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[Enjin Archive] To Claim Or Not To Claim?
Started by [E] Afroman

Sup all,

This topic has come to mind every time I see a "claiming land" thread on the forums.

I'm not arguing that prolonged abandoned properties should be left to "gather dust", however I am curious as to what our general community thinks about the over all topic.


How long should someone's town/project be abandoned for before other active players can claim it?

So here are the common conditions for claiming land:

A: The owner of abandoned land has been perma-banned

B: The owner has been inactive for a long period of time

Here is my opinion:

I believe that Minetown's map is large enough to support and keep any project that someone and or parties have built. When other members seek to "claim" abandoned works I can't help but think that this is not the best option. Let's take a typical player made town for example. This town is fairly insignificant and no-one uses it, although at the end of the day, it was someone's project. The owner collected the materials, they invested the time - ergo the land and it's contents is theirs.

I personally put a lot of effort into my creative projects. Let's say hypothetically, I left Minetown permanently - with no intentions of returning. Let's also say that my left over projects are a bit more carefully constructed, and not simply made out of dirt and cobble. I would like to think that with such a long running server such as Minetown, my creative work would be preserved and become apart of Minetown's map history - whether my builds are significant or not.

Here's where it gets tricky.

The ultimate argument is usually "Well the buildings are just wasted and un-used - so they may as well be passed onto someone who can build and improve upon it"

I agree with this above argument to an extent.

I believe land should only be claimed under the following circumstances:

A: The owner was perma-banned and has been banned for a minimum of 6months.

B: The owner has gone inactive, however a co-owner or equivalent wishes to claim the land.

In any other circumstances, I believe that the land should be left alone and under ownership of it's original owner. I think that the project history of Minetown and it's passed on members should remain untouched and in its original state.

The only exception to this rule IMO is that: The idle land can be claimed if it sits in the way of a much larger, active project.

No trolls - I look forward to this debate.



People are always given 2 weeks notice about there land being claimed. You may not claim something If a person has made a thread about going away for a certain amount of time.

So that is 2 weeks anyways, of you being in game and on forums, for somebody to contact you telling you that somebody is trying o claim your land.

In my opinion I think its very fair.
Coffeey wrote:
People are always given 2 weeks notice about there land being claimed. You may not claim something If a person has made a thread about going away for a certain amount of time.

So that is 2 weeks anyways, of you being in game and on forums, for somebody to contact you telling you that somebody is trying o claim your land.

In my opinion I think its very fair.

In this case, yes a notification is fair.

However, this is not simply a debate about people going inactive.

This debate is more so about whether or not Minetown's map history should be preserved.

Of course the exception being: No one wants to save a dirt-cobble house.

Outside of crappy houses, I think preserving Minetown's map is important.
Mhm. I like kitties <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
Coffeey wrote:
People are always given 2 weeks notice about there land being claimed. You may not claim something If a person has made a thread about going away for a certain amount of time.

So that is 2 weeks anyways, of you being in game and on forums, for somebody to contact you telling you that somebody is trying o claim your land.

In my opinion I think its very fair.

Hmmm, thats pretty strange since after I was banned and (not perma-banned) that you claimed almost all of my property at the ORIGINAL /warp covetown and warp covecity, edited out most of my information, then took the credit and sold my buildings and moved them to towns all over minetown?

I don't really have a problem with you, and I don't really care about my old towns (which you said you would return and still haven't) BUT, I never recieved any sort of message about it, and I didn't find out about it until I logged back in either. Now, whenever I wander around minetown, I see alot of my buildings chillin around, and they have other peoples names on them who claim to have built them. For example: A house I built which is now in /warp archades, I talked to the owner of the city and he was under the impression that Xx_hazelxX or some name like that had "handcrafted" it. Other than the fact that my old town is a wreck now and alot of my buildings are scattered across the map, the point is that there was no right to take it, being misinformed by others is not really an excuse in my opinion.

I'm sorry if this message is harsh since I don't have a problem with coffeey but I figured I would speak my mind on this topic since alot of time from me and rabbi_sababa went into said towns. Not to mention that place would fetch a far price if sold as a whole.
Ive claimed 2-3 abandoned protperties near my own. I must say it's hard having a region that no one uses right next to yours, preventing expansion. Some members abuse it though, i know one who tries to claim every peice of land he sees, and will go to a 'pvp war' to get it -_-

Maybe we can make a limit for maximum claims in a certian area
One thing to consider in regards to the two week rule: Imagine your grandparent whomever you are very close to passes away, so you take a few months to go visit family and gather yourself after such a terrible lose. A few months pass and you return to your normal life, and part of that routine is to log onto Minetoen and work on your various projects, low and behold someones claimed everything and your left with nothing, imagine how that would make you feel? (Props to Krystalin for this scenario)
LucyLooseLegs wrote:

Of course the exception being: No one wants to save a dirt-cobble house.

Outside of crappy houses, I think preserving Minetown's map is important.

Aren't you the one who built us a new spawn area? That's a historical part of Minetown's map isn't it?

I'm not trying to be snide here. I love the new spawn area, i'm just making a point.

I think there is nothing wrong with Minetown's map being changed and claimed now and again from inactive people and perma banned people to revive the area.

Just like spawn. Which you did a good job of, don't get me wrong.
sovietscottie wrote:

Hmmm, thats pretty strange since after I was banned and (not perma-banned) that you claimed almost all of my property at the ORIGINAL /warp covetown and warp covecity, edited out most of my information, then took the credit and sold my buildings and moved them to towns all over minetown?

This is a good example of the ownership debate.

If a player returns after months of inactivity or a lifted ban, to find all of their work sold under the credit of another player, what then?
Coffeey wrote:
LucyLooseLegs wrote:

Of course the exception being: No one wants to save a dirt-cobble house.

Outside of crappy houses, I think preserving Minetown's map is important.

Aren't you the one who built us a new spawn area? That's a historical part of Minetown's map isn't it?

I'm not trying to be snide here. I love the new spawn area, i'm just making a point.

I don't see the point that you are trying to make.

I claim no ownership over spawn.

Spawn belongs to the server and Sawine himself supervised and personally approved of the changes made to spawn.

I didn't walk up in spawn and /pe new claim diz bitch

I think you're veering off topic.


FYI There IS an original copy of spawn preserved elsewhere. It's not destroyed.