When i ran my own bukkit /enchant was a command i only had LWC, World Guard and world edit. However /enchant did not use up any lvl a player had so really just spawning. If devs could edit that it would work fine wouldn't take much.
Too powerful a perk to give out. This is not something you will see added to the donator perks.
Lomanic wrote:
Too powerful a perk to give out. This is not something you will see added to the donator perks.
Aren't they just asking for a portable enchantment table?
Lomanic wrote:
Too powerful a perk to give out. This is not something you will see added to the donator perks.
I think the assumption is that it will use up levels the player has. Not that it will enchant an item free of charge.
It's simply a matter of convenience (I think), like /craft. heck, /chest seems more powerful than this, considering it expands your inventory threefold, and allows you to keep it on death.
Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
If it IS something where you put in an item and it enchants it free of charge, then yeah, I'd have to agree with Lom.
i think lom may be thinking about our /enchant that we use for refunds or events...
just as a basic portable enchant table doesnt seem like it would be to powerful for anything...the only issue would be player run events in a main server where inv isnt wiped and commands arent blocked...but as a portable enchanttable that pops up the GUI such as /chest i dont personally see why itr wouldnt be a good say 200-300 perk...for the main servers only btw...for pvp server idk...may be worth more there to be able to enchant as you are pvping...im not super active in terms of pvp and wont delve too far into how it should work there.
/anvil - i likes ($100 perk imo)
/enchanttable - i likes ($200 perk imo)
/brewstand i would say is kinda...odd? to have...it doesnt quite fit in as well as others do in terms of usefulness...most people would want more than 1 brew stand...all it would really be good for is say if you want to be able to access them as soon as they finish brewing...or perhaps brew a set of potions as you are wandering the nether...but in terms of actrual use, idk if it is worth the time and effort to make it a worthy kit...
just as a basic portable enchant table doesnt seem like it would be to powerful for anything...the only issue would be player run events in a main server where inv isnt wiped and commands arent blocked...but as a portable enchanttable that pops up the GUI such as /chest i dont personally see why itr wouldnt be a good say 200-300 perk...for the main servers only btw...for pvp server idk...may be worth more there to be able to enchant as you are pvping...im not super active in terms of pvp and wont delve too far into how it should work there.
/anvil - i likes ($100 perk imo)
/enchanttable - i likes ($200 perk imo)
/brewstand i would say is kinda...odd? to have...it doesnt quite fit in as well as others do in terms of usefulness...most people would want more than 1 brew stand...all it would really be good for is say if you want to be able to access them as soon as they finish brewing...or perhaps brew a set of potions as you are wandering the nether...but in terms of actrual use, idk if it is worth the time and effort to make it a worthy kit...
I should have read more before voting. I can't change the no vote, but I assumed this was the /enchant command which would be OP.
Having a /table command wouldn't be bad, but really we have lots of free places to enchant. The one I use most is /warp enchant. Convenience is always nice, but there's already plenty of that with the donor perks. Personally, I would like to see collectible / rare display items added for 100-300 level donors instead of convenience items.
Having a /table command wouldn't be bad, but really we have lots of free places to enchant. The one I use most is /warp enchant. Convenience is always nice, but there's already plenty of that with the donor perks. Personally, I would like to see collectible / rare display items added for 100-300 level donors instead of convenience items.
rare items i doubt will be added as they would directly influence a huge flux on economy....
Zionia and Adam wrote:
i think lom may be thinking about our /enchant that we use for refunds or events...
just as a basic portable enchant table doesnt seem like it would be to powerful for anything...the only issue would be player run events in a main server where inv isnt wiped and commands arent blocked...but as a portable enchanttable that pops up the GUI such as /chest i dont personally see why itr wouldnt be a good say 200-300 perk...for the main servers only btw...for pvp server idk...may be worth more there to be able to enchant as you are pvping...im not super active in terms of pvp and wont delve too far into how it should work there.
/anvil - i likes ($100 perk imo)
/enchanttable - i likes ($200 perk imo)
/brewstand i would say is kinda...odd? to have...it doesnt quite fit in as well as others do in terms of usefulness...most people would want more than 1 brew stand...all it would really be good for is say if you want to be able to access them as soon as they finish brewing...or perhaps brew a set of potions as you are wandering the nether...but in terms of actrual use, idk if it is worth the time and effort to make it a worthy kit...
just as a basic portable enchant table doesnt seem like it would be to powerful for anything...the only issue would be player run events in a main server where inv isnt wiped and commands arent blocked...but as a portable enchanttable that pops up the GUI such as /chest i dont personally see why itr wouldnt be a good say 200-300 perk...for the main servers only btw...for pvp server idk...may be worth more there to be able to enchant as you are pvping...im not super active in terms of pvp and wont delve too far into how it should work there.
/anvil - i likes ($100 perk imo)
/enchanttable - i likes ($200 perk imo)
/brewstand i would say is kinda...odd? to have...it doesnt quite fit in as well as others do in terms of usefulness...most people would want more than 1 brew stand...all it would really be good for is say if you want to be able to access them as soon as they finish brewing...or perhaps brew a set of potions as you are wandering the nether...but in terms of actrual use, idk if it is worth the time and effort to make it a worthy kit...
Correct, I am meaning it exactly like /craft and /chest. It would only be like walking up to an enchant table.
Zionia wrote:
/anvil - i likes ($100 perk imo)
/enchanttable - i likes ($200 perk imo)
I have to say, it should be the other way around <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
There are public enchanting tables, which don't take much to make. Anvils, on the other hand, take quite some iron and degrade all the time. It may be due to me not being on as much, but I haven't seen many public anvils. Just my opinion though!

This will just destroy the economy. Stop causing problems over donation perks xgamer.