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[Enjin Archive] Questions and thoughts about MCMMO
Started by [E] antonyoo

Iam reading and I see kost of the talk is about the pvp side of things , I myself am looking at the other skills, I for one dont do pvp and dont have mych to input on it as I only fight to stay alive from mobs.... I would like the others skills back in the game <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Looks like we have digressed once again...
antonyoo wrote:
I am aware that our server does not intend to completely enable mcmmo, but rather intends to hold back on some of the skills that seems problematic for the server. Could someone verify which of the following skills are going to be incorporated into the Minetown mcmmo?


---double drops : Intuitively, I feel as though this would completely wreck the economy. A %100 chance to get double drops at a certain level is just way too much. even 25 percent would bring a massive effect. I may need to give this more thought, but is this even being considered?

---blast mining


---Treasure Hunt: Similar to the "double drops" mining skill, the 0.13 chance to get a DIAMOND by breaking ANY kind of block seems problematic. And this is just ONE of the many types of items you can get by excavating.


Beserk: What does this do? I cant find the description on

---Disarm: I did not even know about this skill until recently, and I ASSUME that this skill gives a chance to STEAL the weapon one's opponent is holding by hitting the opponent with ones bare hands. If my assumption is wrong, you should not waste your time by finishing this paragraph. Now I understand why there were many people wearing good armor that tried to repeatedly hit me with their bare hands. And I remember an instance when I thought that I had accidentally dropped my weapon while trying to kill someone who kept trying to hit me with their bare hands. But thinking back on it, I think the disarm skill activated and they successfully stole my weapon. Is it just me, or does this skill seem like a VERY terrible idea.


ignition: Doesn't this take away the point of having a fire enchantement for the bow? It seems unnecessary.


I see it's high time I post in this thread in order to clear up a couple of things.

First of all, on the mining, archery, and excavation. I can't really say much on mining but what has been said already, that it would take 1 million stone blocks to get to 1k, so I'll stop on that one.

Our excavation values are not necessarily the same as the table; however, the diamond value is still minuscule. On average, 1/850 blocks will contain a diamond. If I'm mining sand, I can sell a stack of sand for $20, easily. That diamond will most likely go for $20 as well. In the time to get one $20 token, I'm getting around $266 worth of sand. It's actually a nice bonus to keep people digging, along with the other small token items you get. If you want to talk about economy killing, check out spawners and then look back at MCMMO's potential. It's really not comparable.

And, on Archery, take it from the first guy to 100, I didn't notice much of a difference in damage. Ignite is just a bonus function to attempt to balance out the other PVP skills. Flame bows will always ignite, regardless of level. There is still somewhat of a difference, although I understand the idea behind it.

Now on to unarmed. I think that in this thread of arguments, there needs to be a clarification on how it works. Every disarmed level you get, you have a .033% chance (1/3000) added to your disarm chance. So at lvl. 1000, there is a 33% chance of a disarm. Now before the whole "That's ridiculous!" comments, it's the hardest pvp ability to level besides taming (which is just weird to level, not really all that comparable to any of the other four skills). In the time you can get your sword ability up to 200, unarmed training may only get you to 100-110. That's a minimum difference on straight training. The damage bonus at my point (lvl. 150) was doing around 3.5-4 hearts (can't quite remember it exactly), almost as much as a sword; however, as mentioned before, if someone is willing to take that time, don't they kind of deserve the bonus?

All in all, my disarm chance at lvl. 150 is 5% (1/20). It's still not that high, even after quite a few hours (maybe around 10) of punching every mob I see. What people don't see is that it's an equalizer. If it can't do as much as a sword when leveled high, then what's the point? Why would you use It still only does as much as a vanilla diamond sword, which does almost nothing against protection IV armor. So if it has no way to be useful in those situations, what's the point? Swords have a nasty bleed effect, Axes have great armor piercing, Bows have ignite, and then Fists have disarm. If you can't kill me in 20 hits, then the sword isn't really worth grabbing.

