I raised a valid point while keeping it composed and professional. A concern that it appears has a hold on a lot of people here. If anything i hope you see that its not just a couple people feel the way they do and the way to handle such things isnt to sweep it under and silence them. Threats of punishment for those that want to express their concerns is oppression. On a server that is this good i did not expect to see this. No i am not saying the mods suck. No i am not saying this server isnt the shit. I just wanted to someone to have the gonads to right some wrongs done here and to try and prevent them in the future. Standardization is what is needed. While yes i understand those that show respect get respect but where is it? Were basically being told shut up or gtfo. Not an ounce of respect in that. /lock thread isnt an answer to this issue
first thread that got locked
first thread that got locked