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[Enjin Archive] To Claim Or Not To Claim?
Started by [E] Afroman

Agree with Reggief. I haven't built anything notable(Which is kind of disappointing), but if I had and I was perma banned I wouldn't want it demolished by some rand, I'd either want it to stay there or give it to my mates.

However, that probably wouldn't work. So, being realistic, the current way (PMing someone, waiting two weeks, taking it if no reply) is probably the best way.
i understand people don't like their land to be "claimed" but say you buy land from someone and then there is literally a town right next to it and they are inactive and you msg them and so on but no response. then just one day they get on and you ask them to buy their land right? to make it into a town or what ever and its right next to your land/region you had just bought. but they say no right but they are inactive they just came on to check on things. like how would someone handle that. like i cant expand my land there because his town is there hes inactive and the town is a ghost town. and he cant do anything this his region because my town is around it basically 0.0. also remember i didn't make these regions i bought them. there is nothing for either of us to do and it makes my region look kinda bad =\. so its like a lose lose because a lot of the time if people get perma banned they say their goodbyes and leave mt forever and don't come on the forums for a long time. plus if they are inactive id say give them a good amount of time like a month or 2 too tell someone if they can. saying so and so happened and i wont be on doing so and so. even tho some people might horde land i understand that would be bad aswell. but i mean like we should preserve some stuff in mt but i mean if i know I'm going to make a better town there then they are doing and they are inactive and there town members are inactive. why let it sit there going to no use. maybe move the stuff they had there on that region somewhere else to be preserved? so maybe if they cant tell anyone that they could get their land back just like in a different area. but with people perma banned i wouldn't say they should just lose their stuff. like some of the stuff i made if i was banned and i came back a while later i wouldn't wanna see my mansion owned by someone else just have it emptied and such and preserved for that person if its of significance 0.0 but if its like a dirt and cobble house i mean there isn't much significance in that at all.

we need to get rid of stuff like that and make it look better imo.
My belief on this is land should not be claimable except by perma-banned sources...How do you know or who r you or anyone else for that matter to say just becuase somone is inactive, they arnt ever coming back...the way the economy is today LOTS of people around me are losing interent just so they can pay for other bills.. And I might be one of them in the upcoming months...And the last thing I want is to finaly be able to come back after god knows how long, and find outt that my projects or even one of my finished builds has been pawned off to just some random jerk whose probly going to demolish my work and turn it into some god forsaken dirt castle,,, that for me would be enough not to just quit minetown on the spot, but to stop playing SMP of minecraft all together.

this whole 2 weeks notice thing to me is complete bullcrap...I mean if I lose internet, and I need to pay other bills before I can even THINK about turning my net back on, 2 weeks isnt going to cut it..

If we are going to let people SNAG (this is what imn using becuase this is what i belive it is) land from so called "inactive player" Then there needs to be an EXTENSIVE amount of time other then a 2 week period of hey guess what guys its mine cuz for some magical reason they didnt say they wanted it...

And I see alot of these posts with, Hey I dont know whose land this is but can I claim it?"

First off...Do your research...Find out WHO it BELONGS to, and THEN post it on the forums, and dont just say, Hey I want to claim this...Post whose it belongs to so if that person or somone who might no that person can cnotact the said owner and see whats up...

And before people start posting about how "well if they were going to lose internet they could of told somone" or some dumb crap like that..

Remember half of the minecraft population are between 8-13...And As an adult the last thing im going to do is tell my kids about my financial problems..SO no, alot of people cant tell somone they might be losing internet...I dont buy that as a reasonable exucse to Snatch somones inactive land...

I could go on more abot this..but this long boring rant seems to be enough...
HALF of the Minecraft population are between 8-13?!

You're bloody joking, right?