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[Enjin Archive] The Angelian Empire
Started by [E] MattDAngeli


Fast approaching 1000 thread views, the seemingly most well-known faction in the MineTown server has a very important public announcement to make. Please read further, as it may very well concern you.

The Angelian Empire has been around since the first day of new MineTown, and I myself have been around since October 19 (exactly two months today ). We've accomplished many things over this time, including building the first non-spawn city in the server, building the first port, the first lighthouse, and the single greatest bridge the server has ever seen, Empire Bridge. We also started (but unfortunately never finished) the first colosseum in the server, but Dobs21 beat us to it. At one point we also had the single-most-visited city in the server.

It pains me to say it, however I must be frank. I am leaving the server. I have started my own server and just do not have the time to remain on MineTown and run a server at the same time. As for the whole of the Empire: it has all been left in the care of someone whom I know for a fact is one of the greatest people on the server. He currently runs the most visited city in the server, Hyrule. BROLY MAXIMUM is now in charge of the whole of the Empire, including its territories, bridges, projects, etc. I'd like to take this time to say my goodbye will not be forever. I will be back eventually, if only fleetingly. Upon my return, I will still head the city of Angelia, be able to start and finish any projects I see fit, sell land, buy land, etc. I will miss everyone whom I have come to know as a friend on this glorious server. Goodbye everyone. If you feel so inclined to see my server, you must download Hamachi 2 (https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi2/download.aspx) and when asked to join, type Minecraft816 there is no password. Once joined, the server IP is (:25565 if you can't connect). Hope to see you there, and goodbye everyone.
Current Cities

*Angelia - Currently being expanded!

Ienno - Under Construction across Empire Bridge

Current Alliences

The Diamond Faction

The Dwarven Clan of Deleft

The Makers

Current Members

*MattDAngeli* - Emperor

GearElite227 - Grand Architect

Matt9522 - Business Owner

AlmostAGamer - Banker

Drizzin - Citizen

Upcoming Projects

None as of now

Current Projects

Angel Arena

Grand Angel Station

Empire Bridge

Completed Projects

The Great Lighthouse of Angelia

Angel Square

Angel Arena (PvP)


Jobs List

Collector - Collects resources (not Dirt or Gravel)

Trader - Works at a General or Specialty Store

Builder - Helps build structures for the Empire

Ambassador - A member of another faction who acts as a maintainer of peace between the Empire and said faction.

Ambassador (for the empire) - A member of the Empire who acts as ambassador to another faction.

Warrior - Protects the empire - Given a weapon (sword OR axe) and armour by the Emperor, the General, or a Commander once assigned to a post.

M-Crafter - Crafts weapons and armour for the Empire's Military

F-Crafter - Cooks and makes food for the Empire

B-Crafter - Crafts items and resources used for building

E-Crafter - Sets up Electrical (red-stone) systems for customers

T-Crafter - Crafts tools for the Empire and Shops

Banker - Collects donated goods from players and records said donors

RM - See Ranks (Resource Manager)


- Upon joining the Empire, you will be assigned a room in Angel Tower, or the hotel of whichever city you happen to be in, until you can afford to purchase land or you earn land.

- The Emperor MattDAngeli will usually be working in the Capital or overseeing and helping on Construction Projects. If you wish to speak with him about an important issue, make sure you tell him and he will meet with you in the Grand Court of Angelia (As of now, it is just Angel Square)

- Alliances and Trade-Partnerships must be discussed with the Emperor to be valid. As of right now, we only recognize the above Allies as Allies and Trade-Partners.

The Angelian Empire's Rules and Regulations

1) No Griefing - We work hard to build our cities, buildings, homes, and monuments: please do not destroy them. Destroying any will result in a report and a kick from all cities within the empire.

2) No Stealing - Materials are hard to come by nowadays! Please leave other peoples' stuff alone! If you are caught stealing, it will result in punishment and temporary expulsion from the Empire.*

3) No Building without Permission - Our cities are lavish and extravagant, however we do not want random houses popping up without our knowledge, clear it with me before building.

