Ya im trying to go towards lapis because I made the tail of the blue dragon in single player and I made it our of lapis and it looks great then after looking at it I changed some main noticable parts and blue wool just does not feel right and so far I got a couvlt stacks donated to me but lookin at prices only cheap one is 1 block for 25mtc and that is to much but then there is 1 for 15mtc that someone wanted to be a dick about and won't tell me the warp to get there even tho I begged and I won't mention any names but who ever owns the 1 for 15 mtc what is the warp there.
Ok well srry I haven't been up to track on this I've been busy building what I needed to finish well I would like to start off that I have pretty much all my materials that I need except lapis and mushroom pieces but I'm workin on that I'm close to getting it and when I get them I will start on making my dragons. But first I plan on making 2 other builds while I wait for 1.3 to come out so I can then mine this gigantic ice field thank u all for ur donations and u won't regret it
Errr i havent read all the posts on here and seen if anyone has already put up this question, but, are you building this in the main world now or after dev world comes out? =/
What is the dev world cause I was goin to build it in main world and then hopefully get it as a monument over spawn fountain but I have no clue what dev world is.
destroyertheminer wrote:
What is the dev world cause I was goin to build it in main world and then hopefully get it as a monument over spawn fountain but I have no clue what dev world is.
=/ Dev world is the new world coming out, which will be the new main world, and the world now will still be accessible but i doubt anyone will use it..
so all the stuff im doin on this server will it get transferred to dev server or will it just be on the old server cause if so then i dont know why i just waisted all my money
yes is the dev world gonna be a copy of the current world or a completely new world? I dont wanna lose all my stuff