One more small point, it makes you drop the weapon, it doesn't steal it. The only way your assailant gets it is if you move away from it. So make sure you take a look at your own personal advantages before you look at this, I'm not that hard to kill anyway.
Now on to unarmed. I think that in this thread of arguments, there needs to be a clarification on how it works. Every disarmed level you get, you have a .033% chance (1/3000) added to your disarm chance. So at lvl. 1000, there is a 33% chance of a disarm. ... however, as mentioned before, if someone is willing to take that time, don't they kind of deserve the bonus?

<><><><><><><><>I simply do not think that anyone deserves to have a 33 percent chance to take others' weapons, no matter how much effort they put into the skill. A simple difference in opinion.

All in all, my disarm chance at lvl. 150 is 5% (1/20). It's still not that high,even after quite a few hours (maybe around 10) of punching every mob I see. What people don't see is that it's an equalizer. If it can't do as much as a sword when leveled high, then what's the point? Why would you use It still only does as much as a vanilla diamond sword, which does almost nothing against protection IV armor. So if it has no way to be useful in those situations, what's the point? Swords have a nasty bleed effect, Axes have great armor piercing, Bows have ignite, and then Fists have disarm. If you can't kill me in 20 hits, then the sword isn't really worth grabbing.

<><><><><><><><> FIrst of all, I believe that 5% is incredibly high. If you believe that all pvps should end in less than 20 hits, than, in my opinion you are gravely mistaken. Some of the best fights I have had lasted more than 20 hits. And the reason why I have a problem with this skill is because people start to focus on merely trying to steal others' weapons rather than focusing on fighting. A good deal of this whole thread is about this aspect of the skill. The damage is not relevant, even to those who charge at others with bare hands. They have the intentions of taking others' weapons and running away.

<><><><><><><><> I believe that the other skills will make pvping more dynamic. On the other hand I believe that the disarm skill will turn pvp into a chase rather than a fight. This is why I am concerned about disarm, rather than the other skills.

One more small point, it makes you drop the weapon, it doesn't steal it. The only way your assailant gets it is if you move away from it. So make sure you take a look at your own personal advantages before you look at this, I'm not that hard to kill anyway.

<><><><><><><><><> First of all, I believe that once the disarm skill activates, you "drop" it as if you pressed the drop key. The item flings forward, and therefore, the person that hit you will most likely take the item. And what are you talking about when you say "personal advantages"? Please clarify and I will try to answer.
dunsjohn wrote:
lol, rejecting what I said when it was YOU who said about someone with a full inventory of weapons, and I was telling you how many diamonds that would be... lmao... this kid.

I theorize an alternative function for Disarm and explore the hypothetical behavior of that function in extreme cases that could potentially break the intended behavior.

You figure out how many diamonds it would take to actually fill an inventory with swords and say that's ridiculous, nobody would do that.

I say yes, that's true, but it's completely irrelevant and you've missed the point, which was: what would happen if you used that effect on someone whose inventory was all swords? How would the plugin handle it?

I know you're making yourself out to be some kind of Internet Tough Guy™ here but read the book before you write the scathing review alright?
subignition wrote:
dunsjohn wrote:
lol, rejecting what I said when it was YOU who said about someone with a full inventory of weapons, and I was telling you how many diamonds that would be... lmao... this kid.

I theorize an alternative function for Disarm and explore the hypothetical behavior of that function in extreme cases that could potentially break the intended behavior.

You figure out how many diamonds it would take to actually fill an inventory with swords and say that's ridiculous, nobody would do that.

I say yes, that's true, but it's completely irrelevant and you've missed the point, which was: what would happen if you used that effect on someone whose inventory was all swords? How would the plugin handle it?

I know you're making yourself out to be some kind of Internet Tough Guy™ here but read the book before you write the scathing review alright?

You're arguing something that doesn't exist... I wasn't rejecting your idea... lmao... try reading that original section of it, please... you'll understand. I don't have the time to explain something like that to the likes of someone like you.

Me being some kind of internet tough guy? lol? Ask anyone on the server, I'm probably one of the nicer guys here. BTW... thanks for throwing the insult. I see no more reason to be respectful towards you after this post. I've been respectful throughout this entire thread. I will not tolerate those whom are ignorant and will throw insults.

