Well there was this chick named Lucy...
My username comes from an enemy in the Kirby series called a waddle dee. The 18 is my favorite number so put them together you get apple sauce.

My name is XCoaster for my love of Roller Coasters in real life. I've been going to amusement parks for quite a while and can't get enough of them. It takes a crowbar and a team of at least 5+ to get me out of a line. (That or a 6+ Hour wait which has happened -_-)
You'll never guess!
I came up with the name Yield many years ago, it was back when I was playing WoW. I rolled a resto balance druid back before they made dual spec'ing easy. I was always the player that knew every aspect of the class so I was always the one people would go to if they were short a roll for a raid. I had transferred servers to join a progression raiding guild that would fit with my schedule (I had just started working 3rd shift and couldn't raid at the standard times) and I was saddened to find that my name was already taken (Dogwood tree healer reference). With my versatileness in mind, I came up with the name Yield (as in I'll wait to see what you need for the raid) and I have kept the name ever since. Also since I loved the name so well, I adopted the name into all other aspects of my online life (Minecraft, forum names, fursonae, etc.)
my username: jjd712
How i came up with it: well i took my first name, Jason, my middle name Joseph and my last tame that starts with a D and added random numbers at the end... no flashy story... yeah i'm boring.
How i came up with it: well i took my first name, Jason, my middle name Joseph and my last tame that starts with a D and added random numbers at the end... no flashy story... yeah i'm boring.
well, mine is simple.
My real name is Niko, but it was taken in the most games, so i made it to Nick. I still needed a number and simply took my street number.. 66. Years ago i used the whole time Nick66, but later some people took the same name, so 1 more letter needed, which i selected randomly lol, the number 3. Now at the most places I use Nick663, cause noone else is using it <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
My real name is Niko, but it was taken in the most games, so i made it to Nick. I still needed a number and simply took my street number.. 66. Years ago i used the whole time Nick66, but later some people took the same name, so 1 more letter needed, which i selected randomly lol, the number 3. Now at the most places I use Nick663, cause noone else is using it <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Bet you hate GTA IV for taking your lovely name.
My name is: SloopJB1
There is a old song by the Beach Boys called Sloop John B hence SloopJB. I own the Minecraft account SloopJB too but I forgot the password (LOL) so I added a 1 to the end...
There is a old song by the Beach Boys called Sloop John B hence SloopJB. I own the Minecraft account SloopJB too but I forgot the password (LOL) so I added a 1 to the end...
Castiel because I love supernatural, and Boo because it's what people call me <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>