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[Enjin Archive] Complaints towards me
Started by [E] CodyHollaway

Cody, all the admins have put theire spare time into this server, and many of them have even worked harder than you.. The donations where to help the server to stay online and to prevent griefers joinging just randomly.

I know you said you took some, but not all, so sawine keep the server up for some months.. But what if the server costs went up, and the donations down? That would shutdown the server or take money for Sawines money.. It is kinda stealing, and can you really live with the thought that you may be the one reponsible for making Sawine lose money?

Im sorry to say this, but you have lost ALL respect i had for you, and please do not reply except if you are going to give the money back to the server..
In my opinion, if you had asked maybe sawine or the admin team if it was okay to take a little money out if you were getting close to broke, But I think just taking it wasn't the most respectful idea. Although I disagree with this, I still have some respect for you cody.
Donations are just donations. You didn't pay for anything and while you assume the money goes toward the server, that's just that, an assumption. We have over $1000 right now in donations or something? and this server costs like 250 a month? Donations just from march alone are enough to pay for the server for the entire time we've had it. What else are you gonna do with that money? Its not like he took it all anyway, and while I don't know what kinda deal is in place between sawine and cody, since sawine took over managing it and cody is the founder. I don't feel betrayed in any way.

Ask yourself this: why did you donate?

Answer: Because you wanted the server to keep running smoothly. And what is the server doing? Running smoothly.

I mean what did you expect, you were gonna get all your donations back if there was overflow or something?
When you donate money, you basically just give it away without any say in where it goes. Everyone who has donated has gotten their rewards, be it donator status or just membership, so I really don't understand what the big issue is. We all paid our money and we all received our rewards from it. What Cody did was mimic the United States government by taking money meant for one thing and using it for another. It was in his power to do so and he needed it. He seems sincerely sorry, so guys, just let it go. We have our wonderful French-Canadian dictator to see us through the dark and hazy future to come! Believe in him and we shall prosper, don't, and we shall fail.

jallah go to hell

That is disrespectful and he is the creator not sawine stop being a douche.

Cody I think everyone is over reacting I'm on board with you.
Sintdose wrote:
jallah go to hell

That is disrespectful and he is the creator not sawine stop being a douche.

Cody I think everyone is over reacting I'm on board with you.

Jallaf is stating his opinions as a person who KNEW Cody, he's allowed to express his opinions. Also, Cody is a nice person, and most of the people here who are posting are just going with the fact they know he founded the server. Not a lot of people knew Cody's job, and what he was giving up to the server out of pocket. In the creative server we had about 45 dollars of donations a month. Not good, that would mean Cody would pay about 100 for the server out of pocket working at a grocery store, AND being a student. I say that we all get our opinions out of the way and leave this behind us.
look, from the get go, minetown had always got more donations than needed to keep the server running, cody only payed $45 out of his pocket once, im not hating on him, he just shouldnt have done this. Not this way
I just want to add that cody looks hardcore from his picture, i wouldn't mess with a skinhead if i were you guys
Cody, I love you as a bro man. You were an awesome owner and chief admin during your time-- remember that the creeper statue in Espero is a monument to you? It was one of the first things I made.

First, that quote that's been going around of me saying "Cody created a perfect world, then took a shit on it. Welcome to Minetown." was completely unrelated to this- it was a parody of a Minetown fanfic we were working on.

However, I understand that you worked hard for the server, and I really do feel ya with the money issues. You had some problems and you got money where you could- I have no disrespect for that. You didn't hurt anybody, and you left us enough to keep going. However, I feel that the honorable thing to do would be to pay it off over time- our community got you back on your feet... don't walk away from that without returning it.

Have a nice life man, and I hope you can come back to Minetown someday.

Cody deserves to keep it, he spent so much time putting towards the server.

Now that he has a life, the least we can do to give back to him, is just to help a little.

Good luck in life Cody