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[Enjin Archive] To Claim Or Not To Claim?
Started by [E] Afroman

This is getting off topic. Soviet, coffeey, take it to a PM to hash things out please.
Coffeey wrote:
LucyLooseLegs wrote:
Coffeey wrote:
LucyLooseLegs wrote:
Coffeey wrote:
LucyLooseLegs wrote:

Of course the exception being: No one wants to save a dirt-cobble house.

Outside of crappy houses, I think preserving Minetown's map is important.

Aren't you the one who built us a new spawn area? That's a historical part of Minetown's map isn't it?

I'm not trying to be snide here. I love the new spawn area, i'm just making a point.

I don't see the point that you are trying to make.

I claim no ownership over spawn.

Spawn belongs to the server and Sawine himself supervised and personally approved of the changes made to spawn.

I didn't walk up in spawn and /pe new claim diz bitch

I think you're veering off topic.


FYI There IS an original copy of spawn preserved elsewhere. It's not destroyed.

Actually I directly responded to your post which stated that preserving Minetown's map is important.

I was merely stating that it is odd you say that, when you changed the spawn, whether you own it or not. I'm not trying to be mean in saying this but its a valid point, and I'm not veering off topic, so don't state I am.

If there was to be changes with the claiming system I would suggest having a fee to claim someone work should be implemented based on the size of the structure/s and the materials used in the structure/s.

Spawn isn't an individual players property.

Spawn is the first thing that new players see when they enter the server.

It is therefore important to keep spawn up to date and as presentable as possible at all times.

Yes it has been changed, however I will re-iterate that spawn is a server feature and not a normal members property.

The original spawn will be implemented into the North spawn area in the future, so I see no point in using my changes to spawn as a point of discussion.

Let me ask you this Coffeey.

If for whatever reason, you had to go offline.

You had no way of accessing the forums, mumble or Minetown period.

What happens when someone comes along and claims your property New Adelaide?

You won't get it back.

You won't be refunded.

If you agree to keeping land claim easier, it will work both ways. Your property will be just as vulnerable for claims as the next persons.

You as an individual are no exception to the rule that you support.

I was literally just giving a relevant response to your statement. Whether owned by members or not, its still going against what you said in the first statement. That is why I was using it as a point of discussion. And it was in fact, very relevant.

Its all well and good going back on the statement now saying that 'Spawn is the first thing that new players see when they enter the server.' but also the area around spawn is seen just as much as spawn. And a lot of that is VERY deteriorated. But lets move on...

Somebody being COMPLETELY unable to access the forums and in game for over 3 weeks would be a very rare thing.. It would be pointless to bring in precautions for that reason.

I myself, would never be inactive for 3 weeks and not post a warning about my stuff. If people cared A LOT about there stuff they could always use there phone and post a quick thread or contact someone to post it for them.

When danny lost his internet he was still able to tell people, example.

Also it would always be about 2-3 weeks before somebody noticed you were very inactive to attempt to claim a building. Therefore It ould even be about 4-5 weeks a person would have to announce there where about's to save there buildings.

If someone's buildings were very important to them they would know to announce that they are leaving for a period of time.

'What if noobs who don;t know the rules about claiming go inactive thinking there buildings are safe'. My response to this before someone says it is, new people will generally not build much straight off the bat.

Someone who see's a crappy cobble building will never go to the trouble of claiming something.

It is also rare for somebody to come back from somewhere and be pissed about losing a building, and I myself have never seen it before.

However with scott, he was officially permanently banned and I claimed his town after about 3 weeks, maybe more.

I had no idea he would be unbanned and when he was, I offered him his city back which he didnt take back. That is not my fault

The offer is still open to him to take it back...

All of your arguments are based around players needing to "actively" protect their property.

It is their property period.

What entitles other players to claim their property?

In addition,

Not everyone has the ability to "call" their gaming buddies to "save" their property while you're AFK.

How is this fair?
LucyLooseLegs wrote:

How is this fair?

Life isn't.
Well, if anybody actually wants to read this massive wall of text...coffeey hasn't really answered many questions pointed at him. Regardless, I don't really care much for this kind of "how can we make the server better" thing anymore. I really only play with some of the mods and the VIPS in-game so dealing with this garbage has kind of been transcended, And yes, I did ask for the town back when I logged back into the server, and I was greeted with excuses for why all of my buildings can't be restored/moved back blah blah blah.

Instead of bitchin' about who's right or who's who, why don't you just talk about why this is good/bad and not he said she said, because seriously kids, nobody wants to read FIVE quotes INSIDE EACH OTHER.

And really, claiming land in my opinion is just trying to get ownership of something you could never do yourself, it's not like the server is running out of space just yet, maybe if that was happening, such measures should be taken/used.

