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[Enjin Archive] The Angelian Empire
Started by [E] MattDAngeli

To tell you the truth, I asked Matt about an arena and he said the only one they had WAS TEMPORARY. If you made one, it wouldn't be here for long. And I never read your thread, so I DIDN'T rip off your idea faggot. If you already made one, well then it wasn't successful. If this was anything like REAL RP, then understand that people will do that IN REAL LIFE. Stop getting pissed off about something that doesn't matter anyway. I NEVER FUCKING HEAR YOU TALK ABOUT IT EITHER. Stop being a butthurt kid and get over it. And guess what? You sending me messages about reporting me to cody aren't going to do anything. Cody isn't going to ban me for trying to be nice to my ally.
Oh, F*** YOU! I had SEVERAL threads, and you completely ripped me off. It was NOT temporary, it's not that succesful yet because I haven't been online. I made that s***, it took forever, as soon as my comp gets back on it's feet I am going to start using it more. We've had several test runs of it and I am trying to make it RP. Chill the f*** out and stop ripping off my ideas you f***ing asshole. If Cody won't do s***, then I will. I'm not a 'butthurt kid'. You're the one who got killed in pvp and trying to tick me off because of it you stupid f***face
Drae Calm Down. I know this is your idea. that doesnt mean that other people can do it. isnt an idea to let people use it? i dont see whats the problem.AND PLEASE dont Curse back at me.
I won't curse at you sparklez. I am just furious with a certain ninja-ish douchebag. It's an idea for people to use yeah, and I wouldn't mind if he hadn't completely ripped me off.
I find it hard to swallow that you didnt see ANY of my threads. I had like four threads pertaining to my arena, and matt would not have said it was temporary you f***ing LIAR. He was amazed by it and my hard work. It took 6 long f***ing hours to finish that thing all by myself, and then you barge in, scoop up all my ideas and use them for yourself. You are UNBELIEVABLE.
Draednar if you do not stop using bad language and accusing Ninja of stealing your idea I will delete every post that you make containing the subject. I am not going to tell ninja that he cant make an arena. Please lose the language or I will be forced to ban you from the forums.
So... I can't get angry at someone for thieving my ideas? I make an arena, he makes an arena. I make several other modes, he makes several other modes. I make a betting system/entrance fee, HE makes betting/Entrance fee. I make it out of dirt and cobblestone, he makes it out of dirt and cobblestone. I make it something other than land (water), He makes it on something other than land (in the air), I make a thread as a sign up sheet, he makes a thread as a sign up sheet, only mine is STICKIED. I want RP elements, HE wants RP elements. Need I say more? Can you not see why I have an engulfing rage?
You can get angry, but try to argue softer, less hardcore political guerrilla wars
But being a guerilla is fun D:
you're Obama? wait what. *gets secret serviced*