4) Insults will NOT be tolerated! If an argument persists long enough and too many insults get thrown, or if insults become derogatory or vile or otherwise awful, you will be reported and kicked from all cities in the Empire.

5) Houses must be realistic and only built on the lot provided, leaving a one block border.** Houses must also have a pathway that matches the road-tile (Gold, Rock, Diamond, Cobblestone, Iron, etc.)

6) Mines are NOT to be constructed within a city, in the outskirts, it is permitted, however you must clear it up with me first.

7) The city walls do NOT determine the border of the city, they are merely there to show the City Square or act as a temporary indicator that a city is being built..

8 ) City Walls must be built from cobblestone or rock and have no more than four entrances, along with a road or water connection with its neighboring cities.

9) If a city is close to water, there must be a port and a lighthouse.***

*You will be allowed back after a testing period and a guarantee that you will not steal again. Violation a second time will result in permanent ban from the Empire

**If you are building within a city, buildings must be next to each other to conserve space, so the border rule does not apply here.

***Lighthouses are NOT 1-Block towers with lights; they are CAREFULLY CONSTRUCTED monuments, with a way to get to the top, with many torches and an Electric Beacon-light on the very top.

Ranks (Highest to Lowest)

--Emperor - Me

--Governor - Builders of successful cities that were OK'd by the Emperor (2nd)

--General - Next to the Emperor, the second-most powerful person in control of weapons development, the armory, and the Angelian Army and Navy - Chosen by the Emperor (2nd)

--Grand Architect - To whom the Architects report (see Architects). He/She gives the OK that a project is completed (3rd)

--Grand Resource Manager - To whom the Resource Managers report (see Resource Managers). He/She makes sure all resource production and movement goes smoothly. (3rd)

--Architect - The leaders of Construction projects, they oversee that the project lives up to Angelian standards - Chosen by the Emperor. (4th)

--Resource Manager - Takes inventory of their assigned bank and transports said inventory to the Capital Vault and places it into the city's collection bins. The bins are then handled by the Emperor and placed into his private safe-house for storage. Whenever a resource is needed, the vault is unlocked and the emperor re-fills the appropriate containers. (4th)

--Commander - Head of a group of Warriors. Gives orders and builds military bases for his troops to reside in when at war. (4th)

--Banker - Collect donated resources and put them into their collection bins to be handled by the RM. (5th)

--Business-Owner - Run and own important businesses within the Empire. General-stores, Garbage Collectors, Jailers, etc. are always needed. (6th)

--Builder - Labour-force workers assigned with building or assisting in the building of monuments, homes, cities, etc. Paid in resources or land grants. (7th)

--Collector - Collect resources for the Empire. The Empire will not accept Dirt or Gravel as a resource. (7th)

--Warrior - A Warrior of the Empire. You will be provided with armour and a weapon (axe or sword) upon joining. You are the first to be called upon when there is a disruption in the peace. You are among the highest working-class in the empire. (7th)

--Worker - Works for a Business-Owner. (7th)

--Crafter - Makes items. See Jobs list for more detail. (7th)

--New-Civ - Our newest members of the Empire, put through tests, they will work as a Builder, Collector, or Worker until they can prove themselves worthy of promotion. (7th)

--Citizen - Has done nothing but live in a community and pay for land. (8th)

The Great Lighthouse of Angelia is officially completed! You can see it from very far away! Come to Angelia and see it, climb to the top, and look out of its glass observation deck!
We are also officially selling Store/Shop lots in Angel Square! The available lots are 6x5, 6x4, 10x4, and 11x6. More will be constructed eventually, and message me/comment/etc for information on purchasing a store space.
Now Matt if we had a thing where we could give rep i would give you rep just for 4 posts on it =]
Sub told me to get on Steam to talk and i replied but took off the relpys so it didnt look like we were talking over the forums =]
Ah thanks for that... But I meant about the Rep thing?
O lol cuz you put like 4 full things on the factions it means your deditcated =]
long live dah empire.