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[Enjin Archive] [Event] Why I Chose Minetown...
Started by [E] Matt [5]

I found Minetown from... (server list, friend, etc.)

server list, i used to play a different server and i got bored of it so i decided to look for a better server on server list and when i saw minetown, it gotten my attention so i decided to try it out and here i am now

My first impression was...

my first impression was "wow this place is huge where should i start, where should i build my house"

I kept playing here because...

all the friends i made in this server i hang out with make me to think i should stay here due to awesome people i met there

My favorite memory is...

my favorite memory are making new friends, meeting awesome people, and events that happen over the years

A few things I'd change are...

the few things i'd change are hoping all the staff should stay as staff( i got no control over this)
I found Minetown from... (server list, friend, etc.)

I made a google search for "best minecraft servers" because I had some previous experience with badly organized public servers that I wanted to avoid. I figured I'd go straight to the best! The results included a Yahoo ask that covered the same issue, and the answer listed several servers, including Minetown. I went through the list of names, and the Minetown website seemed like it was the most organized and appealing out of the bunch. As I noted in my application, Minetown's webpage design is very nice! It made Minetown seem more official and caught my eye. Ultimately, the reason I chose Minetown over other servers is because of the application requirement; I was very pleased to know that members were filtered, and that I would be avoiding the certain types of minecrafters that hinder other public servers and are a nuisance to gameplay in general.

My first impression was...

I was completely mindblown by Minetown. Minetown has many servers to begin with, but the size as well as quantity of buildings on main was more than overwhelming! In addition, all of the commands and plug-ins were relatively new to me. On my first day as a member, I was recruited by MAB (lead by lochiechoccie), and I have to say that I'm having a lot of fun as their Clanmember. There just seemed to be so much going on at once. The PE system (as well as the server management by admins/moderators in general) seems very strong, which is also impressive since public groups can be difficult to manage, especially as they increase in size.

To sum it up, I was very impressed and confused simultaneously, but I certainly wasn't confused enough to leave. I wanted more! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

I kept playing here because...

I'd like to note it hasn't really been a week since I've joined, but I've continued playing because I've already met some wonderful people here (such as lochie and Dim), and I really want to continue playing with them. Making skins, collecting material, and plotting to make buildings have all been ideas floating around my mind. Accomplishing those ideas is very rewarding. The community here is pretty amazing, and I like Minetown's stability as a whole.

My favorite memory is...

Exploring the wilderness with Dim! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f632.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":o">:o</object> Finding perfect spots for houses can be tricky, hehe. I also enjoy mining with Zarlile. I'm afraid I don't have too many memories here, but I'm eager to make them!

A few things I'd change are...

There's not much I find wrong with Minetown! If anything, becoming oriented with the commands and rules was a bit overwhelming. A more in-depth introductory tutorial would have been helpful. Other than that, I've found no issues with following the rules and working my way into the community. I'm happy to met the handful of people I know now, and I'm excited to meet more.

It's a bit surprising to me that others have negative feelings about the changes! I know I wasn't here before the change, but as a member who was attracted for the very things that were improved, I can attest to the fact that they are working. The application wasn't something that drove me away- it pulled me in! The size of the server wasn't daunting- it was impressive! If it's become more inactive than before, perhaps it's because Minetown is narrowing down the members to those who put in effort to simply apply. It's a good thing that system is in place to filter out the lazy kids. It just means that although there might not be as many people, there were certainly be many hardworking individuals!

I hope I covered all the bases. Please excuse my ignorance on exactly what is upsetting older members- I only touched on what I've heard people complain about, not exactly what the issue is. Thank you!
I found Minetown from...

google search, i took a gamble and bought this crazy indie game people were raving about but had never played

My first impression was...

uhm... so this is... minecraft? with other people? HOLY CRAP THAT BUILDING IS HUGE! dude look at this church!! they MUST have had like... 50 people build that... WAIT WHAT! theres like... 10 more of these huge buildings... I CALL HAX

(i was used to single player and cobble/dirt buildings with little flower gardens)

circa beta 1.3 <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>

I kept playing here because...

I got on mumble, for me that sealed the deal... i was a scrub and knew noone and nothing. I got on mumble and talked to he is washin stuff and some other people, found out they were mods, was epic... first people i really talked to here pretty much gave me whatever i needed to start, donated, got protections, warps, it was all at my fingertips MUAHAHAH err... ah ahem...

heiwashen gave even me like a stack of gold back in the day when i joined because i reported a bug that i thought i caused xD (it was the old infinite shop bug people were exploiting, i totally never figured out how it was done and duped anything either <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object> )

...seriously tho, it was like a stack of sticks... no harm done, right...? heh? heh....

people were TOO nice and i just couldnt help but love it here

My favorite memory is...

countless nights and time spent building with FSUISBACK2011, particualrly when we built Mountian Grotto, with DanniDoritos massage Parlor (only 100MTC / hr!) haha ended up with a mod hangout, took a pic to commemorate, others were there too, not in the pic... this was in the hot tub in the basement xD

/warp mtngrotto to check it out!!! its got a big screen tv now <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>


A few things I'd change are...

idk, simplify and consolidate, we got a lot of servers now, its excellent. the main vs main2 thing is obnoxious. Id end the expansion of main, let main 2 grow, and remove tax for cities on main2, it discourages people without providing any benefit that protections can provide. give some incentive to move, and make main slide to the back burner as a "classic minecraft" style world. long time players have to much invested in main to move, and nothing to gain... id try to change that <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
I found Minetown from... (server list, friend, etc.)

A coworker (MLG_ReVeNgE) told me about it after he had tried a few servers out. He got me into multiplayer and I, ironically, first got him playing Minecraft. I stayed in single player and was afraid of getting killed or griefed on multiplayer. The fear of losing my stuff/builds kept me in single player until I learned that some servers allowed for region protection.

