While I still would rather go for a conservative protection per person, if things go the way of completely lawless nether, then I also agree with regular resets. Though in fairness, please give people currently with a protections until the end of the month to recover the supplies they put into nether projects (which they expected to be protected). I don't care about the materials themselves, but you can't replace time put into collecting supplies and making something decent looking.

BARNEY626 wrote:
Zdeath I know that is good for you but other people starting in the nether cannot find any nether wart because people like you have massive farms and take it all
I bought ONE netherwart from somebody to start my farm. ONE. I then grew them into 2 stacks of warts, then I build that nether wart farm and that's how I got to that.
So when you fucking say "massive farms take it all" and you can go and fucking buy ONE FUCKING WART from ANYWHERE (I sell EIGHT for 1 gold at /warp nshop) then you're talking steaming SHIT.
And you think it should be wiped? OK. Let's say for example that the nether is wiped every week. I have to go and farm all my netherwarts, I lose my chests of diamond, enchanted pickaxes, and stuff I've mined from the nether, each week, because I forgot to collect it.
I have to grow netherwarts 24/7 otherwise they will not yield enough so I can sell them
Nether warts go up to around 1 for 1 gold and the nether market inflates to around quadruple what it is now.
Basic consumers who have little resources but need to buy them then have to maximise their profits from normal world items such as food and basic building blocks, so they increase their prices so they get the money for their nether items such as netherrack soul sand and glowstone.
This effects the whole market, this is why the decision is so vital. If you reset the nether each week then it would cause a massive economy inflation, similar to ones that we have in real life.
This project has cost us a lot of money and time, if this were to get wiped, besides losing all of that, we would lose our income for gold, and we didn't horde them like you said. I think that im not the only person who would be upset if the nether was wiped here (at least i hope not <_<) We found nether warts in one nether ruins, and that's how it started. I know people don't like losing their projects and this is the first one I have done in a long time. If it gets wiped what i didn't show you were the 30 or so double chests of items that we keep in our storage zone. Moving all of this would be a hassle for us 5 to move. I think the nether shouldn't be wiped because people can buy nether warts to start a farm. I sell 8 for 1g like pred! A whole stack only costs 8g which i don't think that is a bad price. If the protections are removed, we will be extra cautious while in there, but i do not think we would ever be able to rebuild this because no one would want to.
pred, there is no need to get mad, just state the facts. When you get mad at someone, if makes yourself look bad
pred, there is no need to get mad, just state the facts. When you get mad at someone, if makes yourself look bad
Sorry pred
Didn't mean to offend you so much!
But I have changed my mind
I want no wipes but it can be lawless
Upon rethinking pred is right
Didn't mean to offend you so much!
But I have changed my mind
I want no wipes but it can be lawless
Upon rethinking pred is right
Reset the nether monthly.
No PVP toggle (PVP is always enabled, if you don't like it, don't go.)
No protections.
Wipe the Nether a.s.a.p. -- get rid of everything inside, notify people that they have 24hrs to clear out their valuable items.
*This will make the Nether MOAR FUN for the people inside, and will ensure things like wart remain somewhat rare. As it is now, the Nether might as well be the Overworld as there is no challenge to be found in there at all. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
**It IS "Hell" -- so let's let it be what it is without imposing our own feeble morality upon the place.
***This is the only logical course of action. Sorry to those who will lose precious creations! (It's only a game.) Just make sure to take what you farm back out with you from now on.
****And please stop crying over spilled Nether wart! LOL! They're digital items! (Not real -- facepalm)
No PVP toggle (PVP is always enabled, if you don't like it, don't go.)
No protections.
Wipe the Nether a.s.a.p. -- get rid of everything inside, notify people that they have 24hrs to clear out their valuable items.
*This will make the Nether MOAR FUN for the people inside, and will ensure things like wart remain somewhat rare. As it is now, the Nether might as well be the Overworld as there is no challenge to be found in there at all. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
**It IS "Hell" -- so let's let it be what it is without imposing our own feeble morality upon the place.
***This is the only logical course of action. Sorry to those who will lose precious creations! (It's only a game.) Just make sure to take what you farm back out with you from now on.
****And please stop crying over spilled Nether wart! LOL! They're digital items! (Not real -- facepalm)
Pred, please restrain yourself from using offensive language. a good portion of our user base is below 18 and it is inappropriate.
and from my eye on the poll, it looks like the majority wish for pvp toggle (32+21) than want forced pvp (38+11).
Zionia wrote:
Pred, please restrain yourself from using offensive language. a good portion of our user base is below 18 and it is inappropriate.
It's inappropriate no matter what age you are. I personally loathe foul language and almost never use it myself. (Except in certain, very extreme situations.)
darthzimmeris wrote:
Sorry to those who will lose precious creations! (It's only a game.)
I know its only a game, and i'm not crying over the nether warts. It's just that i put that in there expecting it to not be wiped (since from what i know have it has never been before <_< ) and i would be dissapointed for it being wiped. People's creations should be kept because the people who put there effort into making the buildings do not want them to be destroyed. Besides, i have no idea if you have something built in the nether but getting rid of what people have made in there is not the right choice to make. As i said, i would be disappointed if it were to be wiped, but then wiping every month?? That would be too extreme because if people wanted to make big farms of nether wart, they would only have 1 month to build it, grow it, dissemble it every month, which some people would not enjoy at all (at least i know i wouldn't). If it gets wiped once, ill be disappointed, but if it were to be wiped every month, then why would i even try to remember when and to grow all of it? And if they built a program to warn people, that just takes time from what the admins could be doing something more important.