly rich. We have 6 people and we are exclusive, why should we pay less than the next group with 90 poor people?
This idea isn't perfect and has a lot of room for improvement. If we go by everyone's equal, everyone pays the same fee by the percentage or size of the clan. If we go by affluent or not, there'd have to be changes made. If the majority in a clan is wealthy, staff on the server can change the monthly payment for that clan. If the clan in question were to be very poor, a staff could change the monthly fee so it's payable by the clan.

However, this may be difficult to code (I have no idea on how difficult it is).

Notice: Not everything is perfect, there are flaws and they can be improved upon.
I change my opinion. I agree soviet.
This suggestion has proved excellent reading, with much many intelligent ideas! Basically, this is how I see the idea:

- If this were to be implemented, I would recommend a plugin that supplied automated billing. If we need to pay weekly on say, a Monday, and I am on holiday, or a relative died, it seems unfair that my faction would be disbanded for such a situation. If we did an automated billing system, the money would come directly out of the owner's (or designated leader's) account in an interval from the faction purchase date. I'd like to see an instalment program. Some smaller factions may be unable to gather the required resources to pay for a weeks clan usage. Maybe upon creating the clan, you could choose to be debited weekly, bi-monthly or monthly? This gives people more time to vote and collect the needed funds necessary.

- In regards to the increase in price per member, I think this is a little ludicrous. I pretty much agree with SovietScotty when he said the following:
sovietscottie wrote:
Example 1, most of the people in my clan are fairly rich. We have 6 people and we are exclusive, why should we pay less than the next group with 90 poor people?

For this reason I think a basic flat fee should be implemented. In addition, if we start charging per the member, I'm positive that some clan leaders will charge for admittance to the clan or require "donations".

- I'm all for having a higher price to purchase a clan. Maybe not 200K, but 100K?

- What price should we charge for this weekly/monthly/periodical fee? I'm thinking 7K-10K per month. Not too much that it takes away money from the clan to be used for other purposes, but an amount that the clan leader would surely be able to muster up. I see the validity of other people's arguments when they say that by charging a monthly fee it would limit the experience said clan could offer because they're being charged, but as others have pointed out, voting every day gives you around 37K, so you have some dough left over to spend (not to mention if you have other people financially helping you out)

- If this was implemented, clans would need to be offered a refund of the full purchase price, no questions asked. A periodical fee wasn't a term of creation, so it's only fair.

- I think this was thrown around before, but the idea of a 'first-month' or 'first-week' fee free might not be too bad of an idea. The clan still has to pay the 100K (or so) fee, and has a pre-determined period of time to try it out. I think this would promote growth. After this period of time is up, they'd either have to start paying or get a refund of half the purchase price. You'd probably want to do first week free for this.

- Lastly, I think there should be a minimum size on clans. We have quite a few 'one-man-clans' and this really isn't doing anything for the community. I believe all one man clans should be messaged and told they should either recruit more members or be disbanded with a full refund within a certain time period (say, a fortnight). Most of the leaders of these one man clans are more than likely inactive, so I don't think it would make a whole lot of difference.

Well, they're my opinions! Ideas?

-20K (EASY)




well, looks like this is gonna happen. if so, i am just gonna disband my clan and want a full refund. shame.
BARNEY626 wrote:
well, looks like this is gonna happen. if so, i am just gonna disband my clan and want a full refund. shame.

Your clans awesome though!<object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>

You've only gotta vote like 15 days in a month?

But yeah, it might affect me too.
I disagree so far, but I am still thinking about it.

Some thoughts on Clan Fees:

  • Clan membership/ownership pounded with a recurring credit sink seems like a resource intensive solution to a temporary problem (see v1.3 inflation + population boost).

  • Semi-rich players generally spend carefully, and probably hate this.

  • Super-rich players probably won't care. The super-rich would not be impacted by this type of credit sink.

  • Opting out is an option that is detrimental to the entire idea - those who socialize outside of a clan will not be impacted by the credit sink. Also, if the clan fees were percentage based, many rich people will operate outside a clan - reducing potential.

  • Unlikely that all players would be satisfied with the same terms.

Alternative brainstorm:

Semi-rich and Super-rich players would willingly sink credits into new or previously unreleased/disabled spawners or rare/new items. May increase voting & market transactions. Few resources required to implement.


$10,000 No-Votes fine @ $50,000+ players who failed to vote 5 times or more within 1 week. If you are rich then you spend time here, if you spend time here then vote some. Short-term resource intensive, but guaranteed to increase voting for long term. Votes > players > balance
If I read correctly, I think I agree with part of your post, Odarus. Basically, if we are to introduce these fees, our clan base will most certainly shrink, which is what we want. The problem is, will the clan base shrink further than we anticipate? This reason alone could be a deterrent from implementing this idea. If the clan base shrinks, people stop using clans and a wider sense of community is lost. I haven't been long in my clan, but we all respect each other and are a tight-knit community. Would this element of MineTown be lost if we were to implement the fee?

I'm still for the idea, but this is something to think about.