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[Enjin Archive] SERVER CLEANUP
Started by [E] Cryston

remove the crap, keep the good stuff
If we do have a clean up, err.... Count me out. Unless everyone is granted cuboid :3

No, an individual clean up would take too long, and not many people would participate (Because its so damn tedious). So if we aren't having a reset, we aren't having a clean up.
We don't need a reset. Just delete the areas in question and let new chunks get formed. We have worked hard on what we have, and I guarantee that Cryston would throw his computer out the window if we didn't save his sphere.

And besides, what you think is ugly may have a lot of meaning to others.
Resetting would most likely result in my tearing bits of my hair out. I have spent so many hours into my city, so many hours mining and farming and trading. I have enough cobble to finish my second level about half way I hope, and it is like, eight times the size of my first level, a colossal undertaking, even for 2 or 3 people at a time. If all of that work was reset, it would not end well for quite a few people on this server, and we would lose so many great creations like Ninja's Arena (unfinished but I am working on it after my city) and Angelia, despite all the crap we would get rid of. It would be impossible to manage to perfectly recreate all of the cities and bases and monuments and other wonderful creations, ESPECIALLY stuff like your sphere cryston. It's almost halfway done isn't it?

Really, we should not reset the server again, but a mere clean up

@Gackt, your view on these things is flawed at best. Creations can become something you are attached too, much like a pet sometimes. You put hours into them, time and effort and many many hours of building despite the awesome boringness. You do it because you love the project and want to get it done, so you can look back upon all those hours spent hammering away at it, and say that you did it. You finished it, with all the troubles you had and the time you took, you actually did it. There are few feelings greater than finishing a long term project, be it minecraft or real life, and that is my view of the world.
once we get a good response for whether to do it or not, I think we will start a preservation request thread where people can request 1 or 2 buildings not to be torn down. After we have most members fill out their requests we will have admins start cleanup.
Even if I know that I invested so much time, and other ppl did too. I would find it So cool to have a server reset.

It would deletes all the illegal stuff, and reset every at the same place.

It would delete all the Ugly stuff that every1 hates so much

It would reduce the numbers of citys, wich every looks like is building one for themself, I guess we could make fewer cities in a new server, but bigger and nicer if we would invest and regroup. Like exemple The creators of Rebelius, Hyrule, Espero would get together to make only 1 big city. That would make the citys actually usefull, not just ugly cobble thing everywhere.

That's my oppinion, May not be the same for every1, but Could be awesome in my oppinion.
My 2 cents (1.5 US cents): Would this prevent people from having houses outside of cities? If so, it would be creating a monopoly for the few people who own the cities and therefore can sell the lots. If you delete all the 'non-creative' buildings outside of cities, the people who built them (and aren't that creative) will be forced to pay whatever price the city owner wants just to have a home.

One the other hand, I think people are abusing the current 'you build on land, its yours' custom. A lot of buildings out there are being thrown together just to claim the land. Same with some of the new cities that are built, oftentimes in competition with pre-existing cities.

I don't know where I stand
I'd like to see some new "super-cities" Come together, and the destruction of some smaller areas.

Unfortunately, I know Oasis is a smaller city, and I've invested enough time into it that i'd be very sad to see it go.

There are way too many cities out there though, which has spread the population so thin that no cities are ever crowded, or have that real city feel. It'd be hard to decide, "Okay this city goes, but this one can stay." And when that happens, who decides what can go or stay? The admins? Even they are not without bias, as Broly owns Hyrule, and Skycity, Laucain has his towers, Cryston's sphere (Which I think we'd all agreed got to stay) but you see what I mean. No one will want to put their own land on the executioner's block.

Perhaps representatives from each section of the player population could go to each settlement and score it 1-10 on various things. Then, anything below say a 5 could be axed.
I think its better to leave things how it is.

Cody said he will be expanding the world soon.

Starting from scratch would take ages, tbh.

If you guys have the plug-in "cuboid" cleanup will be a lot quicker.

The last server I was in, the main city was totaled. It made a lot of people angry and a LOT of people left.

Certain buildings may hold meaning to someone, so you should try to look for the owner of said building and ask if they would either like it t be taken down or if they would like to rebuild it.