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[Enjin Archive] Guest Control
Started by [E] Coffeey

Mikeliskewl wrote:
i have to agree with coffeey on this one before this massive influx of guests started i had no problem, no lag and it ran as smooth as a rainbow, now my redstone creations work about 30% of the time. i think we should have a seperate server for them to play on.

also whenever i visit another server to see peoples buildign designs, i am usually a guest and i always read the signs, but these new guests we have do not read signs, they are there for a reason, maybe we could set up a spawn for people where on their first login they get spawned in a room filled with signs that says "go to www.minetown.net/apply" (i think its apply?) and below that it will say "if you ask 'How do i become member' you will get ignored" and whatnot

and im not saying these guests are bad, some of them are nice, but its just the pure amount of them that i believe is causing lag, whenever i press tab with 75 people on, more than half have 1 bar connection, and nearly every single one of the 1 bar connections are guests, i dont know if thats coincedence or not though.

anyways just my 2 cents

exactly what im trying to get at. i have no problem with them talking on chat and asking questions. but i think the idea with the room covered in signs saying minetown.nt/promo is genius. It could be a seperate spawn for guests on the other side of spawn town. that would be great
UPDATE: My internet crashed four times while server numbers were about 81 peeps.

A way or another guys, there is no way to solve humanity's dumbness.

Most Minecraft players are between the ages of 12-16, (even if there is still a good amount over that, this group will always compose the majority.)

The higher your server gets ranked on different top sites makes it get more traffic. Although, in the big amount of traffic we are getting, a good proportion of these people are "bad potential members". They either troll, insult, burst out of rage for nothing, want attention... they're, in overall, immature kids.

The traffic is vital for Minetown to subsist and I desire it to keep growing.

The guestworld was brought back because it makes a good amount of people stay longer on the server and play. If it would be separated to another server, it would be empty most of times.

The guestworld and mainworld chat could probably be separated, but there would still be a decent amount of guests inside the regular world asking the same random stuff.

And even if it was written all over the place, they wouldn't read it more. Myself, when I visit other servers, I don't read most of the stuff, I want to see how the server is, not read 50000 signs. (Although, I don't read, but I don't ask questions either) And I rather find annoying the servers who make those "guide tour" which you can't exit if you don't read all the things for like 10 minutes.

We also have an FAQ page planned that should come soon.

Also, please note that the way Minecraft 1.8.1 is coded, every additional player over 60 will start decreasing the server tick (which is equivalent to the server clock / response time) There is nothing we can do about it, except optimize our server in every way we can, like we are already doing.

So, in short, we might split GW and mainworld chat and make a clear FAQ page soon and once MC updates to 1.9 it should be a lot more stable.

sawine wrote:

The traffic is vital for Minetown to subsist and I desire it to keep growing.

Minetown needs dedicated members, not massive amounts of members.
Meh, guests will be guests. We have annoying members too. Besides, lets be honest, about 1 in 5 guests, nowadays, actually spam chat requesting their app be looked at. It could be alot worse.
This is a very reasonable suggestion, but I don't think Sawine will just go right ahead and agree. He has made quite a few new worlds lately and is still working to hook them up to the main world. A separate world just for guests would be very tedious, as I'm sure you can imagine. Guests are also the majority of the server population right now, and they're making the server very successful. They're very important right now to the growth and well-being of the server. In a way, they are fueling the server. Thanks to all the guests popping up and trying to apply, Minetown has a lot of potential.

I'm sorry to say this, but I think you just had terrible timing. Later on it would be a great thing to add, though.
GodOfSquirrels wrote:
This is a very reasonable suggestion, but I don't think Sawine will just go right ahead and agree. He has made quite a few new worlds lately and is still working to hook them up to the main world. A separate world just for guests would be very tedious, as I'm sure you can imagine. Guests are also the majority of the server population right now, and they're making the server very successful. They're very important right now to the growth and well-being of the server. In a way, they are fueling the server. Thanks to all the guests popping up and trying to apply, Minetown has a lot of potential.

I'm sorry to say this, but I think you just had terrible timing. Later on it would be a great thing to add, though.

but you dont get that most of guests that come in have no intention of staying on the server but just want to do something for 10 minutes because there bored. Thats what i see
This just became a better idea.
Heres my suggestion:

Seperate chat from anyone who isn't a staff member

and (If possible) remove the guests showing up on the /who list.

again im stressing that them talking on chat in my opinion really isnt the problem or not to me anyway