Well, STAFF asked you to go up on the balcony. It was just for a few minutes.
Idk lol, Golden said for him to go up there.
If admin tells you go jump into lava right now when you are in a cave with all your diamonds and crap would you do it and if you refuse would think he has the right to tp you to him as he flies over lavato drop you to your death. it is a lose anligy
If an admin says to do something, you do it haha
That's a retarded analogy. Balconies aren't deadly.
So an admin tp'd you over lava to die?
Thanks for unlocking, I just think this is immature beyond belief. Golden wanted to show off his balcony so sint deserves death? Seriously? Just ban him for modding (if he has) not do shit about him not looking at a balcony first..
It is a bad one but it has a point admin tells you to do something nothing to do with the rules and forces you to do it is abuse of thier power it is like an admin saying that you must work on building a giant statue of them should you do it because they are admin no if you have other reasons ok
reggief no he didn't tp me over lave he just tped me to my death