Because you've shown how ignorant you truly are and that you lack the maturity to hold an actual debate, I'll take my leave here. I've been instructed not to be disrespectful to others and to report those who give intentional insults. Now then... I'm not going to report you because I honestly see no need. Just be warned that if you are truly some kind of debater, like myself, you'd be able to keep a respectful tongue and actually be able to understand what I'm saying.

Alas, my last post in this thread before this person tries to say something about how he's greater than me or something, which I truly don't care if I'm a better debater than you or not. Just get on from it and learn to be respectful, bud.

EDIT: You still didn't understand... I was only stating how many diamonds it would be and how unrealistic that situation would be, nothing more. I wasn't even attempting to address your question because there is no plugin like what you suggested, since it's all hypothetical. Learn hypothetical argumentation please.

EDIT 2: Yes, I said "this kid." Ask anyone, it's something I say to refer to someone as ignorant, whether they be a kid or not.
I don't think I have anything to learn when you're the one misunderstanding the purpose of my musings. I understand your attempt to save face by dropping inflammatory, rambling walls of text and I sympathize.

Also, you've been attacking me from the moment you first replied to me in this thread. Getting your feathers ruffled when I describe you as an ITG™ is ironic, because you've been hostile for pages.

If you'd like to discuss something related to MCMMO, I'm all ears, but I'm tired of you failing to comprehend what you're reading and getting mad at me for it.
You are ignoring several things Antonyoo, it is near impossible to get to 1000 within even a months time. Disarm can have the facet of stealing swords, but it's the only way someone with disarm can win a fight. Without it, the skill is useless.

When I say look at your own benefits, I'm talking about the bleed effect on the sword and the faster leveling/extra damage you are getting through it. This allows you to hit people very hard, very fast, regardless of the type of sword.

And the sword doesn't fling forward, it goes straight down where the person is standing, so unless they move, they keep it.
subignition wrote:
I don't think I have anything to learn when you're the one misunderstanding the purpose of my musings. I understand your attempt to save face by dropping inflammatory, rambling walls of text and I sympathize.

Also, you've been attacking me from the moment you first replied to me in this thread. Getting your feathers ruffled when I describe you as an ITG™ is ironic, because you've been hostile for pages.

If you'd like to discuss something related to MCMMO, I'm all ears, but I'm tired of you failing to comprehend what you're reading and getting mad at me for it.

I wasn't trying to prove anything for or against your point. Stop being an immature little kid and start acting like what you say you are. I have not been attacking you. This is how I write in argumentation. People have claimed me to be attacking them whenever I make a disagreement. Every single time, a mod comes in and says I was never attacking the person nor was I wrong in what I said, because what I say is hypothetical argumentation. I don't give a damn about face. Did you know a significant portion of the server actually dislikes me because I write so much? So... what face do I have to save? I don't really care how people view me. Show me where I've been hostile to you. Report me to a mod. Go on. From everything written here I can guarantee that I haven't been hostile. You're taking things WAY over proportion, and taking things too personally.

I'm not getting mad at you, trust me. It's pretty hard to make me upset. Only one person has done it on this server in the past 10ish months. Please, for the sake of the thread, just drop it. You made a misunderstanding of what I said and are trying to argue a point. No one really cares. I merely made a statement referring to what you said, about how many diamonds it would take for a full inventory of swords. I was ONLY making a statement. It was neither a counter statement nor a supporting statement. That is fact, deal with it. Stop being an immature ignorant nuisance to us. I apologize if that is insulting to you, but that is how you are acting right now. I have explained this one sentence to you for a third time, now. Please understand this because I don't know how I can make the explanation any more... easy to read (easy is the most non-insulting way I could think of).
I'm not trying to get it locked, wawon. I'm attempting to explain this one sentence for a third time for this person, who seems not to understand anything I say anymore. He takes everything personally, and my attempts to explain things and to remain with a neutral attitude gets the thread locked. Until this person is able to accept that he made a misunderstanding of what I said, I predict this thread will be locked in the next 7 hours.