Hey guys its me again as most of u know i finished my battleship and im just starting on my plane that wont take to long if i actually work on it with no distractions but besides that fact i am working on something EPIC u heard me EPIC!!! to really see what i mean by epic here is a pic:

this is going to be the biggest build i ever lol true even said it quote " This thing is going to be even bigger than mt battleship and his titanic." and well i am up for the challenge and what i need now are donators willing to donate me more materials to this build if i dont get any donators when they say hey it does not hurt to at least try well this build is going to hurt...hurt my wallet ingame lol but the materials i need are these
245 stacks of netherbrick (i found 2 nether brick fortresses so im currently mining those to extinction)
200 stacks of netherrack
180 stacks of huge brown mussroom pieces ( who ever can tell me who sells them or supplys them gets a medal lol)
160 stacks of lapiz blocks
120 stacks of ice blocks
75 stacks of obsidian
56 stacks of end stone(should be easy to get if people are not killing others in the end and spawnkilling)
and 50 stacks of cyan wool
the rest i will be able to gather do the the fact the rest is easy materials but thoses are what i need and if u care to donate please do so i made a little donation spot at warp battleship towards the plane platform u cant miss it its the small dirt area with lots of signs lol. but i really need help getting those materials and if u cant donate those then by all means donate me mtc, diamonds, or gold and i should be able to find some of it instores in the market place. If u really like this build please give me kudos and donate to this build thank u and may god bless u. This build is going to be.......

this is going to be the biggest build i ever lol true even said it quote " This thing is going to be even bigger than mt battleship and his titanic." and well i am up for the challenge and what i need now are donators willing to donate me more materials to this build if i dont get any donators when they say hey it does not hurt to at least try well this build is going to hurt...hurt my wallet ingame lol but the materials i need are these
245 stacks of netherbrick (i found 2 nether brick fortresses so im currently mining those to extinction)
200 stacks of netherrack
180 stacks of huge brown mussroom pieces ( who ever can tell me who sells them or supplys them gets a medal lol)
160 stacks of lapiz blocks
120 stacks of ice blocks
75 stacks of obsidian
56 stacks of end stone(should be easy to get if people are not killing others in the end and spawnkilling)
and 50 stacks of cyan wool
the rest i will be able to gather do the the fact the rest is easy materials but thoses are what i need and if u care to donate please do so i made a little donation spot at warp battleship towards the plane platform u cant miss it its the small dirt area with lots of signs lol. but i really need help getting those materials and if u cant donate those then by all means donate me mtc, diamonds, or gold and i should be able to find some of it instores in the market place. If u really like this build please give me kudos and donate to this build thank u and may god bless u. This build is going to be.......