I am Level 80 Night Elf Resto DuDu on A blizzlike Private server. So Come at me Cant kill me.
By private server, do you mean the ones that you don't have to pay for because someone illegally steals the game from blizzard and runs it themselves? If that is what you mean, I hope sawine does not add this. I have seen private servers being sued by the game companies. Do we really want eximius to get sued?
Mr.Flip wrote:
By private server, do you mean the ones that you don't have to pay for because someone illegally steals the game from blizzard and runs it themselves? If that is what you mean, I hope sawine does not add this. I have seen private servers being sued by the game companies. Do we really want eximius to get sued?
There's Millions of private servers online as we speak, were not going to get sued, if they would start suing the would sue the most popular ones right now.
Mr.Flip wrote:
By private server, do you mean the ones that you don't have to pay for because someone illegally steals the game from blizzard and runs it themselves? If that is what you mean, I hope sawine does not add this. I have seen private servers being sued by the game companies. Do we really want eximius to get sued?
Flip, dont just start shouting this BS.
Lets look at the illegalities of a private server:
- Wow client downloaded , no problem here its freely available from blizzards site.
- Wow files hosted, none at all so no problem
- Custom files with blizzard assets, None at all either
- Emulated server, These are rewrote from the bottom up by a team of developers and have nothing to do with blizzard at all.
All a private server does is emulate a server which the client connects to and there is nothing illegal about it.
Now lets look at why wowscape got sued for 89 million

Thats the amount of donation money they were making.....
now read this one:

it became clear that donation money was not being used to support the server, so blizzard had a case as she was making over $500,000 per month while the server cost $15,000
Jallaf #TeamJallaf wrote:
Lol Jallaf basically just setted up you're server. Buuuuuutt. the monster repack jallaf, look what I found....
Ew Thats Horrbile wrote:
-All Battlegrounds Working
-Awesome Stability
-Guild Leveling
-Guild Bank
-Core Optimalization
-More Spawn and Working Content
-Spell Working ~75%
-Quest Working ~50%
-New PhPmyadmin 3.4 Included
-All Battlegrounds Working
-Awesome Stability
-Guild Leveling
-Guild Bank
-Core Optimalization
-More Spawn and Working Content
-Spell Working ~75%
-Quest Working ~50%
-New PhPmyadmin 3.4 Included
And r's will be Private-Private server ..
Jallaf #TeamJallaf wrote:
Jallaf, Cataclysm is way to buggy to use at the moment, not enough is supported and a hell of a lot of things dont work. The site on the other hand is a great link and i will ask sawine about using it as its what we were after.
2's 3's and 5's
2's 3's and 5's