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[Enjin Archive] Take some words off the chat filter ?
Started by [E] Coffeey

I think the pole is missing about 250 more words that are not allowed. Now try to guess these words.... <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
There are 250 potentially offensive words? I dont believe you. Well, maybe. But consodering some of the ones that arent blocked, I cant imagine 250 words that ARE.
how do i post an empty thread with a picture <_<

edit: Just to let you know, the bad comment picture is for me asking that (^) question.
Hmmm, i always fail to consider the young'ns in the "foul language discussions"... probably mostly for moral purposes... I don't think the little ones should be shielded from bad words, as that takes away the responsibility portion of not saying them. I am not a frivolous curse user, and I've never been sheltered from foul language.

However, I don't condone forced morality procedures, so me even arguing this is a bit of a paradox...

Point invalid *head explodes*

But on a more serious note, there is no possible way to censor everything parents might not want their little ones reading. Take innocent words like "snail", "trail", and "sausage" for example, in the sentence "I'd like to run my sausage through your snail trail", and you have something far fouler than all of those dirty words combined (excluding racial slurs). Not to mention, there are other such innocent words that can be combined to create racial slurs, such as "porch monkey" and "towel head" (I really mean no offense to anyone by providing these examples, and I would never use them otherwise). So the best non-moral-based point I can make against banning these words is that it'll be easier to condone simple old fashioned respect and politeness if people aren't busy trying to find ways around the filters... At least for me.
The chat filter is ridiculous. I mean, sure, get rid of F**k and N*gger but don't make it say stupid things like chocolate and pudding. And don't ban words that aren't offensive, like lag and nazi.
Honestly Now don't get me wrong people swear its a normal part of language when you get angry you feel better if u express it through words Nigger i would say no NOBODY IN THERE RIGHT MIND SHOULD EVER USE THIS WORD UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE (My Great Grandma says it and i dont feel right about it honestly but she's like 91) faggot me personally i use it for certain reasons and fail to see why i do because i just dislike the word so much but use it whenever. Now back to main point, i hate how things are censored and how parents try to shield there children from these words because eventually we all with say them when were older we want to because we become major rebels towards our parents now my idea or my personal attention would be psychological to see parents swear around there children and say its not bad to say these words and see if they eventually will come to Cursing in life more then normal. Thats my understanding of how it "Could" go but im all for Uncensorship like any staff would go for it seeing that nobody likes change in this server other then beneficial changes

because every-time someone throws up a new plugin or idea it gets shot down right away.

Keep Censored-

Nigger and Faggot (Do we have faggot censored? or no?)

Thanks for reading.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I agree with the word filter in general:

Before I start my rant, let me say that my tolerance filter for hateful, immature speech is probably very low in that I would say I am oversensitive to this type of talk compared to most. I once got in an argument with a coworker over his use of an ethnic slur, even though he was directing it at the extremists that were shooting at us with rockets in Iraq... so...

I think the main point in all of this should be that the intent of the MT staff is not to censor the free speech of its cube layin inhabitants, but make an attempt to police hateful speech and immature speech in the most efficient way possible through the law of probabilities:

Given any word, what is the probability that its use is in an inappropriate way? Sure many of those words have "historical context uses" or "not really that offensive" uses, as many of you have stated validly. But when it comes down to it, a majority of the time those words, when they are used here in minetown and in the context of a gaming environment, it is more likely that these words in some way degrade the gaming experience of someone else. This is a game, not the corner pub with your buddies, it should be fun in the game way.

The ideal solution would be that no matter the actual words used, such talk that is degrading, hateful or just plain annoying for the purpose of being annoying should lead to kickin and bannin'. This includes using words that you know are filtered, but still sending the same intent. I for one have just as much problem with being called a "Chocolating pudding chocoloter" as I do with the someone using the actual words.

But this leads to another dilemia... to police this would take up a disproportionate amount of time with regard to the mods and admins.. There are simply too many ways for someone to offend another. So I agree with the word filter, even some of the words that are borderline just because they have a higher likelyhood of being used in an inappropriate way and it frees up time. for more important stuff.

As for the replacement filter using ridiculous words, If for nothing else it allows some of that to occur and uses comical substitution in a way that might just lower its offensibility enough to be tolerable to a player that could potentially otherwise be offended.

The filter is a "grey area solution" which does another thing.. it allows me to occasionally throw a F-bomb or situation dependent expletive without fear of strict consequences that come with a black and white, no space between the lines policy. The filter simply edits it.. makes it rediculous and reduces the probability that some one looking down and left at that moment will be offended by it.

Plus we have these forums to have our deep meaningful philosophical discussions where we can lace in all sorts of explitives, curses, smears, false oaths and shames.. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
i put in my honest vote; but im not gonna read the whole thread rather ill ask; who really cares if its a little strict? does it REALLY bother you you cant say these words? what good will come out of un bannng some of the ridiculous ones? i could care less whether i can say ass, crap, nazi, wink...whatever- if they want to restrict it let them - does it stop you from sleeping at night? no...so just roll with it....
^ yes it does bother us we cant say these words
With the exception of nazi (as one could have coherent discussions and debates involving the term), what meaningful value do the others add to a conversation?

If they do not contribute to a conversation, then what makes them different from spam? Spam is generally considered to be meaningless clutter, and I can't recall the last time that I saw these words contribute to a debate or discussion.

I would like to point out further that the in-game chat is rather limited in terms of what can be expressed (along the same lines as Twitter), and this does invite some incentive to reduce superfluousness. Several of the newer censors ('looooooooool' -> 'lol', '???????????????' -> '?', and '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' -> '!') do not serve as real censors at all-- they are simply to help reduce unnecessary clutter where absolutely nothing of value will be lost. This is the same with "lag": People discussing lag will have absolutely no issues doing so. People who think that using an entire chat line to inform the entire server, immediately after or during a lag spike, that there was a lag spike, are not making any contribution by doing so, and should be the only ones affected by any sort of censoring on the word.

There are more technical solutions to this issue (such as filtering outgoing messages from the server to players instead of incoming messages, and allowing each person to control if their filter is on or not), but such changes like this are very low priority (you guys still want craftable spawners back, right? And building experience? <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>), so for now it has to sit in the "Things that we'd like to have" category.

I think Diskenetic hit on some really good points too-- Many of these words are based upon their common intention and usage on the server. Several of y'all have pointed out words which are not filtered, which arguably could be, if trying to compare them in terms of severity. The honest answer there is simply that y'all (thankfully) have not made those words a problem. If they are made into a problem, they will likely get filtered as well. A prime example is the "avo" censor. There's nothing wrong with the word inherently, but it was made into a problem at one point through its usage.

With rare exception (advertising, bullying and harrassment, certain topics pertaining to illicit activities for which we can be held liable, similar situations), I don't believe it is any of the staffs' intention to censor or restrict the expression of anyone's opinion or ideas; We simply ask that such expression be kept civil and mature, not only because it looks better as a community, but because it simply makes the discussions and debates clearer and more meaningful.