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[Enjin Archive] Too easy to be banned?
Started by [E] BeaSTWiTHiN

I hope this doesn't get me banned just by posting it, but.

Well it seems incredibly easy to be banned on this server, and even though I've been involved with the community (made sigs and avatars).

I am somewhat second guessing donating and joining now. If this is really the server I want to join and give my time and money.

I guess for this to have a point I was just wondering what's the most common offence? As a GM (Game Moderator) in past WoW Private Servers I usually see that

the most common reason for banning is game hacks, but really how can you hack Minecraft that bad?

Is it an issue with language, I've seen swearing in a public chat channel recieve warnings/mutes or bans, but is that the consequence here?

I believe Minetown has one of the largest ban lists and I don't want to be a part of it.

If anyone has some incite for me, I'd hate to donate and get involved with the community, only to be banned because I made a boo-boo.

It seriously can't be THAT easy to be banned here.


Not related to this topic but I'm speaking on behalf of Jahaoronnie. Apologies that he can't pay you for the awesome sig and avatar because he's been banned. That is all.
Most bans result from stealing. Many people take items that are not theirs and we take it just as seriously as griefing as people spend just as much time getting their materials as they do building with them. Secondarily you have those trying to cheat through use of xray and using the occasional exploit before our dev staff fixes it.

There are many members who have never been banned and as long as they continue following the rules will never be banned. I think you are mistaking the fact that staff ban many players for the fact that we ban people without a good reason. The ban appeal system is filled with people who we let onto the server less than a week before and broke the rules that soon.

I personally do my best to make sure all bans are for a good reason so that if I am ever questioned as to the reason I banned someone I can point towards evidence of their transgression. You can see this in many appeals of both mine and other staff. Unfortunately, in many cases, there is no excuse for their actions and ban appeals do not result in a change of sentence. The biggest excuse that people use is the fact that they didn't know or that they didn't do it, and because of our application and plugins these excuses do not work.

Also, just for general knowledge. Many times a ban will be used in order to get someone to explain what they've done even if it was an accidental breaking of the rules. These cases are often overturned immediately and the member can return to the server after a time.

If you would like to get an idea for why people get banned, I suggest you read over the rules and look at the ban appeals of the past. I doubt you will find unreasonable bans and while several are for events that happened ingame that you cannot check up on (such as bullying and trolling), most of the reasons are obvious.

I hope that you understand that our system is not without order and we do not take the banning of a player lightly, especially when it comes to a permanent ban.
Minetown uses a ban as a way to protect the server. Being banned is meant to be temporary, in the event that the offence may cause serious harm. It may look like MT hands out a lot of bans, but in reality, very few are permanent and a good portion of those banned receive second chances.. As long as you obey the servers initial rules (don't steal, dupe, cheat, etc.), you are safe.

The best advice I can give to keep from receiving a ban is to just play the game legit. If you find an exploit, report it.
I accept the bans, and even welcome them. Don't get me wrong, it has been sad to see many friends go, but in the process, Minetown is creating a friendlier environment.

If you don't do anything wrong, you don't get banned.

If you just realize this, you'll be able to keep playing on Minetown with no worry of being banned. The ban system is so incredibly fair, even with a chance to appeal.
It is EASY to NOT be banned. To not be banned, actually read the rules and follow them. To get banned, be ignorant and skip the rules and just be ignorant and defy the rules. Not obeying the rules listed on the main website is the only way to get banned. You won't be banned for some random thing not even related, I can promise you that. The mods/admins are decent people, and don't ban people just for the reason of banning someone. They thoughtfully do so, and discuss with their fellow mods/admins about it. They discuss the severity of the punishment. Should it be a temp ban or perma? If a temp ban, how long... a day, week, month, 4 months, a year? They have to think about all this. They are also very lenient. If they see you've done a whole bunch of good and make one (not super serious) offense, maybe you broke one block on your friend's house for a prank. They might let it slide for a day or two ban, which is perfectly acceptable. Whether a prank or not, it's against the rules.

To the best of my knowledge, what I'm saying is correct. Sometimes I'm not very knowledgeable about a subject, just saying. However, these are things I was told many months in the past. Things could have changed.

Best advice... do what Yield and Cryston have both stated to avoid a ban. It's quite easy to remain on this server, honestly.
Minetown probably does have a huge ban list compared to other servers... Because we have a team of attentive and responsive moderators.

It's really easy...

1: Don't spam chat with constant messages with no purpose, but you'd only get muted anyway unless you were being an especially large ass about it.

2: Don't steal from other players... It's really hard to not know when you're doing that.

3: Don't duplicate items using hacks or exploits

4: No X-ray packs, hacks, tool, ect.

5: Don't be a constant nuisance. (You'll get plenty of warning)

Those are the big hitters in the ban appeal section and you know when you're doing these things... Even though from reading the ban appeals you'd think everyone suffered from alzheimer's because they want to play dumb and remember nothing.
It is easy to think there are a lot of people that get banned per week. Once you start to consider that amount of players who play on the server per week, then you realize the banned poeple are much lower ratio.

Even when I was more active and had more time to help, I didn't ban that many people at all. Although, only a few of those members got to come back for a second go around. They all got banned again by another Mod. I think it is supidly easy not to get banned. Just don't break the rules and there will be no problems.
Personally I think there is a slight problem with it. For instance my brother was banned when the PE specifically requested that he not be. If he was simply warned through that it would have been it. Instead he is still banned for a simple misunderstanding that resulted in no major harm.
There are mistakes sometimes and maybe the mods sometimes jump into things too quickly but overall it is a good system. It is really easy to not get banned just follow the rulz

But if in doubt and you are standing in front of a house, unsure what to do, ask a mod or leave it alone...