But it's not, so my real opinion, is that even if people have been banned, or quit, or offline for a long time, stop being lazy, make yourself a better builder and build your own **** town.
sovietscottie wrote:
Well, if anybody actually wants to read this massive wall of text...coffeey hasn't really answered many questions pointed at him. Regardless, I don't really care much for this kind of "how can we make the server better" thing anymore. I really only play with some of the mods and the VIPS in-game so dealing with this garbage has kind of been transcended, And yes, I did ask for the town back when I logged back into the server, and I was greeted with excuses for why all of my buildings can't be restored/moved back blah blah blah.

Instead of bitchin' about who's right or who's who, why don't you just talk about why this is good/bad and not he said she said, because seriously kids, nobody wants to read FIVE quotes INSIDE EACH OTHER.

And really, claiming land in my opinion is just trying to get ownership of something you could never do yourself, it's not like the server is running out of space just yet, maybe if that was happening, such measures should be taken/used.

But it's not, so my real opinion, is that even if people have been banned, or quit, or offline for a long time, stop being lazy, make yourself a better builder and build your own **** town.

You don't have to get aggressive about this. Coffeey has answered everything put to him, so has Lucy.

You on the other hand, just seem to be ranting in all verbal directions, as ever - reel it in a bit and show the messages where you said you want to keep your town, so that Coffeey can return it. As he said, the offer remains open.
sovietscottie wrote:

And really, claiming land in my opinion is just trying to get ownership of something you could never do yourself, it's not like the server is running out of space just yet, maybe if that was happening, such measures should be taken/used.

But it's not, so my real opinion, is that even if people have been banned, or quit, or offline for a long time, stop being lazy, make yourself a better builder and build your own **** town.

I agree with this to a point,

Claiming is a short-cut that seems to be exploited by a minority of people.
/End discussion?

No point in continuing this side-taking screamfest, people are just defending their friends at this point.
sovietscottie wrote:
/End discussion?

No point in continuing this side-taking screamfest, people are just defending their friends at this point.

I would prefer to leave the thread open for other opinions, however I'm not keeping you here.
yea...my personal opinions are what were presented to me when i was a player looking to claim land around something i had bought...

If permabanned: its up for grabs, but only after an appeal has determined permaban. If you do something worth a permaban, you deserve to lose everything. If by some chance you are allowed back at a later time, you should start fresh with nothing as part of the punishment for what was done to deserve an exceptionally long ban in the first place.

If owner appears inactive and no other owners/members are actively using area:

you must make a message in forum and on their wall in the forum and wait at least 2 months from that point before any claim should be made publicly (forum or via pe). the wall post lets staff see when you sent the first attempt at messaging so they know its been 2+ months. the message ensures that they notice when they log in. 2 months of inactivity BEYOND their already lengthy absence should be long enough to deem inactivity.

If owner is gone, but other members/owners are active:

dibs goes to people already listed as owners, then members before any public claim can be made. (usually in reference to towns rather than random sections of land)

(note with all cases: in any case, if claiming someone's land, all valuables from chests are removed so you arent just getting all their money as well...you are getting the land, thats it.)

Biggest issues that i agree with you on is the idea of 'leaving your mark'. I can see that for people who have made a name for themselves in the minetown community. but most cases its a random person that nobody has heard of and the projects usually arent much of anything special. Id rather see it be used than wasted and rotting...especially if its jsut an eyesore...

extra note: you should not claim somethign just to make it yours...you should improve it...not just be a land hoarder...
Zionia wrote:
yea...my personal opinions are what were presented to me when i was a player looking to claim land around something i had bought...

If permabanned: its up for grabs, but only after an appeal has determined permaban. If you do something worth a permaban, you deserve to lose everything. If by some chance you are allowed back at a later time, you should start fresh with nothing as part of the punishment for what was done to deserve an exceptionally long ban in the first place.

If owner appears inactive and no other owners/members are actively using area:

you must make a message in forum and on their wall in the forum and wait at least 2 months from that point before any claim should be made publicly (forum or via pe). the wall post lets staff see when you sent the first attempt at messaging so they know its been 2+ months. the message ensures that they notice when they log in. 2 months of inactivity BEYOND their already lengthy absence should be long enough to deem inactivity.

If owner is gone, but other members/owners are active:

dibs goes to people already listed as owners, then members before any public claim can be made. (usually in reference to towns rather than random sections of land)

(note with all cases: in any case, if claiming someone's land, all valuables from chests are removed so you arent just getting all their money as well...you are getting the land, thats it.)

Biggest issues that i agree with you on is the idea of 'leaving your mark'. I can see that for people who have made a name for themselves in the minetown community. but most cases its a random person that nobody has heard of and the projects usually arent much of anything special. Id rather see it be used than wasted and rotting...especially if its jsut an eyesore...

I really like Zionia's thoughts on this.