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[Enjin Archive] To Claim Or Not To Claim?
Started by [E] Afroman

extra note: you should not claim somethign just to make it yours...you should improve it...not just be a land hoarder...
Zionia wrote:
extra note: you should not claim somethign just to make it yours...you should improve it...not just be a land hoarder...

Like a lot of things, I understand that some cases may require more consideration than others depending on their purpose and or "value"

I imgine it's hard enough to make a standard model for procedure regarding land claims let alone trying to apply that model to all cases - it just doesn't work like that.
Okay, last note.

My opinions after Zionia's post.

If covecity (original) is an eyesore and nobody ever heard about, come up and speak.

I have a problem with somebody claiming it, selling off all the good buildings and moving them all over the map and getting rich off of it, and then throwing it away. It was clearly just a quick way to get cash, nothing in the city was changed besides everything being moved out of it, (save one insignia)

Not owning the land, isn't a big deal for me, frankly, I could care less now. But the way it was used kind of raises an eyebrow just because a member exploited it for a quick profit that they never worked for. This doesn't have anything at all to do with me, just members using the system to get free money.

Anything like that town isn't just a po-dunk flattened town scrapped together by a nobody, it's worth something, I don't think people should be able to appeal for places like that, and if you like it so much, build your own version.
I moved 2 of the houses from the town and sold 0 to anybody. I gave 1 person a free house. To everyone, you were banned permanently, and nothing I did, in my eyes could affect you in any way. I was planning on surprising 8x8johan by giving him covecity and he accepted. Then he declined because he made his own city. I don't appreciate you making assumptions that I claimed the city for a quick buck.

I was planning on giving it to 8x8johan because he loved the city and appreciated your work. He can back me up on this.
You told me through private messages that you couldn't return my buildings to covecity because you had sold them to other people and I would have to talk to them. There are 4 buildings missing from the town.
Guys please take this to private messages - I don't want this thread locked.
LucyLooseLegs wrote:

Not everyone has the ability to "call" their gaming buddies to "save" their property while you're AFK.

How is this fair?

Everyone should have the ability to get access to the internet somehow. Whether by phone or by going to the library... its not hard. If they really cared about there stuff being taken they would make the effort, no?

It can go either way. Someone could take the town and hoard it and not use it, or someone could claim the town and use it and improve it.

The rules for this should not be changed because of some people who hoard regions, and there isn't a lot of people who do this.

Also like a said before, there is very rarely a problem regarding somebody coming back to there stuff being taken. So why fix something that isn't broke?

The system is fine.

And i'll quote this again from myself since nobody replied to it:

Why not make a fee to claim something based on the size of it and the materials used, and time it has been inactive. This would stop people from jumping on the forums as soon as something goes inactive for 1 month, because the price would be high. They would have to wait longer for the price to drop, giving the owner more time to check in.

It would also help stop people claiming massive towns and such, unless they REALLY wanted it?

I'd like to know what people feel about this thought?
Coffeey wrote:
I moved 2 of the houses from the town and sold 0 to anybody. I gave 1 person a free house. To everyone, you were banned permanently, and nothing I did, in my eyes could affect you in any way. I was planning on surprising 8x8johan by giving him covecity and he accepted. Then he declined because he made his own city. I don't appreciate you making assumptions that I claimed the city for a quick buck.

I was planning on giving it to 8x8johan because he loved the city and appreciated your work. He can back me up on this.

-for coffeey.

Since he told one to "kassy" and one to "dannidorito" apparently, which is why he cannot move them back.
Dude we were talking in chat there was no reason to move it back here, and I apologise Lucy...

I sold 1 to Kassy and 1 to Dannyboyg1 AFTER johan rejected the town. I never claimed it with any intentions of making money.

I dont know what your trying to prove in your last post anyways? Id appreciate if we could continue this in pm's in game
I think that claiming somebody's land just leads to a lot of drama, either at the time the land is claimed (who gets to claim it) or after (if the original owner returns). Though I agree that there are some times when it makes sense; for example, if a town owner gets permabanned or is gone for months, it would be good for the town to elect an active/trusted town member take over as region owner to manage the town (selling plots, making improvements, etc) and keep it going. The same goes for large unfinished projects; project team members should be able to take over in order to finish the project. Also, I think towns that have markets should be able to reclaim shops that have gone inactive. There may be a few other instances that I didn't think of, but I think my point is that land claims should have some sort of valid justification not just "I want this cool building for free."