My first impression was...

Pretty overwhelmed at first. After about a day or so I had region protection made next to my coworker's area and pretty close to TownVille. Neil came and helped us build an automatic bridge and some lift signs in my area once we had started connecting our area. I soon opened up a shop in TownVille and we all started playing together more often then. The community was great and I remember going to a few member-led drop parties. (Some were unfortunately poison potion drop parties) Other members would gladly answer questions in chat on how to create lift signs or wire redstone contraptions.

I kept playing here because...

The community. I've spent hours on this server playing with the others in TownVille and exploring other cities and builds. He will probably laugh when he sees this but there have been times when Lostbit and I would just stand in a well lit place on the server and talk about politics, work, etc. for an hour or more. The conversations usually aren't even MC related. That kind of community is why I have stayed on this server.

My favorite memory is...

I have a few favorite memories but this is one of them. This "battle" has been going on for a few months now. We keep building over eachother's previous attempts to build so high that the other gives up. There is now a safety pool near the top to prevent falling deaths. Last time I checked I was still winning.


Another good memory is chicken bombing a friend on the Tekkit server when he went AFK for a phone call. We installed dispensers and fired over a hundred chickens into his building.


A few things I'd change are...

Would not really change much. I wish that more people would start to play on Agharta since it's lonely on that server but the cross server global helps out with that.
I found Minetown from... (server list, friend, etc.)

A friend, OhTen40oZ to be exact <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> He told me about it more and more then I decided to try it for myself

My first impression was...

I was confused as heck I was always asking things like "How do I private a chest?" or "How do we protect land?" then mods and players would gladly help me <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>

I kept playing here because...

Of everything! The maturity of the players and staff all the cool events the awesome forums and all these other servers it was all so cool when I first say it. I knew I would be playing on minetown for a long time <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

My favorite memory is...

Can't really decide on one but here's one: When me and soccerjj1 were helping out this player with his house it was really dark so we started putting torches up then we eventually covered every single block with either a torch or glowstone then the guy said "I think it's still kinda dark in here"

A few things I'd change are...

Nothing really, maybe try and make tutorial for the basics of the plugin's in the main server, took me a while to figure them out.
I found Minetown from... (server list, friend, etc.)

I found it from a friend actually. It was my first day of minecraft ever, and he had to explain to me for about 30 minutes what an IP adress is. And when i joined i decided it would be a great idea to go around breaking things with a stone sword.

My first impression was...

Minecraft is great! Although i got raided probably 10 times that first month, it was still a great experience.

I kept playing here because...

Minecraft was extremely addicting. But then i ended up making some friends, and have tons of fun. I am stil here because of how much fun this server is, and the awesome community it has.

My favorite memory is...

Joining a new faction that was not of my own. And also probably finding my first diamonds, in which i noobily fell off of a cliff with.

A few things I'd change are...

Honestly, nothing. I think this server is great as it is right now <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
I found Minetown from... (server list, friend, etc.)

I came across Minetown on a random server list after purchasing Minecraft, I was drunk and lonely looking for a place to call home.

My first impression was...

I'm pretty sure I made a joke the first time I logged into Minetown, this was back when Minetown first started, Cody was on whitelisting members and chatting. It seemed like a very nice community even though spawn was a complete mess back then besides the church.

I kept playing here because...

When I walked into the center of spawn, I crossed paths with a man who would one day become my partner in crime. His name was BrolyMaximus, he was an admin and so far up his own ass about it as well. We somehow got into an argument ending with me being jailed. One thing led to another and the next thing I know we were in love.

Minetown in the early days was small, about 30 well known members. We all knew each other, the community was very close back then. Everyone had a voice in matters of the server, bans, etc. If we didn't like something we were allowed to voice our opinions in matters that now only staff get to handle or see. These are the few things that kept me around.

My favorite memory is...

Just the trouble we could get into, specially if other staff are involved. Back then it was pretty lawless at times, I mean you can't deny it I became admin while sawine was offline and ended up being OP for 6 months and summoned an army of ghasts over Hyrule to destroy the world.

A few things I'd change are...

The things I would want changed are impossible, I would need a time machine.
<3 and countless is no lie..
FSUISBACK2011 wrote:
<3 and countless is no lie..

love you FSU!
I found Minetown from... (server list, friend, etc.)

I found MT on a server list, just google minecraft top servers and i found one, and lo and behold MT was on top, so went to the website. Then iI made an application, and Irethena denied it, so i made another and i was accepted 1 year ago today!!!(March 28th was the accept date)

My first impression was...

I hated it, i had come from a server that was creative, not SMP. But I was desperate enough for a new server that i stayed on

I kept playing here because...

My favorite memory is...

Right in the first day i found a chest that still reads Free Bread take some, and inside was a stack of diamonds, so i took it. Then I sold half of it to make some money. Then I joined 998 Guard! 998 Guard was one of the biggest clans at the time, yet one of the worst. It was big, but had no leadership. We actually helped Deus_Lemmus with Atlanta for some time and then I got banned, that was for a whole month. When i logged back on I spawned in Atlanta. Soon after i learned the fate of my friends, Grapefruit998:PermaBanned SaltySavvy: Left Insert:On at a different time than me now. I sorta went around aimlessly. Soon i found yet another clan, SPQR. I spent quite a long time in it, until the great DDoS attacks in September. When the server came back on, with me as the third person to log on, and first normal member. I went to create the MLE clan, Minetown Law Enforcement, it failed, i joined JAPAN then decided to create LGYCO, and the city of Legacy. Boith of which have been passed on and now i confortly reside as a skyscraper builder for CGH