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[Enjin Archive] girl problem
Started by [E] SilverLotus1

i cant get my self a gf

im too shy and i need a girl opinion how to deal this issue and i need good advises
Girls are gross, avoid them all together =P

But seriously, just go for it. What do you have to loose?
Chat one up on Match or someplace like that...
What is your age? If you are 17+ I have some pretty damn good advice.
A minecraft forum probably isnt the best place. But I'll tell you what I do. lol

Just be friends with a few girls. Never bring up video games or join in any conversations about them.

Don't be all flirty in person yet, get their numbers then text them. Thats when you get flirty. Pick one and ask her to hang out.

And common sense from there.

And you have to look good. I'm not the greatest looking guy, but you can hide that behind name brands,
Well, I happen to be up in this topic! I can put my psychology degree to good use here!

Women look for much different things in men, then men look for in the ladies.

With woman, less physical traits, more personality traits.

Here are the top 3 things woman over the age of 20 look for in a man's personality:

Confidence -The state of feeling certain about the truth of something.

Decisiveness -The trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose; "a man of unusual decisiveness".

Backbone -The chief support of a system or organization; the mainstay.

Confidence is the hardest one to work on. There's a difference between being confident and over-confident (ie arrogant). It's a fine line. It doesn't mean that you tell other what they should do, but rather that you are confident in your abilities (Job, work, school). Know what you want to do with your life, where you are, and where you're going. Even if you are not 100% sure, come up with some ideas of where you want to be and go with it.

A lot of men have a hard time with confidence. If they try to hard they are arrogant. If they try to little they are a push-over. If you're shy, and have a hard time talking to women, fake it. Pretend that you can, and just do it. It really is that easy. Mined you, don't LIE. There's a big difference between faking something and lying. Lets see if I can come up with an example... Say I want to lose some weight, so I start eating healthy and maybe go on more walks right? So, I'm faking having a healthy lifestyle, that ends up becoming my true lifestyle after a while of staying with it. Confidence builds confidence.

Decisiveness is, in my humble opinion, the easiest. In my experiences most (not all, but more then 50%) of women are indecisive when it comes to certain things. Food is a huge one.

Don't ask a lady "Where do you want to go out for dinner?" Say something like "I feel like a hamburger, how does Red Robbin sound?". This is not being pushy, it is simply you coming up with an idea and delivering it in a way that is more appealing. A woman always has veto power. "Naw, I'm not really in the mood for a hamburger.". You can also say something more general, like "Italian sounds good, what do you think?".

Backbone: There are two parts to backbone, the TLDR of it is like this: Verbal -> Action. You say something then you do (or mean) it. It's the execution of verbal que.

Part 1: Do what you say you will do. If you say you'll pick her up at 8:00, then pick her up at 8:00. If you say you are going to out with your friends, don't cancel with them just to hang out with her (if you do, she'll think that you'll later flake on her). Of course, sometimes life happens, so if something prevents you, or an emergency comes up that's different.

Part 2: Being honest. It may sound strange, but honestly really is the best policy. You can't really have backbone if you say "I like you" and not mean it.

Hope that helps you a bit! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Maybe spend that 300+ on a girl rather than a minecraft server.
^All advice from men.....When he asked for "girl opinion" lol
Become friends with a Nice girl, Like Im talking Nice as in things she has in common with you. Trust me youll find one who has alot.

Become friends, within 3-5 weeks give or take when she is a friend, not close friends or new friends, ask her.
the girl i like think that im a creeper

due to my friend want her number so he went on my facebook and keep asking her for her number and her friends