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[Enjin Archive] Questions and thoughts about MCMMO
Started by [E] antonyoo

I am aware that our server does not intend to completely enable mcmmo, but rather intends to hold back on some of the skills that seems problematic for the server. Could someone verify which of the following skills are going to be incorporated into the Minetown mcmmo?


---double drops : Intuitively, I feel as though this would completely wreck the economy. A %100 chance to get double drops at a certain level is just way too much. even 25 percent would bring a massive effect. I may need to give this more thought, but is this even being considered?

---blast mining


---Treasure Hunt: Similar to the "double drops" mining skill, the 0.13 chance to get a DIAMOND by breaking ANY kind of block seems problematic. And this is just ONE of the many types of items you can get by excavating.


Beserk: What does this do? I cant find the description on

---Disarm: I did not even know about this skill until recently, and I ASSUME that this skill gives a chance to STEAL the weapon one's opponent is holding by hitting the opponent with ones bare hands. If my assumption is wrong, you should not waste your time by finishing this paragraph. Now I understand why there were many people wearing good armor that tried to repeatedly hit me with their bare hands. And I remember an instance when I thought that I had accidentally dropped my weapon while trying to kill someone who kept trying to hit me with their bare hands. But thinking back on it, I think the disarm skill activated and they successfully stole my weapon. Is it just me, or does this skill seem like a VERY terrible idea.


ignition: Doesn't this take away the point of having a fire enchantement for the bow? It seems unnecessary.

They adjusted the experience levels to make each level harder to get, antonyoo. So mining and excavation are actually harder to level up to the point where it will heavily affect the economy. In addition, since it is open to everyone, it can't do any serious harm to the economy because it'll just equalize as everyone levels up. Unarmed probably implies unarmed combat. It would most likely give a higher chance of a critical hit or something. I couldn't find that either. Disarm literally disarms someone and drops their item to the ground. The idea for disarm, in my opinion, is bad, yes. However, many pvp people like the idea of it.
I personally dont feel that any of these skills belong on the server.
dunsjohn wrote:
They adjusted the experience levels to make each level harder to get, antonyoo. So mining and excavation are actually harder to level up to the point where it will heavily affect the economy. In addition, since it is open to everyone, it can't do any serious harm to the economy because it'll just equalize as everyone levels up. Unarmed probably implies unarmed combat. It would most likely give a higher chance of a critical hit or something. I couldn't find that either. Disarm literally disarms someone and drops their item to the ground. The idea for disarm, in my opinion, is bad, yes. However, many pvp people like the idea of it.

Although I agree that it gives an "equal" opportunity, that does not necessarily make it "good". Giving 1000000 diamonds to everyone in the server would be an "equal" thing to do, but I doubt that people would find this to be a good idea. I am aware that the "1000000 diamonds" was grossly exaggerated, but I am sure you can see where I am coming from.

Now about making it extremely difficult to level up in the first place: There is a general consensus that most of the skills have been nerfed to the point where it needs to become easier to level up. And I agree with these people. The server has not been able to fix mcmmo due to the exploitable bug, and it is highly likely that many of the skills will not be as difficult to level up as it was right before mcmmo got disabled. So if the skills that allow people to obtain more minerals, compared to the amount they got before, this will probably have a noticeable impact on the economy.

As for the "disarm" skill, I am glad to hear that you are against it too. But I am not sure what other pvpers think about it. Intuitively, I would like to say that most, if not all pvpers would obviously be against this, but it seems as though you have already been informed by some pvpers that they enjoy having the skill. Is this the general consensus everybody?
Fettuccini wrote:
I personally dont feel that any of these skills belong on the server.

They don't belong in Minecraft altogether, hence them not being in Minecraft. *le sigh*

I understand that a lot of people enjoy it however, so I won't complain. Personally, I don't even check my levels and I don't feel that it affects me in the slightest.
Although I personally enjoy many of the features that mcmmo provides, I feel as though the skills mentioned above, at the least, should be carefully reviewed. Some of them will bring significant impact, not only to those who enjoy mcmmo, but also to those who preferred not to implement mcmmo. I do not think it is fair to those such as Fettuccini and Tprezzle if they are forced to accept a significant change they did not even want in the first place.
Pardon me for being so frank, but you are significantly overblowing this.

First, please take a look at the cumulative experience table and this plot of the per-level line. Next, allow me to direct your eyes to the Mining experience table that I created and verified myself. (The other experience tables were copied from the MCMMO wikia and don't reflect the changes made to the plugin by MineTown devs.) It only takes a little mental math to figure out that with values like those, it will take a LONG time to gain a significant benefit from the passive skills. So to your specific concerns..


Anecdotally: during the week or so we had MCMMO recently, my mining skill got to about 100. I was not exclusively mining, but I also play quite a lot. Using that rough estimate, the 25% double drop chance you're so worried about would take a month's worth of work if not more. A 50% chance, 15 weeks of play, and much beyond that you start talking about a year of regular play. In my opinion if you stick around long enough to actually reach the ~11 million experience required to max out Mining, you deserve the perk of having everything you mine double up.

Also, why are you even worried about double drops ruining the economy? Fortune picks already let you get up to four times the item drops from coal, lapis, redstone, and diamond ores. MCMMO's double drops would apply to other block types, yes, but because you cannot turn off the passive ability all that would really result in is a lot of extra cobblestone and netherrack being ignored. Iron ore is already so plentiful that it really wouldn't matter, and gold is the same way because of the bank currency converter. In fact, it could be argued that the slight amount of extra (generated) blocks would gradually drive down the cost of building materials and benefit the players who like to build more than they like to mine.

