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[Enjin Archive] Mumble-pros and cons.
Started by [E] McChimp

I dont think we should be coming down on MrChimp for his opnion, he is entitled to that. As for his concerns, he is allowed to have those, I dont feel its trolling.

Mumble is a needed commodity for mods and admins as we need to able to communicate with each in a quicker manner sometimes then simply typing to each online. I allows us to discuss complicated issues quickly and resolve issues quickly as well. We also have several members who use mumble without a headset, they simply listen and respond with text, so a headset is not needed (but it is helpful).

As for the age limit on mods it is to control a level of maturity amongst people with power over functions that could be disruptive in the wrong hands. Are there players under the age of 16 that have the maturity to be a mod? Yes, however the age limit is still needed as the majority sadly do not. To use an example there are many 13 and 14 year olds that could drive better then many adults but still can not drive as the age limit for a license prevents that. It is a necessity. On the other hand there are plenty of 20 year olds who have not become mods due to poor applications and immaturity.

As for guests, yes there are more guests then there have been, but as the server increases in popularity (which we continue to do as we are the BEST smp server available) the number of guests wanting to join will as well. We mods do our best to control everyone, guest, members, and donators. It used to be that the only way to become a member was to donate, but that has been lifted for some time now and allows non-donaters to become members. Do donaters get a few more privilages, yes, these are limited to things that do not effect gameplay though. Do donators get treated differently then members? No, we treat everyone the same as the rules are the same for everyone from guests all they way up to the admins. We all have to follow them and all face the same repercussions for not following them. The internet is full of trolls, it is an unavoidable fact, as the number of people on our server goes up inevitably so will the number of trolls. Trolling though in many of its forms is not against the rules. Is it annoying? Yes, but you can just ignore it if you have the level of maturity you are saying they do not.

Finally as for your poll. You can have it, and the tide can go either way, but mumble is not going anywhere. Im sorry you feel as slighted as you do about not being able to use it, but know that myself, nor any other mod or admin or will treat you differently for not being on it. Your concerns are just as valid as anyone else as are your needs (so long as they are viable) in game. Im sorry you feel the mods are biased based on mumble usage but it is simply not true. In the end you are not forced to play on this server, you are free to go to another, but as someone that has played on other SMP servers before finding minetown I can tell you that you will not fin more attentive and available mods on ANY other major server. I would bet my moderator status on that.
Why must I repeatedly point this oput? I blame it on to many new people. We managed up until about a month ago WITHOUT mumble. It is NOT necaserry. We were doing fine without it. The mods and admins should be on the server, helping the community, where they're meant to be. The job of mod is to moderate, not ignore. If the job of 'moderating' is neglected, the server will be rife with trolls!
Lomanic, we still have a problem-I have been treated differently. I have been told, be heiwashing, that only the people who have mumble are cool. This automatically puts anyone without it as 'uncool' a term that is often disparaging, and I count as being treated with less respect.
how about we sort this issue in mumble. and of course people who don't have a headset are annoying but most times i just mute them and i think other people do the same as well how can you talk bad about mumble if you have not used it. mumble is a great way to talk to mod and other player. i can't count how many time i have being in mumble and needed some protection or warp done and there has been a mod in the same channle who was happy to help. so before you continue to bash mumble try using it that is all for now.
Try Gazamo. The mods on they're freebuild are readily available to help when they can. The only problem I can find with them is that they don't zone stuff. Really, there's no need. No-one wants to destroy something they like... which is why I don't want to destroy my gameplay in minecraft. I don't want to stop playing so some person who's been playin 3 days can talk a bit faster. No-one does.
McChimp wrote:
We managed up until about a month ago WITHOUT mumble. It is NOT necaserry. We were doing fine without it.

We've had mumble since I started in August and i'm pretty sure its been going on longer than that. So that statement is invalid.

On mumble I can be myself and have a laugh, its the only time I get to talk and not be harrassed for mod stuff.

Mumble is for talking to people as you play minecraft, to enjoy the game as part of the community and get to know what others are up to.

Mumble is also used if mods need to talk to other mods or admins about problems, its also a good way to speak with sawine as he's sometimes in the admin channel.

I have just been playing skyrim and using the mumble channel and it was so fun comparing experiences with other players.

Your mod application was deleted because it was under 16, others that you believe 'because they're not on mumble' were actually deleted because their votes went into minus.

I hope this clears up some misunderstanding for you.
McChimp wrote:
Lomanic, we still have a problem-I have been treated differently. I have been told, be heiwashing, that only the people who have mumble are cool. This automatically puts anyone without it as 'uncool' a term that is often disparaging, and I count as being treated with less respect.

So about 60 players are uncool? O_O

I can name a few players who're awesome and dont use mumble: Coffeey, 8x8Johan, Nick

Those guys have nothing but my total respect, mumble doesnt change that.

I dont see why you feel 'different' just because you dont want to use mumble. You do realise Heiwashin was probably trolling when he stated that? Its not a necessary thing to have in minetown for other members, its needed so staff members (Admins, Mods & Owner) can have a decent discussion about events and any problems that arise.
I don't really mind the mod app being deleted-I feel a bit injusticed but nothing huge. What really, REALLY bugs me is the sudden beleif that only those who have mumble are 'cool', and all those who don't have it are to be looked down on. I have been told this by heihashing, cryston, two donators and 2 members. After the 6th time, you start to get deppressed. It may have been around since you joined, but the main impact on the community has only happend recently. It may be good for those who have it, but those who don't pay the price.
I don't really mind the mod app being deleted-I feel a bit injusticed but nothing huge. What really, REALLY bugs me is the sudden beleif that only those who have mumble are 'cool', and all those who don't have it are to be looked down on. I have been told this by heihashing, cryston, two donators and 2 members. After the 6th time, you start to get deppressed. It may have been around since you joined, but the main impact on the community has only happend recently. It may be good for those who have it, but those who don't pay the price.
I don't really mind the mod app being deleted-I feel a bit injusticed but nothing huge. What really, REALLY bugs me is the sudden beleif that only those who have mumble are 'cool', and all those who don't have it are to be looked down on. I have been told this by heihashing, cryston, two donators and 2 members. After the 6th time, you start to get deppressed. It may have been around since you joined, but the main impact on the community has only happend recently. It may be good for those who have it, but those who don't pay the price.