Blast mining just makes it slightly more efficient to use TNT for mining. I don't think it's important so that's all I will say about it.


(For the record, Excavation applies to five blocks: Grass, Dirt, Gravel, Sand, and Clay Block.)

You say you're worried about the chance to find diamonds when you're digging, but it's a 0.13% chance and I'm not sure you have enough perspective on just how small that is. A plain diamond shovel has 1562 uses. This is the distribution of diamond drops after using an entire diamond shovel. In fact, generously assuming a truly random number generator, over an entire double chest of blocks (64 × 9 × 3 × 2, or 3,456) you will average four to six diamonds. In reality they will probably be much rarer than that. I would be worried about the 5% cobweb and slimeball drop from clay blocks, and the 1.33% cocoa bean drop from grass and dirt, before I would worry about 0.13% diamonds.


Berserk increases Unarmed damage by 50% and enables Grass, Sand, and Gravel to be broken instantly for the duration.

Yes, a successful Disarm makes the target drop their weapon. Yes it is just you, the skill is not a terrible idea. Aside from extending the gathering aspects of Minecraft, MCMMO also adds another layer of tactics to PVP combat.

  • Unarmed has Disarm, letting you get an advantage over someone too reliant on their weapon.
  • Swords have Bleeding that provides Damage-over-Time to discourage fleeing from fights.
  • Archery has the Daze passive (makes target unable to move and stare straight up/down for its duration) and Ignition (more DoT). It's important to note that dodging or blocking an arrow cancels any additional effects.
  • Axes have Critical Strike to do ridiculous damage and end fights more quickly.
subignition wrote:

Berserk increases Unarmed damage by 50% and enables Grass, Sand, and Gravel to be broken instantly for the duration.

Yes, a successful Disarm makes the target drop their weapon. Yes it is just you, the skill is not a terrible idea. Aside from extending the gathering aspects of Minecraft, MCMMO also adds another layer of tactics to PVP combat.

  • Unarmed has Disarm, letting you get an advantage over someone too reliant on their weapon.
  • Swords have Bleeding that provides Damage-over-Time to discourage fleeing from fights.
  • Archery has the Daze passive (makes target unable to move and stare straight up/down for its duration) and Ignition (more DoT). It's important to note that dodging or blocking an arrow cancels any additional effects.
  • Axes have Critical Strike to do ridiculous damage and end fights more quickly.

Although yes you did answer his question, you didn't have to be such a dick about it. He's entitled to his opinion just as you are. Don't shut other people's opinions out the door just because you don't agree with them. The skill has both it's pros and cons, just as any skill does. Some people look at the cons more, others the pros. It's your duty as a human being to respect both types of people. Again, no need to be a dick about it. >.>

EDIT: btw, read more than just the original post. If you actually did, you'd realize it isn't just him. I stated I don't agree with this skill either. Again, that's my opinion and I'm entitled to stated such.
A reply to subignition: I appreciate the time and effort you have taken into answering my post. This is exactly the kind of response that I was hoping for, which was one that examined the skills in detail. However, I still believe that there are some issues that need to be resolved.

<><><><><>About the mining: As you have pointed out, I have overlooked the amount of time that it will take to max out the skill. Yet, I dont regard Minetown to be a short-term server that will end in a few months. I expect and hope it will last, at the least, several years. And so this problem, if set aside right now, will present itself in the future. And although you may find the perk to be an adequate reward for one's investments, I simply disagree.

You have commented on why I am concerned about the double drop skill while the "fortune" enchantment exists. I believe you have digressed into a separate topic. Regardless I would like to share my thoughts.

Although I assume that you would disagree, I believe that the ADDED effects of a permanent passive skill that potentially drops twice as many blocks, 100% of the time, will bring more harm than good to the server. Even before I would like to comment on how I believe that the fortune enchantment is just part of the original game, I would like to remind you that the fortune pickaxe has a durability that runs out after a certain point. This is not the case with the the passive skill, double drops.

<><><><><>About excavation: You have convinced me. Lets move on.

<><><><><> Unarmed. I disagree that this will benefit the pvp system. As I have mentioned in my orignal post, people start to wear good armor and start furiously punching people for their weapons. Now the so called "fight" becomes a "chase" where the person with the good weapon simply runs away in fear of losing a good weapon.

You seem to believe that inhibiting fighters from being "too reliant on their weapons" is strategic and adds to the game. With regards to this, I believe we differ in our fundamental assumptions. You believe that an unarmed person should have a more balanced chance to beat someone who actually has a weapon, while I believe that if you dont come with a weapon, you should be at a great disadvantage, similar to an unarmed soldier during a war.

And btw, it is not just me. Please take the time to read others' posts on a thread before presenting your own thoughts. It's a sign of disrespect when you overlook the thoughts of others and hastily present your own.
I like haveing it in the game, people say well skills dont belong in minecraft well then we should take out warps and the protetions and chect locking as well . There all there to make it easy for the players and to have fun, I like leveling u might like warping home so you dont spend 30 min running back, or haveing protction so mobs dont destory what you build, or locking your chest so people cant steal from you, its all about haveing fun and I think mcmmo is just fine and if everyone can do it its not hearting anyone..... So bring it back and dont nerf it ! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> O and I can vote every day get 1,000 money and buy gold and blocks and wool and stuff I need so dont see where it hurts anything as all I need to do is just vote and I have the cash to get what I need, if someone would like to mine and kill pigs and sheep for food and wool and stuff thats ok too.... There is no winner here its all about haveing fun, and some of us like MCMMO and skills, some dont ..